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.Not that I was about to say so.“Have youeaten, Meg?”“I ate before I came over, although I may have to sampleSimon’s cookies when they’re done.”“Cookies…” I reached for the plate, set it in my lap, andgrabbed the fork.Megan leaned against the doorway and watchedas I started eating.She seemed in no hurry to go back to thekitchen.I eyed her as I dug into the pork stew and rice on my plate.Megan was a tall, plain, amazing woman and the only bondedwife in my whole pack.Richard was also married, but his wife wasa timid, sweet woman who had no idea about her husband’s truenature.It left Megan acting as a combination of den mother andbig sister to all ten of my wolves.And to me.Only Megan couldcall me “dummy” and make me like it.I scraped up the last gravy with my fork and set the plate backdown in my lap.“Has Mark told you what we’re up against rightnow?”“Of course.” Megan sighed.“I love Mark, and all you guys arelike family.But you werewolves are seriously twisted.The thought that someone would think murder was okay just because Paul andSimon are gay…it’s unbelievable.”46Kaje HarperI sighed.“There are a few countries around the world whereit’s still a flogging offense among humans, or worse.But I’m notarguing with you.It’s wrong, either way.And I’m going to doanything I can to keep it from getting to the point of murder.Ijust…” I wasn’t sure what to tell her.I rubbed my forehead.“We’re not human.Our traditions are deep-set and slow to change.Even the bad ones.Maybe especially the bad ones.Anyway, Ineed you to listen to Mark.He’ll keep you and your boy safe,whatever happens.” Their son, Nick, was my pack’s only child andour greatest treasure.Even above his duties to me, Mark wouldprotect his mate and the boy.Megan shook her head, but more in frustration than refusal.“It’s crazy.Like having the Mafia put a contract out on you orsomething.”“Or something.” I dredged up a smile for her.Alphasdominated the pack’s mood and we were not going into thisfeeling defeated.“Hopefully it will all blow over without bloodbeing shed.Just remember Nick is your top priority.”“Cripes, Aaron, you don’t have to remind me of that.Here,I’ll take that plate.” As she lifted the plate from my hand ourfingers touched.I could feel the little jump in the bond, feel my connection through Mark to this human woman strengthen foran instant.My wolf liked that, the tightening of the pack.I hadto make an effort to move my hand away deliberately.Megan glanced at Zach, sleeping limp and sweaty on thewhite sheets.“Poor boy.Wish there was more I could do but…I’ll go help Simon clean up.” In the doorway she turned back tolook at me.“I always wanted a big family, and that’s what thisfeels like.Even though I miss Susan and the other women, I lovethis pack more than the big one.But you damned well better getthrough this without anyone dying or committing murder, or I’llbe pissed.You hear me, Aaron Tremaine?”My smile became more genuine.“I hear you.” If there was aGod I hoped He was listening.Even He would probably thinkUnexpected demands 47twice before defying Megan.Which would be good, because nodying and no murder was the height of my hopes too.Hours later I was still sitting there.A single streetlight outside Zach’s window filtered through the gap in the dark curtains.Thebedside lamp was turned down low.Zach had seemed to restbetter with less light in his face.I was trying to do some thinking, planning my next Internet post, when I heard him stirring.Notthe tremors that had shaken him off and on through the night,but a purposeful movement.His eyes snapped open as I reachedout to pin him to the bed.“No getting up,” I told him, with a touch of Alpha dominanceto enforce it.“You’ll pull out the IV.”He blinked up at me, a little hazy but aware.Behind me inthe doorway, I heard a rustle of clothing that was Simon, comingto check on us.Paul was asleep out on Lucas’s couch, but I knewSimon was awake, watching over him.I gave a small wave overmy shoulder and a mental push that meant we’re fine, go away, I’ll call if I need you.Simon must have read it right, because I heard the door shut behind him.I reached for the lamp and turned itup.“Aaron?” Zach’s voice was hoarse.I put one finger on his lips,where the swelling had already faded, and then held a cup ofwater with a straw to his mouth.“Just a sip.”He drank obediently, then I took the cup away.“What did I do?” Zach asked bewilderedly.“You had a seizure.Several, actually [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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