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.Biting Brody on the shoulder just hard enough to leave behind a small mark, Dalepraised,  Good boy.Before Brody could protest the pet name, Dale thrust in one finger.Dale let out a moanat the way Brody s body hungrily sucked in his digit, showing that every inch of Brody waseager to have Dale.www.total-e-bound.com GOING WITH MY HEART Stephani Hecht49Dale plunged it in and out a few times before adding another one, scissoring them so hecould properly stretch Brody.After how perfect the evening had been, he didn t want to ruinit by hurting his lover taking things too fast.Brody clutched the edges of the counter so hard, his knuckles turned white, his cheekflush with the granite top.With his lips parted just slightly and his hair messed up perfectly,he was a prime example of debauchment and the sight alone almost made Dale come on thespot.Only the promise of soon being encased in Brody s velvet heat held him back.He finally decided that Brody was ready and grabbed a condom.As he was ripping itopen, Brody said,  I want us to get tested in the morning, so we don t have to use thesethings anymore.The sentiment touched Dale in so many ways.Since they d only been with one another,the temptation to go raw right then was great, but Dale had done a stint as a medic and hadbeen exposed to blood, so he didn t want to risk harming Brody. Yes, I would love that, Dale agreed.He tossed the empty package to the side and slid the latex over his aching cock.Gettinginto position behind Brody, Dale thrust inside in one hard move.They both groaned in unison and Dale paused, both to allow Brody to get used to theintrusion and for him to gather some control.It was hard though.Brody s body squeezedhim like a tight, hot fist and it was the most exquisite thing Dale had ever experienced. Say it again, he demanded as he began to fuck Brody in earnest. Love you, Brody wailed as he rocked back to meet Dale s thrusts.They made love for a few minutes, the only sounds skin slapping skin and their moansof pleasure.Then Brody let out a small yelp. Ouch, my stomach.Dale paused, horror filling him. Did I hurt you? No, the edge of the counter.It s biting into my stomach.Well, that was one problem Dale could fix.Pulling out, he turned Brody around, and allbut threw him on top of the counter.Brody s eyes widened in shock as his back hit thegranite and several canisters went crashing to the floor.Not reacting to any of that, Dale put Brody s legs over his shoulders, then lined his cockback up.Without waiting for permission, he slammed inside again.www.total-e-bound.com GOING WITH MY HEART Stephani Hecht50 Better? he asked, his voice coming out strained because he was fucking Brody for allhe was worth.Brody let out a whimper, but he nodded, so Dale took that as a hell yes.The newposition gave him a perfect view of Brody s cock.It was hard, leaking pre-cum and bobbingin time to Dale s thrusts.Unable to resist such a temptation, Dale began to stroke it.Brody s reaction was instantaneous.He let out a loud cry of pleasure as his fingersclawed at the countertop like he was looking for purchase, but unable to find it on the slick,hard surface.Grabbing Brody s hips tighter so he didn t slide away, Dale continued to pound intoBrody. You re mine now. I ve always been yours, Brody keened.After making that declaration, Brody let out a broken sob as he came, semen shootingup so high it hit his own chin.In bending down to lick it off, Dale tested Brody s flexibility tothe extreme.It was a bit awkward, but worth it, because once the salty tang of Brody s cumwashed over Dale s taste buds, it set off his own orgasm.As he groaned out Brody s name,Dale came, filling the condom.Brody ran a hand over his face. Okay, that was way better than even I hoped for.Pulling out, Dale pulled off the condom and tossed it into the garbage before helpingBrody off the counter.They paused, looking around at the mess before sharing a shrug. There s nothing that says we can t wait until tomorrow to clean all this up, right?Dale asked. Nope.In fact, I say we gather up that junk food and crawl into bed.They hurried around, neither one caring that they were still nude, grabbing chips andvarious other junk foods.After adding several cans of soda to their haul, they ran upstairsand got under the blankets.They snuggled together and proceeded to spend the rest of the night watching the mosthorrible, cheesy movies they could find.All-in-all, it was a perfect night.* * * *www.total-e-bound.com GOING WITH MY HEART Stephani Hecht51The next morning, Brody woke up and turned over, a smile coming over his face as hisgaze fell on the still sleeping Dale.Wow, even after everything that had gone down last night, Brody still couldn t believethat he would be waking up with Dale from now on [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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