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.qxd 30/11/2005 15:08 Page 183THE WALL AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITYaccessed on 21 October 2005); International Commission of Jurists,Geneva, Israel s Separation Barrier: Challenges to the rule of law andhuman rights, (undated); and Harvard University s Program on Human-itarian Policy and Conflict Research, The Separation Barrier and Inter-national Humanitarian Law,.35.Press release No.04/12, 18 February 2004.36.Para.65.37.Para.137.38.Paras.111-113.39.Paras 78, 101.40.Para.120.41.Paras.122, 134.42.Para.121.43.Paras.137, 142.44.Para.163.45.Paras 152, 153.46.Para.159.47. After court rules fence is illegal, battleground shifts to UN , Ha aretz,10 July 2004.48.Janine Zacharia,  US slams  misuse of ICJ , Jerusalem Post, 15 July2004.49.The EU Council of Ministers, through the Irish presidency, stipulated five elements to make the unilateral disengagement acceptable to theinternational community: it must take place in the context of the RoadMap; it must be a step towards a two-state solution; it must not involvea transfer of settlement activity to the West Bank; there must be an organ-ised and negotiated handover of responsibility to the Palestinian Author-ity; and Israel must facilitate the rehabilitation and reconstruction ofGaza.Brian Cowen,  Road map to Middle East peace needs a new start ,Irish Times, 27 February 2004.50.Shavit,  The big freeze.51.Ibid.52. State: W.Bank settler population grew by 12,800 last year. Ha aretz, 27August 2005.53.Ibid.Weisglass is referring to the number of settlers in the West Bank,excluding Jerusalem, whom Israel has no intention of ever removing.54.Ibid.55.Text of letter from President Bush to Prime Minister Sharon, 15 April2004.[ 183 ] 0_7453_2434_7_05_cha04.qxd 30/11/2005 15:08 Page 184THE WEST BANK WALL56.Steven Erlanger,  Israel adds to plans for more housing units insettlements , New York Times, 24 August 2004.57.Aluf Benn and Yuval Yoaz,  Israel asks for US endorsement of fenceroute , Ha aretz, 31 March 2004.58.Akiva Eldar,  US experts doubt need for airport fence , Ha aretz, 5November 2004.59.Arieh O Sullivan,  PM  drags feet on southern fence , Jerusalem Post,10 December 2003.60.Aluf Benn, Amos Harel and Arnon Regular,  PM to use pullout toneutralize criticism of fence , Ha aretz, 15 February 2005.61.Herb Keinon,  UK protests Ma aleh Adumim fence route , JerusalemPost, 1 March 2005.62.Aluf Benn,  Drawing the line , Ha aretz, 25 March 2005.63.Herb Keinon,  PM: West Bank settlements to expand , Jerusalem Post,22 August 2005.64.Meron Rappaport and Yuval Yoaz,  With pullout past, IDF moves tofence Ma aleh Adumim , Ha aretz, 24 August 2005.65.Aluf Benn,  Sharon ordered E-1 police HQ built two months ago ,Ha aretz, 26 August 2005.66.Aluf Benn,  Foreign Ministry fears EU sanctions over policy interritories , Ha aretz, 17 October 2004.67.David Horovitz and Herb Keinon,  Sharon speaks to the  Post  ,Jerusalem Post, 22 April 2005.68.Shlomo Shamir,  FM: EU vote encourages PA to avoid fighting terror ,Ha aretz, 22 July 2004.69.Shlomo Shamir,  EU opposed to more talks on fence at UN , Ha aretz,15 September 2004.70.Israel s candidacy was supported by the  Western European and Othersregional grouping within the General Assembly, which in addition to thecountries of Western Europe includes the United States, Canada,Australia and New Zealand.Shlomo Shamir,  Israeli envoy to be nextvice president of UN General Assembly , Ha aretz, 14 June 2005.71.Shlomo Shamir,  PA seeks UN condemnation of fence , Ha aretz, 18July 2005.72.Aluf Benn,  Ranch burgers , Ha aretz, 1 April 2005.73.Zunes, Tinderbox, p.129.74.The open letter was signed by Palestinian, Israeli and internationalactivists.Various authors,  Open Letter to Kofi Annan , (accessed on 18 October 2005).During[ 184 ] 0_7453_2434_7_05_cha04.qxd 30/11/2005 15:08 Page 185THE WALL AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITYhis visit to meet with Abu Mazen in Ramallah, the Secretary-General wasmet by Palestinians protesting against his refusal to visit the wall.75.Green Party MEP Caroline Lucas, quoted in Euro-Mediterranean HumanRights Network,  A human rights review on the EU and Israel , p.54.76.EU press release,  Presidency  deeply concerned by Maale Adumimbuilding plans , 5 April 2004.77 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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