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."N-n-no, sir," he whispered."That they could not, and there's an end to it.They could no more bear the touch of yon carriage than I can fly.""Then come with us, Thomas Cadge," Tannim urged."I won't pretend that there won't be danger—we'rein a strange and dangerous place, and we don't know our way out of it yet.I have to admit to youthat we're just a bit lost at the moment—and that the same Fair Folk that put you here areprobably after us."Thomas Cadge shook his head dumbly."I canna think what worse they could be doin' to me, sir," hereplied, in a kind of daze."They could only kill me, eh?"Tannim sighed."I don't think we can get you home.I don't think you want to go back to your home,anyway—"Tears dripped horribly from the dark sockets where the old man's eyes had been."Nay, sir, 'tisone'o the things they mocked me with, that the world I knew is a hunnerd years agone an' more.An'I knew it, aye, I knew that in that they spake true enough.Ye think on all th' auld ballads, an'how a day Underhill is a year in the world above, an' I knew they spake truly.Nay, sir, I cannago back—""But I have friends Underhill, if we can find them," Tannim interrupted."Good people—people whowill help get rid of your pain and take care of you.I'd like to leave you with them.Will youcome with us, Thomas Cadge?""Us?" The old man was quick; he swung his blind face around, as if searching for the other person."Us?""He's talking about me," Shar said hastily."Please, come with us—I don't want to leave you here.If the Unseleighe decide they want entertainment again, and come back for you—" She left the restunsaid."I don't want that on my conscience," she added simply.And although she had been aghast when Tannim first urged the old man to join them, she wassurprised to find that she meant the offer as the words left her mouth.Tannim cast a surprisedfile:///F|/rah/Mercedes%20Lackey/Lackey,%20M.errated%20Edge%204%20-%20Chrome%20Circle.txt (111 of 173) [6/4/03 10:33:37 PM]file:///F|/rah/Mercedes%20Lackey/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%20Serrated%20Edge%204%20-%20Chrome%20Circle.txtsmile at her, one with hints of approval in it, and she was even more surprised to find that theidea of rescuing the old man felt—rather good.Ah, well, why not? Perhaps the Elders will think of this as a sign that I am striving to rebalancemy earlier actions."I—ye hae a sweet voice, milady," old Tom quavered shyly."If ye will ha' me, aye, I'll come wi'ye."It took some work to wedge Thomas Cadge into the backseat of the Mustang, but once there, heexclaimed over the softness of the seat, the smoothness of the "leather" on the cushions.And whenTannim put an unwrapped sports-bar into one hand, and a bottle of spring-water into the other, theold man nearly wept with joy.It made Shar feel very uncomfortable, and very much ashamed.To thispoor old wreck, the cramped back seat of the Mustang, the sweet treat, and the bottle of purewater were unbelievable luxury.And a few hours ago she had felt slightly sorry for herself for"having" to sleep in the front seat and "make do" with a sports-bar and a Gatorade.Admittedly, it helped that although Thomas Cadge was shabby, he was clean.She had to admit toherself that she would not have felt so sorry for him, nor so willing to take him along, if he hadbeen filthy and odorous.Thomas Cadge devoured his meal in a few bites and gulps, and promptly curled up in the blanketTannim got out of the trunk.Tannim came back with an armload of things besides the blanket; Sharwelcomed the extra crowbar with fervent glee, and with another body in the car, the extra rationswere going to come in handy.So were the heavy flashlights, the highway flares, the first-aid kit, and the bayonet-knives hepiled into the passenger's-side footwell.Other domains would not necessarily be lighted, andthere were plenty of creatures who would fear the flame of a highway flare.She swiped one of the breakfast bars and went over to the other side of the room to open up bothdoors into the hallway.When she returned, Tannim had strapped himself in—and Thomas Cadge wasasleep in the back seat with an improvised bandage of white gauze from the first-aid kitthankfully covering the ruins of his eyes.Now the old man was truly a sight to inspire anyone'spity, rather than horror or revulsion.He looked like a wounded, weary old soldier from some timein the long past; still trying to keep up his pride, though the infirmities of his own body hadbetrayed him.Taking her cue from Tannim, she strapped the seatbelt across her shoulders once she had shut thedoor."Go out those doors, take a sharp right, and the door to the gardens will be at the end ofthe hall," she directed."You'll have to use your lights; I'll get out and open the doors into thegarden once we reach them.Then it's down a set of four very shallow stairs, and follow the gardenpath.The Gate will be at the end of it, and it will be night out there."He nodded, and started the car.The sound of the engine seemed terribly loud in all the silence,but Thomas Cadge did not even seem to wake up.It occurred to her that this must be the first timehe had slept with any feeling of safety or security in decades.Poor, abused old man.No home but yourself.* * *"Now what?" Tannim asked from the front seat.Artificial stars gleamed down from a flat-black sky; the Katschei's round, silver moon sailedserenely in its track above them.Although no one had tended the garden for centuries, most of theplants here were much as they had been when their creator died; that was part of their magicalnature, to thrive without being tended.Flowers bloomed on all sides, all out of their properseason.Trees had flowers, green, and ripening fruit, all at the same time.Perfumes floated onthe faint breeze, and bowers beckoned, promising soft places for dalliance [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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