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.It looked perfectlyhealthy when it was finally out.The dentist was more surprised than Iwas.Since that time there have been a number of other people who began touse the MMS for oral hygiene.All that have used it have had the sameresults, a much healthier mouth.There have been a number of peoplewho were able to fix their abscessed teeth merely by brushing withMMS.I am sure Arnold was working hard to get the money for our next trip toAfrica.My contention was always that if he would provide me withContinuing Story of the MMS Chapter 7 Page 78The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Centuryenough money for a round trip airplane ticket and some living expensesthen I would travel anywhere.I would talk to the various governmentagencies and hospitals until I found some place to do clinical trials.Arnold s contention was that we could not go anywhere in Africa untilwe had an invitation.According to Arnold there was always plenty ofmoney but his insistence that we needed an invitation kept us immobilefor years.Peter Mwangi secured an invitation from one hospital inKenya to go do clinical trials in Kenya.Remember, Peter was my driverin Kenya and Uganda who I trained in dispensing the MMS.We couldhave done the clinical trials of 100 malaria patients with before and afterblood tests for less than $20,000 including my travel expenses.Themoney was available, but Arnold would not allow me to go to Kenya.Instead, he wanted to help Floyd Hammer and his wife who had variousprojects going on in Tanzania but who could not get clinical trials formonths.It finally proved out that he never did get clinical trials.Aclinical trial was what we wanted at the time.We could have had itthrough Peter, but we were going to do it Arnold s way regardless of theresults.Time after time for over a year, Floyd Hammer was provided moneyfrom our Malaria Solution Foundation and he never gave us anyinformation back as to its use.We helped them buy a pickup truck andshipped a large container of food supplies to Tanzania.When Floydwrote a report to his people in the U.S.he never acknowledged that wehelped at all.He talked about treating malaria patients, but he neveracknowledged that he was using the MMS to treat the patients.FinallyArnold just said that he wasn t going to send them any more money.Butif I could have had that same money, I would have completed the clinicaltrials in Kenya and would have had the proof that everyone was askingfor.I continued to very discreetly say that giving Floyd money was nothelping but it took over a year before Arnold would listen.The other thing that I tried to get Arnold to do was simply hire PeterMwangi, my driver who was proficient with the dispensation to continuetreating and passing out the MMS.He was traveling to hospitals whichwere willing to try the MMS.He could have been traveling to churches,orphanages, hospitals, and clinics.They trusted him and many werewilling to use the solution.In the same amount of time that we fooledaround with Floyd, Peter would have helped thousands of people andContinuing Story of the MMS Chapter 7 Page 79The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Centurydozens of places would have used the MMS.Unfortunately, nothing Isuggested was considered.Hiring Peter, a local instead of someone fromthe U.S., would have been ridiculously cheap.We would not have hadto pay for his airplane ticket; he would have worked for less than $100 amonth.We would have had to pay for gasoline, some operatingexpenses, and have shipped him plenty of MMS.His expenses were 1/10that of a foreigner or missionary.He would have gotten done exactlywhat we wanted to do.Arnold didn t trust Peter but he never met him.Iworked with him every day for an entire month.We were good friendsby the time I left.On the other hand, Floyd took our money, which wasthousands and didn t even say thanks.The money we paid Floyd gotabsolutely nothing done so far as we could tell.Arnold kept making mistake after mistake while all the time saying thateverything had to be done his way.He hired the kid who finally madesuch trouble for us that he prevented us from getting a legal nonprofitMalaria Solution Foundation.Arnold hired several people to create ourWeb Site.After they had worked almost a year on it, it was still a verypoor site.Then he hired another man to do our site, paid him up frontand never got a thing for his money.All the while our site never gotdone.It has been six years since Arnold said he was going to get a website set up.As I write these lines we still don t have one.He sentthousands of dollars to Floyd Hammer and we never received anyacknowledgment or data concerning the malaria people helped with ourMMS.With the money Arnold continued to lose, I could have had anumber of clinical trials completed in Kenya with the proof that weneeded to show others.Even though he flunked again, he continued toadamantly insist that everything must be done his way.He continued toclaim that the people who were going to sponsor us would only do so ifhe was in total control.Arnold actually prevented the MMS from beingused distributed while all the time proclaiming to be getting it done.Arnold continued to tell me that although I was on the board of theMalaria Solution Foundation it was going to be operated like acorporation.Basically, he said that he was the president and things weregoing to happen the way he specified.Arnold and John continued to saythat I had no say in the way things were being run.There was noarguing with either one of them.If there was any discussion about theevents of the past weeks or past year, they would both get together andtell me my memory was wrong.When there was any discussion and IContinuing Story of the MMS Chapter 7 Page 80The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Centurytried to say something they would just start shouting.I could not get anyideas across.Everything went quietly so long as I kept my mouth shut.Icould have left, and I should have, but there was always the promise thatthey would have the money to get to Africa to prove out the MMS sothat the world would accept it.I kept my mouth shut because thatpromise always hung there in front of me.To be completely fair, when Ifinally returned from Africa the last time, Arnold called me with severalquestions concerning how to do things.He stated he wanted my input,but as things continued he would do things as he wanted regardless ofmy input.Up to this point, Arnold had been the only game in town forme.Then I realized I could write this book.I made a contract with the World Health Organization (WHO).Before my trip to Kenya and Uganda I had written quite a few letters tothe World Health Organization which, evidently, didn t want to appearlike they were not interested.They returned one of my letters saying thatthey had a program in which they tested various drugs that might havesome effect on malaria.They were interested in the MMS, they wrote.After some discussion they sent me a contract to sign.We negotiated abit, changed some points, and I finally signed their contract.I sent them abottle of the MMS.About a year and a half later, after I returned fromAfrica, I finally got a letter from them stating that they were testing mysolution in a separate lab.They had contracted with a doctor to do thetesting for them.I was enthused to learn that the doctor was actually ofdoing the testing.But he tested it on mice and reported it simply didn twork.I was amazed, but he reported that it wouldn t cure mice or evenimprove their condition.There was nothing more I could say as I wasn tpresent when the testing was done
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