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. You smell like bunny, Jared.If you runinto Carson again smelling like Casey, you ll only make yourproblems worse. Damn shifter noses, Jared grumbled, pinching thebridge of his nose between two fingers.After a second, henodded. I d planned on getting cleaned up anyway, but Ido appreciate the warning. Why wasn t he with you? Grady asked curiously,watching as Jared settled behind the wheel of his car.Jared shook his head. We had a fight.He stormed off.Idon t know where he went. He had to admit that partbothered him more than just a little bit.He wasn t familiarwith the area, so wasn t certain where he should even lookfor the man if he d wanted to find him.Grady tapped the hood of the car. Don t worry.Hewon t go far.Fate only gives us one mate, he remindedhim. Now that you re mated, he won t stray. Then hegrimaced,  And he s going to be extremely jealous thatyou re going to a bachelor party.Confused, Jared frowned. Huh? Why? Never been to one, huh? Grady asked, smilingsardonically. Strippers are a pretty normal occurrence andit wasn t too long ago you claimed to be straight, my friend. Oh, Jared murmured.He frowned, not liking that if thesituation were reversed, he d probably be pissed, too. Well,if you see him, tell him to swing by Spacers.I already toldmy soon-to-be brother-in-law that my date was a man, so itprobably wouldn t surprise him to see that same man showup.Grady s brows shot up. You seriously already told yourfamily about him?60 Goading The EnforcerJared shook his head. Not all of them.Just the groom.Then a thought occurred to him and he groaned. Of course,by telling Terry, he ll feel obligated to pass that informationon to my sister, who ll very quickly tell everyone.Huh.Ididn t see my family last night.After fucking Carson, I kindof hid in my room, he admitted. Sex with a man is a big step, Grady acknowledged. Ican see how you d want to take some time to get your headon straight and panic in private.Jared grimaced. Yeah, that was about right.When I mwith him, it s easy to forget everything else.The attractionis&  He shook his head as Grady laughed. Yeah, I know, man. He grinned. I have a mate,remember? So do I, Jared whispered, losing focus of hissurroundings as he thought of the man and how it felt to beheld by him.His cock started to stir at the memories and hesuddenly found it difficult to remember why it was soimportant to attend that bachelor party instead of huntingdown his mate.Shaking his head, he smiled ruefully up atGrady. And now I have to figure out what to do about it.61 Charlie RichardsChapter Eightarson stepped into Spacers, still marveling over Grady sCwords.His mate had already told his family about them? Whatdid that mean? Coming out to one s family was a big step.Jared wouldn t do that if he planned on leaving and neverseeing Carson again, would he?Uncertain of his welcome, he remained on the outskirts ofthe room so he could scope out the place.He appreciatedDeclan s promise of a couple other wolves there and easilyspotted Nick and Trace seated in a corner talking.He had nonotion of either man s orientation, but neither seemedparticularly interested in the dancer.He traded nods withthe other shifters and let his gaze rove over the clusters ofmen.It only took him a moment to spot Jared sitting at a tablewith a half dozen other men.While the others stared at thewoman on stage, laughing and cajoling each other, Jaredlounged back in his chair, which Carson noted was against awall, and surveyed the rest of the bar.Seconds later, their eyes met and a flash of heat lightedJared s eyes and one side of Jared s lips curved into a smallsmile.Assured of at least a moderate welcome, Carsonstarted toward them.He noticed a blond man slap Jared sarm, trying to get his attention.Jared broke their gaze andfrowned at the man, dropping his eyes to look at where theman touched him, before lifting a brow in question.62 Goading The EnforcerThe man, oblivious to Jared s displeasure at the contact,waved a hand at the brunet dancing and stripping [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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