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.Slowly exhale, making the sound "ssshhh" while opening your eyeswidely.3.Repeat 3-6 times.Notes:Don t underestimate the simplicity of this exercise, it s incredibly powerful.You don t have to believe in this for it to work.If you find it embarrassing to say ssshhhh whilst breathing out, then make the sound silently to yourself, or do thisexercise when no-one else is around! Taoist  Secret to Longevity Eye ExerciseThis is a secret eye technique taught by Taoist Masters currently living in themountains of China.These masters never lose their vision and they are reportedlyover one hundred years old!Master Da Liu, a Tai Chi Master from China, now living in New York, practices andteaches a variation of this exercise to his many students.Da Liu is 95 years of ageand still sees perfectly!How to do it:Sit with your back straight.Close your eyes.With your first two finger pads, press lightly on the closed eyelids.Breathe in deeply but gently, hold your breath and move your eyes up and downthree times.Exhale, making a gentle  sssshhhhh sound as you breath out.Take a deep breath and relax!Repeat the exercise.Breathe in deeply but gently, hold your breath and move your eyes from side toside three times.Exhale, making a gentle  sssshhhhh sound as you breath out.Take a deep breath and relax!Repeat the exercise.Breathe in deeply but gently, hold your breath and move your eyes in clockwisecircles three times.Exhale, making a gentle  sssshhhhh sound as you breath out.Take a deep breath and relax!Repeat the exercise. Breathe in deeply but gently, hold your breath and move your eyes in anti-clockwise circles three times.Exhale, making a gentle  sssshhhhh sound as you breath out.Take a deep breath and relax!Repeat the exercise.Notes:Remember, whilst you re doing the eye movements, to gently press your fingers onyour closed eyelids.The value of this special eye exercise lies in combining massage, breathing andeye movement simultaneously.You can also press the heel of your palm on yourclosed eyelids while doing this technique.The  ssshhh sound is the Taoist healing sound for the liver, don t leave it out, itmakes a huge difference  see the previous exercise for details about this. Naturopathic Eye Massage TechniqueThe Naturopathic eye massage technique was used in the 1800 s by Naturopathicdoctors, Health and Physical Culture practitioners to improve eyesight and preventvision problems.How to do itStep 1.Place the palm of each hand on the bony ridge above each eye.Presshard on your brow and move your skin up-and-down, side-to-side and in smallcircles.Perform twelve times with each area.Step 2.Place your open palms on each side of your temples.Move the skin upand down, forward and back and in a circular motion a dozen times each.Step 3.Place your fingers on each cheekbone under your eyes, and move the skinup and down, right and left, a dozen or more times each.Notes:This is another very simple but very effective technique for getting increased bloodflow to the eye area.It s really quick and easy to do, and you can easily make thisa habit to do whenever you have a few spare seconds (waiting for a bus, in a bankline, at the checkout etc.) OTHER EXERCISESBarefoot WalkingThis will benefit your entire health, but pay attention to the last line of this quotefrom world famous health teacher, Dr.Bernard Jensen, author of many books onhealth rejuvenation.He recommends walking in a bed of sand, or the beach, in cold water up to yourankles, or if you don t live at the beach, walking barefoot a few minutes in themorning dew in the grass.Dr.Jensen says: "Persons with poor circulation in the lower extremities put anextra burden upon the heart.When there is but slight muscular contraction in thelower extremities, blood is not properly returned to the heart, and leg disorders maydevelop.To remedy this condition, we devised at the sanitarium.the sand walk."Every morning we wet down a bed of sand with cold water and patients walk inthis cold sand.This massaged the bottoms of their feet and developed the smallmuscles in their feet and legs.One of the first comments usually made by thesepatients was that as a result of these sand walks they had warm feet when going tobed at night, whereas never before had they gone to bed with warm feet. The Kneipp grass walk, as used in sanitariums in Germany, is another excellentmeans of increasing circulation in the lower extremities.I have noticed changes inpatients using the sand walk or the grass walk that are hard to believe.In mostcases the whole body responds when we build strong healthy feet; organs arereflex released.Eye conditions improve almost immediately.In fact, I haveseen eyes improve to such an extent that glass were no longer needed." Chinese Taoist Stomach and Liver MassageAs I ve said many times already in this book, in Chinese Medicine, the liver isconnected to the Eyes.A congested and weak liver will lead to poor sight.In conventional medicine, the liver is the great detoxifying organ of the body.Itfilters out chemicals, pollutants, environmental poisons, preservatives, fats, oils etc.A weak liver places great stress on the immune system.Congestion in the livercauses poor food digestion, fatigue and can easily lead to yeast infections, PMSand blood disorders.This internal organ massage technique, performed regularly and together with ahealthy diet, will help improve vision and increase overall health [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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