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."Mine."Stephan leaned over his shoulder and bit one of theirmate's ears, hard."Ours.""Yes.Fuck, yes." He heard the smack of Faelan'shand on Stephan's hip, felt his twin shudder and pushhard against them."Need." Stephan's voice was desperate."We need,puppy."The words made him chuckle, made him turn toStephan and reach for the needy cock waiting for him.Cereus: The Building - 115 He half expected Faelan to slap his hand away, but thatbig paw closed around his instead, helping him strokeStephan, up and down, the pace good and fast.Stephan twisted and moaned, spine archingimpossibly as he fought to work up into their hands,fingers clawing down his own belly.Faelan growled a little, tipping Stephan back so theycould have more access to that long body.Then hetugged Marco down on the floor, too."Let's give himwhat he needs, sweet.He's hurting.""He's spoiled." He leaned down, though, and pulledthat long cock into his lips, knowing just how to love histwin."Oh.Oh, please." Stephan grabbed a handful ofMarco's hair, twisting and humping under him.Faelan though, he pressed against Marco's back, lipson the nape of Marco's neck."So fucking beautiful."His hips rocked at the touch of Faelan's lips, and heswallowed hard at the jolt of electricity that took him.Stephan cried out for him, that cock hitting the back ofhis throat.Faelan bit hard, not enough to break skin, butenough to be the start of the mark those lips weresucking up.His toes curled and he sucked harder, his entire bodypurring.Want.He wanted.Now.More.Faelan's fingers slipped between his ass cheeks again,that mouth never stopping.He was going to have abruise the size of Alaska.His thighs parted, and he let Faelan in, even asStephan bucked up, pushed deep for him.Inside him.The tip of Faelan's cock pushed inside him, damp withCereus: The Building - 116 pre-come, scratching along every nerve ending.Nowthey were both inside him.Marco could scream with it, but there wasn't room forone, not with them in deep, taking him, touching him.Stephan moved faster, Faelan pushing deep, all the way.Stephan's legs pressed up on either side of him,surrounding him with heat and scent.He could hear them, calling, crying out, the three ofthem rocking furiously, driving, the bond between themcoming into sharp focus.Mates.Wow.He could forgive his mate anything, he supposed.Stephan held him still, finally, fucking his mouth, andFaelan took his ass.All he could do as hang therebetween them and feel, let them love him.His fingers curled around Stephan's hips, groundingthem all, digging in.He knew there would be bruiseslater; they would match his.They always did thingstogether.Stephan bit out a curse, that fat cock throbbing in hislips and he let his teeth scrape on the way up this time,burn the whole way.Faelan jerked against him, slamming into him as iftheir big wolf had felt that, too.So Marco did it again,just to see if it got the same result.It did.Wicked.Stephan screamed, heels slamming down, hipspushing up as salt and seed poured into Marco's mouth.Faelan grunted, pushing him so hard that Stephan's cockpopped out of his mouth and he slid along his twin'sbody, landing on 'Phan's chest."Got you.Hard, mate.Take him." Stephan's nailsdanced along his spine.Cereus: The Building - 117 "Yes." Faelan's answer was almost a bark, and thatthick cock opened Marco, spread him, took him.Thiswas beyond anything.He stretched and arched, body demanding more,rejoicing in the pleasure.Faelan was a thick rod of heatinside him, undeniable.Perfect.Stephan wiggled under him, shifting him just enoughthat those long thighs could press together around hiscock, giving him another layer of sensation.When Faelan's teeth sank into the nape of his neck, itwas all over.He shot, the room spinning around him.They all slumped to the floor together, and he kissedStephan's chest, Faelan a heavy weight atop him.One hewasn't afraid of anymore, though.They'd needed tofinish bonding, that was all.They should have done itbefore the moon.He sighed, suddenly so tired, so ready to relax.To breathe.Marco closed his eyes, letting sleep take him.Stephan and Faelan could deal with anything that cameup.They had his back.And if Faelan nipped at him again, he'd get the manfixed.Rowr.Cereus: The Building - 118 Chapter TenThe moon was right there, waiting.Faelan could feelit, hanging there, pushing him.There was probably halfan hour to the change, and he was waiting for his boys.This would be their first moon since they'd finishedmating.He had to admit he was a little nervous.Marco had stopped jumping every time he came inand Stephan had actually spent the night with him here,purring in his bed.Still, this was it, for them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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