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.45Mrikandu 60Muktachuda 21, 24, 34, 35 300 Tripura RahasyaNNarada 1, 2, 10, 190, 201, 243Nididhyasana 157, 189Nirvikalpa Samadhi 80, 102, 153-158, 161, 197, 207, 251,276-278Nivritta 10Niyati 122Non-dual realisation 206-208OObligation (sense of) to act 12, 13PPandit, described 217Parasara 201Perceptions, depend on two conditions 139Perfect Ego 235, 272Perfect state 82, 219Pleasure, futility of seeking 6, 24, 33 nature of sensual 81, 238Pracheta 201Prakriti 122, 123Pranayama 198, 275, 278Prarabdha, for Jnani 182, 195, 196, 229, 231-233, 280Pratyabhijna jnana 157, 207, 275Predispositions 182-189Primal Cause 58Primal condition, reaching and knowing it 158Prince and the unchaste princess story of 29, 20Puhala [Pulaha] 201Pulatsya [Pulastya] 201 Index 301Puranas 190Pure being 79, 149, 203, 268, 281RRajas 91, 123, 255Rama (son of Dasaratha) 9, 15, 16 and the golden deer 151Ramanaka 118Ranjit Singh 96Ratnangada 118Ravana 15, 16Reality endures for ever 180 self evident 180Realisation  no effort needed 136, 159Reflections in the mirror 77 in Consciousness 76Renuka xiiiRope and snake 178, 180, 228, 245Rope trick 96Rukmangada 220, 221, 225SSadasiva Tattva 236Sage, a perfect 214, 215Samadhi 68, 81, 102-104, 107, 126, 128, 140, 144, 148, 149 fleeting, in wakeful state 150 Momentary 151 during raptures of happiness or spasms of fear or sorrow 150 in intervals between two states 150Samadhi [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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