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.The dominant glanced across at the duckling once more.For once, he didn t find himsneaking a return peek at his master.Ori s attention was all on the cabinet at the other end of the table.The glass had beenreplaced just the previous day, the rest of the monstrous piece of furniture cleaned via a sturdystep ladder, and earlier that day Ori had carefully re-filled it with all the delicate antiqueporcelain that had, luckily enough, been removed before his tumble.The cabinet looked as good as it ever had.But there was still a frown on the submissive sbrow as he stared at it.Raynard reached out and picked up his wine glass.It was filled with water that evening.When he placed it back on the table, Ori glanced at it.Picking up the water jug, he refilled hisglass. Thank you.Ori smiled at him, almost absentmindedly, before turning his gaze back to the cabinet.Raynard felt his hackles rise. Ori? Yes, sir? Who do you believe is the master in this relationship?Suddenly, he had his duckling s full attention. You, sir, Ori said, very seriously. And, that being the case, who do you believe should be the judge of what standard ofbehavior you should attain? You, sir, Ori repeated.Raynard could practically feel the younger man s pulse race faster and faster as he tried towork out where the conversation was heading and what the hell he d done wrong. When I punish you for a failure, that s the end of the matter.Acting as if you believeotherwise could easily be interpreted as an insult.Ori held his gaze, apparently still none the wiser. You took your punishment, Raynard told him. You were forgiven.Unless you havesome reason to believe the cabinet is about to launch itself across the room at us, stop staring atit. The duckling looked down for a second, then back up, careful not even glancing towardthe cabinet in the process.Raynard reached out to him, and tucked a knuckle under his chin, encouraging him to tipit back a little and not look quite so heartbroken over the rather gentle criticism. Do you have any reason to cling to your guilt? he asked. No, sir.Raynard smiled his approval.As the meal progressed, for the first time since thatdisastrous day some six weeks earlier, he felt the younger man slowly start to relax while in thedining room.By the end of the meal, he almost seemed to have reached a point where the cabinetwas just another piece of furniture.Almost.Finally, the companionable dinner had to come to an end.The younger man had justbrought the tray across to the table to clear it, when he hesitated. Shall I light the fire in thelibrary first, sir?Raynard shook his head. Not tonight.Ori didn t question his decision, he simply went back to clearing the table.Raynard stood up. When you ve finished here, come up to the bedroom. Yes, sir.The simple enthusiasm in the younger man s voice at the idea they might be going to bedearly had Raynard smiling to himself as he left the room.The marks he d left on Ori s skin mighthave faded, but the impression he d left on his mind when he d brought out the cuffs obviouslyhadn t.If he was unable to face the china cabinet without feeling guilty, he was equally unable toface the toy chest without blushing.Raynard made his way up the stairs and into their bedroom.As he automatically set aboutthe tasks he needed to accomplish, Raynard turned that thought over and over inside his head.Their bedroom.He supposed it was, in a way.Technically, Ori might have still had his own room down inthe servants quarters, but it had been some time since his master had wanted the submissive tosleep anywhere but at his side.It was hard to believe that would change as time passed.Thehawk shook his head at himself, wondering how the hell a submissive ever managed to get so farinto his affections in such a short time.A click from the door caught Raynard s attention just in time to see Ori s expression dropas he realized his master was getting dressed ready to go out. The protocols Raynard had already taught him, came to the younger man s rescue.Hesettled into his at rest position, hands folded behind his back. Come here.He stepped forward to stand just to Raynard s left, waiting for another order.Raynardnudged him in the direction of the shower with a tap on the backside. Clothes on when you re done, he orderedWhen he came back into the bedroom a few minutes later, he d already dried himself.Hishair stuck up at all different angles after he d toweled it off.Raynard ruffled his hair further as Ori walked past him, making the younger man smile.There was no hint of the flinch he d seen in him the first few times he d raised his hand to dothat.There weren t many choices for the younger man to make as he stood in front of thewardrobe Raynard had set aside for his use.The clothing his master bought for him was verysimple.Black trousers.White shirts.Black boots and belt.He was ready in minutes.Raynard watched as the fledgling turned to the mirror over the dresser.He combed hisfingers through his hair a few times, but it made very little difference.He caught his master s eyesin the glass then, and looked down, a slight blush rising to his cheeks at being caught trying tostyle himself up.Moving to stand behind him, Raynard stared over the duckling s shoulder and met his eyesin the reflection.He slipped his fingers into the smaller man s hair, pulling his head back to restagainst his shoulder for a few moments. It s always kind of done whatever it wants, sir, Ori admitted. That will probably change after you ve completed your first full shift.Confusion flickered through Ori s expression as Raynard ran his fingers through theduckling s hair again.He made no attempt to lift his head from his master s shoulder. Your adult plumage should be easier to manage, a little less like a fluffy little fledgling s.The color can change like that too. He snapped his fingers with the word, keeping his tone light,he couldn t help but wish he could keep his submissive exactly as he was then, forever. It won t turn green will it, sir. Ori s eyes opened wide in horror.It didn t seem to be somuch vanity as a lack of inclination to draw attention to himself in that manner. Raynard managed to keep a straight face for a little while, as he pretended to consider thematter very carefully.He gave in then and chuckled. Unlikely.Most ducks keep a brownplumage in their human form.Ori laughed a little at his teasing as he shook his head at his own gullibility.As theymoved away from the mirror, Raynard adjusted the younger man s shirt slightly, to make sure theleather collar was clearly visible in a way Ori was rarely encouraged to display it when going outinto the wider world.Turning away from him, Raynard picked up a leather jacket from the bed and held it outbehind the submissive.Ori s coordination deserted him, it took him a few seconds to work outhow to get his arms into the sleeves in such a way as his master could settle it neatly around hisshoulders.It was a perfect finish to the outfit. You ve already bought me&  A coat.Raynard put his finger over Ori s lips before hecould finish the sentence [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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