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.Medicine wasbased on theosophy and alchemy and the latter was supposedto be derived from theosophy and astrology. Höhler, in onerespect, goes further than Katsch and conjectures:  Freemasonryhad its roots in the chemical societies of the 16th and 17thcenturies, in which all those things were fostered that constitutedthe science of that day. This theory is incomparably more opento discussion than if one attempts to confine the origin to theinsecure base of rosicrucianism.We shall learn to appreciate [177] 136 Hidden Symbolism of Alchemy and the Occult Artsmore fully the significance of the chemical societies.In connection with the question, important for us, as to theposition of the alchemy of the rosicrucians (whether they livedonly in books or as an actual brotherhood), it is worth while toglance at the literature.Joachin Frizius, whom some think identical with Fludd, writesin the  Summum Bonum, quod est verum Magiae, Cabalae,Alchymiae, verae Fratrum Roseae Crucis verorum subjectum(first published in Frankfort, 1629): Aben ( ) means a stone.In this one cabbalistic stonewe have the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.for in Hebrew Ab( ) means Father and Ben ( ) Son.But where the Fatherand Son are present there the Holy Ghost must be also.Let usnow examine this Stone as the foundation of the macrocosm.Therefore the patriarch Jacob spake,  How dreadful is this place.This is none other but the house of God, and rose up and tookthe stone that he had put for his pillow and poured oil uponthe top of it, and said,  This stone that I have set for a pillarshall be God's house, etc. If therefore a God's house, then Godis in that place or else his earthly substance.Here it was thatthe patriarch, as he slept on this stone, conserved somethingdivine and miraculous, through the power of that spirit-filledstone which in its corporeality is similar to the relation of thebody to the soul.But the spiritual stone was Christ; but Christ[178] is the eternal wisdom, in which as the scripture says are manymansions, which are undoubtedly distinguished on account ofthe different grades of grace and blessedness.For blessednessfollows wisdom or knowledge, the higher and more we know thefarther we go towards the Godhead. (Summ.Bon., pp.17 ff.) Thereupon it clearly appears who this macrocosmic StoneAben.really is, and that his fiery spirit is the foundationstone of all and given for all (sit lapis seu petra catholica atqueuniversalis).which was laid in Zion as the true foundation,on which the prophets and the apostles as well have built, but Section IV.Rosicrucianism And Freemasonry.137which was also to the ignorant and wicked builders a stumblingblock and bone of contention.This stone therefore is Christwho has become our Cornerstone. (Summ.Bon., p.19.) If we consider now the stone Aben in its significance for themicrocosmos.we shall soon be sure that as a stone temple ofGod it can have no less value for every outer man in so far asthe Holy Ghost also reserves a dwelling in him forever. (Summ.Bon., p.20.) That is also the reason why the stone Aben appears in doubleform (quod ambae petrae), that is, in the macrocosmic and in themicrocosmic.For the spiritual stone is Christ that fulfills all.So we also are parts of the spiritual stone and such are also livingstones, taken out of that universal stone (a petra illa catholicaexcisi). (Summ.Bon., p.20.) Here again we have thealchemistic distinction between the universal and the particular, [179]and the like distinction is also expressed by the opposition of thecelestial and the terrestrial stones.The second chapter of I Peterspeaks of the living stone.I Corinthians X, 4, says likewise: And did all drink of that spiritual Rock that followed themand that Rock was Christ. Alchemistically expressed it is calledaurum potabile (drinkable gold). But, now you ask,  where then is all the gold with whichthose alchemists [Fama] glitter so famously? So we answeryou. Our gold is indeed not in any way the gold of themultitude, but it is the living gold, the gold of God.It iswisdom, which the psalmist means, Ps.XII, 6,  The words of theLord are pure words as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purifiedseven times. If you now wish.to put before yourself the trueand actual animal stone, then seek the cornerstone, which is themeans of all change and transformation, in yourself. (Summ.Bon., pp.34 ff.) Finally the brother works towards the consummation of hislabors in the form of a master builder (denique sub architectifigura operatur frater ad huius operis perfectionem).Only 138 Hidden Symbolism of Alchemy and the Occult Artsfor the better carrying out of our building and thereby to attainthe rose-red bloom of our cross concealed in the center of ourfoundation [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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