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.I) Russian - (35 to 60 north latitude) Cannabis ruderalis(uncultivated)Short stature (10 to 50 centimeters [3 to 18 inches]) and brief lifecycle (8 to 10 weeks), wide, reduced leaves and specialized seedscharacterize weed Cannabis of Russia.Janischewsky (1924)discovered weedy Cannabis and named it Cannabis ruderalis.Ruderalis could prove valuable in breeding rapidly maturing strainsfor commercial use in temperate latitudes.It flowers whenapproximately 7 weeks old without apparent dependence ondaylength.Russian Cannabis ruderalis is nearly always high inCBD and low in THC.m) South Africa - (22 to 35 south latitude)Dagga of South Africa is highly acclaimed.Most seeds have beencollected from marijuana shipments in Europe.Some are veryearly-maturing (September in northern latitudes) and sweetsmelling.The stretched light green floral clusters and sweet aromaare comparable to Thai strains.n) Southeast Asia - Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam (10 to20 north latitude)Since American troops first returned from the war in Vietnam, theCambodian, Laotian, Thai, and Vietnamese strains have beenregarded as some of the very finest in the world.Currently mostSoutheast Asian Cannabis is produced in northern and easternThailand.Until recent times, Cannabis farming has been a cottageindustry of the northern mountain areas and each family grew asmall garden.The pride of a farmer in his crop was reflected in thehigh quality and seedless nature of each carefully wrapped Thaistick.Due largely to the craving of Americans for exotic marijuana,Cannabis cultivation has become a big business in Thailand andmany farmers are growing large fields of lower quality Cannabis inthe eastern lowlands.It is suspected that other Cannabis strains,brought to Thailand to replenish local strains and begin large plantations, may have hybridized with original Thai strains andaltered the resultant genetics.Also, wild stands of Cannabis maynow be cut and dried for export.Strains from Thailand are characterized by tall meandering growthof the main stalk and limbs and fairly extensive branching.Theleaves are often very large with 9 to 11 long, slender, coarselyserrated leaflets arranged in a drooping hand like array.The Thairefer to them as "alligator tails" and the name is certainlyappropriate.Most Thai strains are very late-maturing and subject tohermaphrodism.It is not understood whether strains from Thailandturn hermaphrodite as a reaction to the extremes of northerntemperate weather or if they have a genetically controlled tendencytowards hermaphrodism.To the dismay of many cultivators andresearchers, Thai strains mature late, flower slowly, and ripenunevenly.Retarded floral development and apparent disregard forchanges in photoperiod and weather may have given rise to thestory that Cannabis plants in Thailand live and bear flowers foryears.Despite these shortcomings, Thai strains are verypsychoactive and many hybrid crosses have been made withrapidly maturing strains, such as Mexican and Hindu Kush, in asuccessful attempt to create early-maturing hybrids of highpsychoactivity and characteristic Thai sweet, citrus taste.Thecalyxes of Thai strains are very large, as are the seeds and otheranatomical features, leading to the misconception that strains maybe polyploid.No natural polyploidy has been discovered in anystrains of Cannabis though no one has ever taken the time to lookthoroughly.The seeds are very large, ovoid, slightly flattened, andlight brown or tan in color.The perianth is never mottled or stripedexcept at the base.Greenhouses prove to be the best way tomature stubborn Thai strains in temperate climes.3.Hybrid Drug Phenotypesa) Creeper Phenotype - This phenotype has appeared in severaldomestic Cannabis crops and it is a frequent phenotype in certainhybrid strains.It has not yet been deter mined whether this trait isgenetically controlled (dominant or recessive), but efforts to developa true-breeding strain of creepers are meeting with partial success.This phenotype appears when the main stalk of the seedling hasgrown to about 1 meter (3 feet) in height.It then begins to bend atapproximately the middle of the stalk, up to 700 from the vertical,usually in the direction of the sun.Sub sequently, the first limbs saguntil they touch the ground and begin to grow back up.In extremely loose mulch and humid conditions the limbs will occasionally rootalong the bottom surface.Possibly as a result of increased lightexposure, the primary limbs continue to branch once or twice,creating wide frond-like limbs of buds resembling South Indianstrains [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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