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.Whatever she had done to keep me warm was fading away rapidly.“Your power can manifest before you learn to control it.That's what happened tonight.When you're trained, you'll learn to control how and when it manifests,” she said.“If I'm trained,” I said.“If,” she repeated.“If you are not trained, your abilities will continue to manifest unpredictably.If I could venture a guess, it seems that extreme emotional reactions cause you to manifest.”The man sighed.“That's obvious.He's a kid.”“Kevin, training will strengthen you and give you the understanding to control your power.Yes, there is a price, and that price is to join us.Regardless of trusting Alistair or not, you'll find that most of us are not quite so willing to leave you for dead.” She looked over at the man, who seemed on the verge of speaking.He shut his mouth and she continued.“On the other hand, you can continue to turn down the training and try to teach yourself.You probably won't succeed.You'll end up causing disasters and we'll have to clean up after you until you manage something that either kills you or forces us to kill you.That's the price for independence.”I leaned back against the wall.“That doesn't sound like a good deal.”“Think about it some more.” Her eyes began to glow again and Nikki's limp form floated gently into the air.She spun slowly until she was lying prone, as if she was lying on a stretcher made of air, then floated over to where the woman was standing.“Are you done? I'm going to take her to the infirmary, then sleep for a day, then eat for a day.I'm exhausted.”“One last thing to take care of,” the man said.He squatted in front of me again, leaving me nowhere to run with the wall directly behind me.He regarded me from just a few inches away, then took the sunglasses off and looked at me directly.His eyes were so dark, I couldn't tell where the pupil ended and the iris began.“First lesson's free,” he said quietly.“It's the most important lesson you'll ever learn in your life.Learn self-control.”He put his sunglasses back on and rejoined the woman.They both walked away, Nikki's body floating along between them.I pushed myself off the wall to my feet, freezing again.My shirt was torn apart at the front, stretched and ripped along all the seams, and stained in a couple of places.My body was exhausted and I could barely keep my eyes open.I forced myself to walk inside and up to my room.I didn't see Max on the way in, nor did I go back to the lounge.I didn't care what they'd assume happened between the two of us.Hopefully Kaitlyn wouldn't ask too many questions.Hopefully no one did.I undressed and collapsed into bed.The dull throb in my temples was finally fading away.When I closed my eyes, all I could see was Nikki slumped against the wall.It terrified me.I couldn't get it out of my mind.I had nearly killed her.No matter what had happened between us, it wasn't her fault, it was mine.I couldn't let that happen again.The last thought on my mind before I fell asleep was that I'd go to Alistair Ripley on Wednesday and agree to join his organization.I'd start learning how to control these strange abilities.It was the only choice I had that made any sense.Chapter Seven“Mr.Parker.” I froze in the midst of rising from my chair.Alistair Ripley stood at the front of the classroom with his hands folded on top of his cane, looking toward the door.“I have something to discuss with you.” His tone wasn't angry, but it wasn't pleasant either.I sunk back into my seat and glanced at the door to see what he was looking at.Nikki.Shit.I had picked a seat in the back to try to avoid her, but she had noticed me after all.I looked away.There was no way I could look her in the eye now.Not after last night.“Miss Wainwright.I realize you want to speak with Mr.Parker as well.” Ripley's tone sharpened.“I assure you, we will not be long, but I must ask you to leave until I am finished.”She didn't say anything.I saw the door close out of the corner of my eye.As soon as it latched, my chair sizzled and the seat of my pants became uncomfortably warm.“On your feet,” Ripley snapped.I jumped out of the chair, double time [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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