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.They re about fiveminutes ahead of us.Two loud thumps banged against the roof as the SUV swerveddangerously close to the edge of the road.Pale white fists poundedagainst the back windows, but it was the sound of breaking glass thatdrew Drakon s attention to the windshield.A raven-haired Harbinger an elf clung to the dashboard,dragging himself through the shattered windshield as he snarled atMason and Jacob. Fuck! What do I do? Mason demanded from thedriver s seat. Keep driving! Jacob yelled as his size twelve boot connectedsquarely with the elf s face, sending him rolling off the side of thehood.Careening and fishtailing down the gravel road, Mason did hisdamndest to shake the two Harbingers on the roof, but to no avail. Hold this. Drakon grabbed Layland s hand and pressed it to thecotton covering Warren s wound. Mason, open the sunroof.Long, spindly fingers reached into the cab as the sunroof slidback, and Drakon grabbed the boney wrist, jerking downward.Therewas a thump, a shriek, more thumps, and then the sight of a fae rolling Accepting the Impossible 119over the road behind them.The last one wasn t as stupid as hisbrethren, but he definitely wasn t giving up, either.Sticking his head up through the opening, Drakon dropped backdown immediately when wicked claws slashed toward his face.Hedid it twice more, feeling like he was playing some bizarre game ofWhac-A-Mole.On the fourth time, he shoved his arm through thesunroof, hissing at the burn when the elf clawed at his forearm.Distracted by the cat and mouse with Drakon, the Harbingermissed Jacob crawling through the window and sucker punching himin the side of the head.More thumping ensued, and they were finallysafe for the time being.Returning his attention to his mate, Drakon pulled Warren into hislap and rocked him carefully. Open your eyes, priya.Come on, baby,stay with me. Removing the wadded up T-shirt, he pressed hisbleeding wrist to the mangled flesh of Warren s wound, squeezing hisforearm to encourage more blood flow. We re almost to the warehouse, Jacob informed him. We llhave to go on foot from there. I know! Drakon snapped. Do what you have to.I ll stay at thewarehouse with Warren until he can travel. I m staying, too, Kennedy piped up from Julius s lap. This ismy fault, and I m not leaving him. Go with your mate, Drakon argued. We ll find you. No, Kennedy said stubbornly. Warren risked his life for me.I m not going anywhere without him. Kennedy, Julius began in a soft, placating tone. No! Kennedy yelled right into the prince s face. Would everyone please stop screaming? I feel like my head isgoing to explode.Closing his eyes briefly, Drakon sent up a silent prayer ofgratitude to whatever deity was listening. You scared the hell out ofme, priya. 120 Gabrielle EvansWarren smiled weakly as he nuzzled his cheek over Drakon s barechest. How do you think I felt? Cut it out, Warren.I thought my heart was going to jump out ofmy chest.The little brat just continued to smile. Yes, sir. We re here, Mason announced as he pulled the vehicle to a stop.Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Drakon kissed thetop of Warren s head and opened his door. Let s go.We need to putas much distance between us and the city as we can before sunrise. Everyone grab as much as you can, Mason added. Some of thecaptives looked in bad shape, so I m not sure how much they cancarry. Do we have aspirin? Warren asked, pressing a hand to histemple. Yeah, we have aspirin. And if not, he would kick down the doorof the nearest pharmacy to get it.Warren had shown more courageand tenacity than Drakon had any right to ask of him.Whatever hewanted, Drakon would make it happen.* * * *Warren s feet hurt, his back ached, and something in his pack wasdigging into his hip.His neck still felt tender, but Drakon s blood hadhealed the jagged wound caused by the Harbinger s teeth.Though hefelt like a big pile of warmed-up shit, Warren kept his complaints tohimself.They were alive.What more could he ask for? Do you really think there s a free camp past the mountains?Kennedy fell into step beside him with Julius on his other side.The vampire prince hadn t let Kennedy out of arm s reach sinceleaving the warehouse.Warren approved [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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