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.Ferand would be judged to have been executedby a warrior for the sin of cuckoldry, which isn t exactly a crime, but hasrarely won anyone s approval, either! The matter of Ferand has beensettled by his death.The matter of young Carlin would be for Brandel todecide, since she s high caste, the warrior, and the injured party. Meaning? Rogan asked with all due caution. Knowing what I do of the Sheld in, I d say he d probably have asound whipping coming, Giddeon said acidly. A high born warrior, sowronged, could legally take off the cherlu s head, back in Galshorros.butI can t imagine Brandel doing it  or expecting to get away with it, insidethese walls.Althea wouldn t stand for it, even if Galshorros would call itquite proper.Now, Sybella s house or clan might demand restitution,either of the Carlins, or the Delus in, or of Tristan himself.Restitution couldmean a large fine, or the head and genitals of the guilty, pickled in a barrelof brine.Rogan bridled at this. They re barbarians.To his surprise, Giddeon laughed quietly. So were we, a few centuriesago.You ve not read the Histories, have you? The Thered in were savagesuntil they wandered into Lochrain, and got a taste for life s finer things.He leaned closer, elbows on his knees. So, what s your question? Youwant Brandel to be tried and judged as a Thered in? Not possible, Rogue.Iwish it were, but nothing in our law provides for it.A few days ago she wasSheld in.She can return to Galshorros next year, next week, and she ll beSheld in again.if Bardolf doesn t have her head on a spike over hisgateway! Damn, Rogan breathed. Then, nothing in our law would have any influence over a Sheld in marriage contract?The lawmaker s brows flew up. Marriage contract? Good gods, youwant to wed the woman? I didn t think you.that is, I thought men wereyour.forgive me, I m saying all the wrong things in my shock. No! Rogan recoiled. But Tristan desires nothing more than to bedivorced, and it s him I want, Gid.I can t have him  well, not legally until we can find a way to make an end of the contract.And under Sheld inlaw this isn t so easy. Because Brandel is high caste and Tristan is.cherlu, Giddeonagreed. Any such divorce would have to be Brandel s decision, not his. We know. Rogan picked up the mug, found the tea cooler, anddrank half of it in one long swallow. However, Tristan also swore theThered in oath last night.Does this give him any privileges, as a citizen ofHarbendane?But Giddeon made negative noises. You won t relish the news, I mafraid.The Sheld in marriage contract is in the past.Tristan s privileges asa citizen of Althea take force in the future.The contract is as binding hereas it was in Galshorros.Just as Brandel will be judged in the gotsvellaccording to Sheld in law, because the murder of Ferand was committedbefore she signed any covenant with us, so the marriage contract will begoverned by Sheld in law, for the same reason.What happened even anhour before they came to Althea is none of our concern.we care only forwhat happens in future. Ah, damn, Rogan growled.An unexpected pang twisted his insides. I was afraid you d tell me this. Yet you expected to hear it, Giddeon observed shrewdly.He cockedhis head at the younger man. Rogue, tell me, now.You love him?Love? The concept was massive.It was an abyss falling out frombeneath Rogan s feet, hollow and terrifying, yet the greater part of himembraced the word without hesitation. I think.I might, he said slowly. I don t want to mistake lust for love, and I ve only known him a matter ofdays, but  good gods, how long does it take to recognize love when itguts you like a fish? How delicately put. Giddeon sighed.His old face wrinkled, soft-ened in compassion. I m sorry, Rogue.Really, I am.But all you can dounder the provisions of Harbendane law is offer to bribe Brandel out of thecontract. Do what? Rogan was on his feet. Ah.I thought this would interest you. Giddeon leaned back deeplyinto the leather chair, and laced his fingers across his ample middle. Yousaid it yourself, a moment ago.The Sheld in are still centuries closer to thebarbarian than we are.and I do believe the airs and graces we giveourselves will be the death of us! But if they re barbarians, east of the hills,it s very much to your advantage knowing what they are.Sit down, Rogue. He sat. You d better explain.With a deep, rich glee, a passionate love for the law, Giddeon sank histeeth into the case and bit down. Marriage to Bardolf s people is a matterof property settlements.Lust is about a roll in the hay, and if the object ofyour desire is wedlocked, and if you get caught, well, you can always fightit out to first blood, or even second, if they ll let you.Nobody dies forcuckoldry and adultery, Rogue [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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