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. The palace, Korr said shortly, as if he were loath to say any more on the subject.Was that where Gabe had once lived? I wondered.He led me down a flight of steps to a waiting steamcoach.We climbed in and sank onto plush redseats, and Korr gave the order for the driver to go.I braced myself for the lurch, and then we weremoving, not as fast as the train, but still faster than I was accustomed to.I peered out the window andsaw more mansions of steel and glass slipping past.Korr sat motionless across from me, a breathing statue clad in silk and velvet.His mouth waspressed in a thin line.His eyes were watchful, black as two river stones.The city around us gradually grew grittier.We descended through a cloud of mist to a lower levelwhere the sun barely reached, and here our way was lit by the gleam of streetlamps that flickeredfeebly.I smelled sewage and rot.The chug of machinery was loudest here, and I saw no moreglittering glass.Everything was rusted metal or crumbling brick.Finally, the steamcoach stopped.I climbed out behind Korr and raised my eyes to view the prison.It was tall and square and built ofthick gray brick that looked like gravestones.A sign above the door proclaimed it Prison No.23.I wondered just how many prisons they had in this city. Hold this, assistant, Korr said, and shoved a metal box at me.I grunted as I took it in my arms; it was heavy. What s this? I asked. Never mind that. He strode toward the prison, leaving me to follow.The door swung open on its own before us, worked by some mechanical means.Two soldiersguarded it.Their eyes stared straight ahead as we passed.Our boots rang on the metal floor.My hands were clammy, and my stomach twisted.I kept my faceneutral and my eyes fixed on the place between Korr s shoulders.Korr drew himself up to his full height and stalked across the floor of the room.He halted before awindow that separated the main room from the jailer s study.Through the window, I saw a man at a desk, nearly buried by a pile of papers.His ghoulish eyessunk into pockets of flesh that spoke of sleepless nights and too much weak light. Have you got an appointment? he said without looking up at us.When Korr spoke, his voice was cold and sharp as a blade dipped in ice water. No, I haven t.Andif you keep me waiting any longer, you ll regret it.The jailer raised his head and started at the sight of the nobleman in his long black cloak. I msorry, your lordship, he murmured. We get mostly family members come to plead their relativesinnocence, not many Black Hands, sir  Skip to the end of this obnoxious explanation and direct me to the proper cell, Korr said,murderously calm. N-name of the prisoner? Adam Brewer.And hurry, I haven t got all day.The man consulted a book. Brewer, he read. Imprisoned for crimes against Aeralis and againstHis Eminence.He has no visitation rights. Interrogation, Korr corrected.The man s eyebrows lifted slightly. Do you have the proper authorization?Korr opened his coat and pulled out a paper.He handed it to the clerk, whose eyes widened evenfurther. Your-your lordship, he stammered. I didn t know  I trust you can direct me immediately. The guard will take you where you need to go.One of the guards stirred to life.We followed the gray-uniformed guard down a hall lined with metal doors.Behind some of themcame the echo of muttering and coughing.We stopped at an intersection, and faintly, I heard the soundof weeping.A shiver crawled up my spine.If I was ever apprehended by Officer Raine and sent away,would I end up in a place like this?Korr seemed utterly calm, but my stomach was flopping like a dying fish and my veins felt filledwith ice.Would they suspect anything? If we were found out, what would happen to us? Surely Korrwould throw me to the wolves to protect himself.The guard stopped before a door and inserted a key in the lock.My heart jumped at the click.Thedoor swung open to reveal a narrow room with a single barred window.Metal rings lined the wall, anda string of chains dangled from one, unattached to anything [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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