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.She looked up at him,pressed both hands over her heart, and leaned forward, eyes blazing."But I'malet it ride.Not for you, not for her, but because my Guardian brother woulddie a thousand deaths if he knew, and the team has to function as one.Thismess with you and her goes to the grave with me and beyond it,for him not yourass.Hear?"Oh, he'd heard her all right, and her tone scared him.Everything between themnow hung in a fragile balance, and he didn't know how not to trip over thethin filament that was wired to emotional C4.Yeah, he knew exactly where shewas right now.The problem was, he didn't have an answer or any smoothbullshit to tell her to bring her down, and all her points hit too close tohome.Plus, it had been confirmed in his mind, something more than Damali'stemper was at work here."It was out of my control, something had me, baby," he said, fatigued."Idon't know what else to say to make this right.""Then if I ever go there, and tell you something had me, and it was out of mycontrol, then this conversation will be moot since you've been here more thanonce.Since I've sucked it up, more than once.And if I ever happen toaccidentally get myself into a compromising position, you'll be able toforgive and let live, like nothing ever happened, right?" Damali's hands wereon her hips again as she nodded and went back to staring out the window."Okay.Fair exchange is no robbery.Duly noted, Mr.Councilman.Peace.""I wish you wouldn't call me that," Carlos said in a quiet, urgent tone."I'mnot in that life anymore, and I'm a Neteru with just a little of the old vampin me, but not like before.I work for the Light, and we're on the same team.""Yeah, right," Damali said flatly.Her words trapped him in the bedroom; he might as well have been hanging onthe Chairman's torture wall getting his guts ripped out."You know I love you,girl.""And what dat mean?" She walked a hot path before the window."Oh, you lovePage 29 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlme.Wasn't thinking about that when Juanita was on her knees between yourlegs, did ya? Oh, you love me.Didn't think about that shit when you lured herto my house.Did ya? You really didn't think about that when you asked her ifshe wanted to make a baby, did you?"If Damali would just take a breath and stop.He began gesturing wildly as hetried to say what needed to be said."No, baby, see, I didn't lure her to thehouse.She was still feeling the charge from the night before when I'd justcome back up from the pit and, what had happened was ""But you love me.Right.All right.Then I love you, too.I guess she's alsostill head over heels, literally, even though she doesn't know why.I got it."Damali's hands went back to her hips as her gaze narrowed on him."I'm cool.It's squashed.""If, if listen if there's anything still resonating in her, it isn't fromthat it was from before when I was with her and human." For all the fluent,smooth vamp still lingering in him, or just general regulation street smarts,as a man he knew inherently within his soul that no male entity on any levelcould go up against and come out on top of a female verbal beat down.He'dalmost started stuttering as he'd spoken, which wasn't him at all under anycircumstances."Her recall had been erased when it went down in fact, it's not her fault atall.For real, D.Don't carry that back to the house and start no mess with'Nita ""Oh, so now she's 'Nita, not Juanita.My bad.I stand corrected.Why don't youjust call her your boo from now on? You can tap that ass whenever the moodstrikes you, and I won't have a problem with it.Bite her, too, for all Icare.Serve her two inches in the jugular and let Mar purge her after you'redone.We ain't married.Right? The vamp bond don't count in the Light, so hey.What it mean?"He could feel beads of sweat begin to form on his brow.His palms felt moist."The girl was under the influence, like I've been trying jp get you tounderstand.She's only human, and ""Well so am I!" Damali shouted, losing it as new tears of rage formed in hereyes."I might be a Neteru, but I'm also human.And female.That shit keepsreplaying itself in my head, Carlos.All I can see is the chica giving you ablow job on the porch of my house.Fuck all this Jerry Springer shit,demon-inspired or not.I'm out."CHAPTER THREEBeverly Hills, CaliforniaI t frustrated her no end that the heated exchange with Carlos had gotten wayoff the primary subject and had devolved into a stupid argument aboutJuanita a chick that clearly didn't have a clue.What he failed to realize wasthat it didn't have a thing to do with that heifer!Damali nearly screamed in the car as she drove.He was so blind! This wasabout trust, his previous lack of respect for and acceptance of her role as aNeteru his copartner.and that he'd allowed some old, archaic, man-womandouble-standard nonsense to compromise the foundation of what they had, aswell as jeopardize the overall safety and well-being of the whole familybehind his ego.It was unforgivable.That's what had cut to the bone, not hisold flame.Him thinking it was about his so-called 'Nita was again nothing butCarlos's male ego in full effect!But how the mess got off onto a stupid tangent was still a mystery.Damaliblew a frazzled lock up off her forehead and continued to drive away fromCarlos's place like a bat out of Hell.He didn't get it; the fact that hedidn't made her want to snatch every hair out of his thick head by the roots.It was so basic! Heaven help her get this point across to that man!They were supposed to be fighting evil as one, be the vanguards of justice,not arguing about the ridiculous.And, yet, she was only human.This shit withCarlos hurt so badly she couldn't breathe.She needed a day or two to chill.Page 30 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlTime.A minute to pull it together.If time could just stop for a few to allowit but she was supposed to be taking the new-bies through their paces thisafternoon.Oh, God, if time could just stop.where were her other stones? Nonew insights, no new powers and now this! Life needed just to slow down"A prayer said in anger," Lilith whispered, cupping her hands around theblack, smoldering orb in her palms.She blew a cool breath on it and broughtit into Lucifer's dark chambers."My prince of the airwaves, I have anintercepted gift for you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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