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.Chris has an unerring sense about people.If thereis something wrong about a person, he knows it.He is the onlyperson in our coven who can veto the entrance of a potentialstudent.Chris was, for a long time, the Guardian of our coven.A priest of Anpu is most appropriate for this office.FutureGuardians may not be Priests of Anpu, but they will certainlybe required to have a personal relationship with this God.According to some sources, the priest/esses of Anpu werethe true-seers.We are told that lying was an anathema to thisLord.Anpu is an observer, a reporter.In a meditation, He oncesaid to me,  If you are afraid, reach out into the darkness.Feelthe darkness gather around your hand, and I will remove youfrom your fear.He does not remove your fear from you, but removes youfrom your fear, letting you step back and view it objectively, sothat you can do what you must to handle the situation.If heremoved your fear, you would not necessarily be able to dothat.Lack of fear is not courage.There are times when notbeing afraid would be stupid.Courage is being afraid and goingahead and doing what you must.There is a big difference.His stone is an apache tear, a form of obsidian that appearsopaque until it is held up against the light.Its effects are some-what gentler than obsidian, but they can still be difficult to dealwith; obsidian will tell you the truth, always, and we are notalways ready to face the truth.54 Gods and Goddesses of EgyptSome years ago, we had a teacher in our community whoshared her knowledge about crystals and stones.From her, Ilearned most of what I know about the subject.It was she whotaught us that obsidian must be worked with carefully, and thatnot everyone is ready to work with it.Naturally, lots of people were absolutely sure they wereworthy and ready and mature, and they rushed out to buy ob-sidian balls without giving it a second thought.Some of themwere ready, but most of them weren t.How do I know that? Icould see the effects.Because they weren t ready, they didn tbelieve the things the stone had told them, and a lot of thingshappened in their lives to show that they were doing anythingthey could to ignore the truth.We ve worked with His protective aspect more than once.Our community had some problems with certain members send-ing out negativity.We needed to protect our homes and our-selves from that.With the help of Anpu, four of us chargedsome apache tears with a very special purpose: They werecharged to rebound any negativity sent toward us, and to turnany negativity we might inadvertently send out into love andlight.We gave the stones to anyone who might be a target of thenegativity.We all carried them and several were placed aroundvarious homes.A week later, the woman we believed to be the source ofthe negativity started complaining that some opals she ownedhad become full of negative feelings.She couldn t understandit.(Three of those apache tears were in the pockets of peoplestanding around her at the moment.) I learned later that sheand her students worked for weeks to trace the negativity backto its source, to see who was sending it.Naturally, they failed,because she was the source.If you are unfamiliar with the ethics of magical practice,you may have learned a thing or two from this story.We didnot attack.That would have been a mistake.More than once55 Circle of IsisCircle of IsisCircle of IsisCircle of IsisCircle of IsisI ve believed the source of a problem was a particular personand I was wrong.If I had performed a spell against that person,I would have been doing the wrong thing.We simply sent thenegativity back to its source, and prevented any negativity fromgetting out.The woman received back only what she had sent.Another protection we received from Anpu had to do withour home.We d been burglarized several times, and were, un-derstandably, a little tired of it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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