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.This negative energywhatever.after a while crush the  legs really well, do itwill make them be sick and it will also attract negativelike you mean it cause its their legs.After you vepeople towards them.smashed them up pretty well blow out the candle andbring the legs to the stove.Turn the water 2 high, waitMy version is simple, and very effective.Light a blackfor it to start boiling and throw in the milk.After that,candle.Feel the hate for the person and get an egg.Pushthrow in the legs.Let it boil for as long as you feel thenyour hate into the egg, the egg symbolizes the victim.throw the  potion down the sink.You can imagine dark energy from your hands going intoAnd alternative to this spell is after its done boiling putthe egg or just push the hate and imagine the person in ait in a glass jar or some similar glass container and buryshell and the energy surrounding them, filling the shellit.You know how milk goes when its warm.Or you couldand going into them making their skin wrinkle their hairskip the boiling part and just go straight to jar.falling and bad people surrounding outside the shell.After you feel you ve exhausted yourself.Go outside dig* Milk build strong bones, so by putting vinegar and salta hole and put the egg, feel free to put in things that areyou in a weird way, reverse the effects of milk.Ibed or smell bad or cinnamon to charge the hate.included fire, because it can be enlightening andWhatever.cover the hole and that s it.For the next 8providing, but its always been destruction and weakening.days, go to that spot for a quick moment imagine and feelI decided to boil the milk because as the milk heats up itthe hate for them and stomp on the spot 8 times,releases steam and that to me means the Magick leavingsymbolically stomping off the hate.Then the next day 7,little by little to do its job.and then 6, and you know the rest.After a while trust methen egg will go bad, rot, and spell really bad.Trust me.LUSTFUL EMOTIONSYou ll feel bad for that person.Or not!The original spell required a candle, but water symbolizesI DETEST YOUemotions as well.So fill a pot with water and put some ofyour sexual fluids in the water.What would make it moreYou must feel extreme hate for the person.potent if you fantasize you and that person doingsomething exotic and kinky that turns you on andConstruct a poppet while doing this feel the hatred for the person, smile to yourself feel happiness, because MAKING SOMEONE DREAM OF DEATHthey are going to pay in pain and suffering.Make a fire in· I heard from a friend that if someone dies in a dreamsome kind of container or cauldron.Put paper or whateverthey can die in real life because their mind goes intoto make the fire real extravagant and more powerful.shock or something, they could die or could get stuck in aHave 2 black/red candles on both sides of the fire.Holdcoma (astral realm).You ever had a dream where yourthe poppet in your right hand and say  all that I do toabout to fall or something like that and you wake up?this figure, I do to ______ blow on it.That s what I mean if you were to actually fall you couldThrow the poppet in the fire and close your see theget stuck in a coma or possibly die.I don t know that wasperson on one of those altars where animals aretrue, but Ill play it safe.so when your ready to end thesacrificed and see their body on flames.Try your best,spell say  With no true DEATH to them.imagine them on fire and bound to the altar so all theycan do it suffer.See their skin bubbling or melting of,You ll needsee their hair on fire, see them crying.Do this for at* A Pot with water.least 10 minutes, if you really want this you won t mind.* Celery StickWhile you re doing this try to say  I detest you a couple* Knife or Athameof times.* Jasmine Tea bag Or Actual Jasmine FlowerCRUSHED BY HATE * Some hate and your will.Get an egg and feel the hate you have for the person.Focus on the hate for the person and drain it in theFeel it surge through you, get mad, punch something ifwater by passing your hand over or through the water.that helps you intensify& it does for me.When you feelPut the pot on the stove to boil, put the stove on Highthe hate so real crush the egg in your hands.SymbolizingHeat.you crushing them.When the water starts to boil, throw in the Jasmine andput in the celery.You could put the whole thing, so that itsticks up or break it into pieces.Once that is completed,let the water boil for a while and focus on your hate forthe person, focus on what you want.I would find thathard to imagine so I just repeat what I want to happen tomyself and just trust and know.After you ve done thatfor a while, put in the knife.Let the sharp part stick inKNOT SPELLthe water and the handle part stick out of the pot.Leaveto boil for as long as you d life& you could say anTie and knot every time reciting the cure and putting aincantation to go along.Just make sure you say  With noblack feather in the knot,true Death to Them.And that s it.For best results put the knot under the victims mattress.Celery symbolizes dreams and Jasmine too.BANISHING CHANTKnife/Athame symbolize taking life away.Light a black candle, write on a piece of paper who youWater symbolizes dream world.want to banish or what.Ignite it and chant.TO OVERCOME AN ENEMYI banish you once,Get a pot, fill it with water and feel the hate for theI banish you twiceperson and pout it into the water.See the water turnI banish thriceblack or red.Get something of the persons or just writeNo more will you darken my life.their name on paper.Put the pot on the stove and let thewater boil.Pour in a some milk so the water turns white.then make a ring of salt around the candle and leave itPour some vinegar, salt, and ashes.To get the ashes, justthere for 3 nights.repeat the spell for those 3 nights.orwrite on a piece of paper the name of the person, pourdo this in a bowl.leaving the burnt paper and adding moresome hate in the paper and sit it on fire& over the pot andsalt.let it drop.When all that is done& throw in the paper with the person s name on it and you can say an incantation Pee  I did that cause I was in the zone, but It madewith it or just let it boil for half an hour.sense.Black Candle  Cause its black magick and its forBOILING SOMEONE IN HATEbanishing, binding and breaking through obstaclesFire  Destruction [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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