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.Chief Steward in Waiting.Treasurer.Looks after those all important funds you willneed for whatever fiscal requirements are so deemed.Ushers.Move visitors, initiates etc around.Grubber+.Someone who empties the bins.Pumper^.Someone who pumps.The Freemasons also have the titles:Inner Guard.Lets Masons in to the lodge.Junior Deacon.Carries messages.Senior Deacon.Carries more important messages.* The Freemasons call this the Tyler.+ A Petty Revellers term.^ From The Aeolian Brotherhood.The Pumper gets the wind ready.73 HOW TO START YOUR OWN SECRET SOCIETYJunior Warden.Calls everyone from  work to refreshmentand vice versa.Senior Warden.Closes the lodge.Charity Steward.Looks after the donations.Almoner.In charge of collecting and spending benevolentfunds.Director of Ceremonies.In charge of rituals.Chaplain.Conducts the prayers.All respect must be given to each office and each represen-tative of that position must be treated accordingly and withdue deference.Even the humblest rank must be affordedsome degree of civility.One day the Grubber may becomethe Grand Master.RegaliaNo self-respecting secret society can do without somethingto dress up in.Although it is not de rigueur it often bene-fits the psychological mindset of the adherents and allowsthem to feel that bit more special.As with any club, organ-isation or society the feeling of continual self-improvementhelps the secret society as a whole.Bonds of kinship arestrengthened by the use of badges, pins, tags, sashes, coins,aprons and so on.The use of regalia also allows the initiate74 THE INNER WORKINGSto feel part of something special (perhaps the most impor-tant aspect) and inspires in them the desire to progressthrough the ranks, learning more as they do so.As in mili-tary circles ambition for promotion is a keen motivator and,although not for the many, at least those desirous ofimproved status are willing to aspire to a new stripe or rankpip.In the majority of people there is an urge to collect,gather and to horde, particularly in the male of the species.Whether it is miniature trains, stamps, Boy Scout badges, teacards, bottle tops, toy cars or tin robots, the willingness toaccumulate is neither diminished nor abated in adulthood.Your secret society should be able to offer and satiate thatbasic human trait by offering a varied selection of achieve-ment or status paraphernalia.The nature and form of theseitems is once more entirely up to you, but consider thenotion that it is both helpful for the continuation and theeternal loyalty of your cadre if there are a considerablenumber of these gewgaws.There should be a badge, and the term is used in thebroadest sense, for acolytes, initiates, and other ranks all theway up to the Grand Master (and beyond for those specialsecret societies).The suggestion is made that these items areless prestigious and simple for new recruits but that the styleand execution of the higher status icons are of a more elab-orate nature.For example, you may choose to have as yourbasic recognition symbol a metal circle, perhaps representing eternity , or the  wheel of life.At the basic acolyte level thiswill indeed be the simple circle but once the bearer hasbeen raised into the next level the symbol will changethrough the addition of say a single wing, or a sun icon, or75 HOW TO START YOUR OWN SECRET SOCIETYthe use of the number  1.This continues throughout thelifetime of the member with each new badge displaying theadditional motif or icon concordant with the rank that themember has attained.The psychological impact this hascannot be understated.A rising sense of self worth andimportance will increase as each new badge is earned.Regalia may contain any of the following:PinsBadgesGemsCoinsEpaulettesGauntletsChains of officeApronsSashesHatsBlindfolds or  HoodwinksLanyardsHandkerchiefsUnderwearBroachesShoesKnitwearConkersRingsCufflinksDrinking vesselsCombs76 THE INNER WORKINGSWatchesHot water bottle coversScarvesDuvet coversFully posable action figuresAll should increase in adornments as each level is attained.In terms of how to dress within the lodge see Attire below [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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