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.He looked at Jonah, whose eyes went unfocused when Trey caressed his balls, made tight by Jonah sneed to come. You re almost there, Trey murmured.He pinched one ball, enough to cause a little pain and pullJonah back from the edge. Not quite yet.Jonah s breathing was ragged now, his body tense, and Trey knew he wasn t going to come with himthis time.Maybe next time. I have an idea. Trey wrapped a hand around the back of Jonah s head in order to bring his mouth infor a kiss.Trey took Jonah s mouth, full on, going deep, but keeping it brief.He nipped that bottom lip ashe retreated. Trust me? Yes. Jonah s entire body felt hot and needy under Trey s hands.And under his mouth.He backed upand bent over, taking Jonah s steel-like cock to the back of his throat while he anchored Jonah by his hips,keeping him down on the bed.Good thing, as Jonah reacted by almost arching right off the cot, a harsh groan echoing as Treyretreated, swirled his tongue around the sensitive glans and again full-throated Jonah.Jonah came at once, shaking and shivering, salty-sweet come filling Trey s mouth, deep needy noisessounding from his throat.He fell back as Trey kept licking his cock, cleaning up all the milky fluid thatpulsed out.Trey enjoyed exploring, probing the slit with his tongue, lapping at the large vein running downthe underside.When Jonah was finished and Trey could hear him breathing raggedly, he still didn t stop.Instead hekissed his way down Jonah s shaft to suck one ball into his mouth.Jonah gasped as Trey applied carefulpressure to one then the other ball.He licked back up Jonah s cock, felt it stiffen as he took him fully to theback of his throat again and again.Next, he licked up to Jonah s belly button.God, it had been so long since he d explored someone sbody.It was intoxicating and his own cock was aching now.But he continued his slow perusal, kissingupwards until he took a small stiff nipple into his mouth, bit lightly to feel Jonah jerk in reaction, thensoothed it with his tongue.He paid careful attention to the other nipple and smiled as Jonah was againarching under his ministrations.He lifted his gaze to Jonah, who stared back in rapt wonder.And for the first time, Jonah reached forhim, placed a hand on Trey s jaw. You re like magic to me.Jonah palmed Trey s neck. Take off my long underwear. Trey watched Jonah s face for any sign of distress at the command,but Jonah reached and pulled, helping Trey divest himself of the clothing.58 www.samhainpublishing.com LynxSomehow they ended up sitting then, facing each other, arms around each other, legs against eachother.Jonah placed a hand on Trey s chest and slowly dragged it down as Trey had earlier.There was aquestion on Jonah s face, so Trey nodded.With some tentativeness, Jonah wrapped a hand around Trey sdick.They seemed mesmerized by each other as Jonah slid his hand up and down, finding a rhythm he dprobably used on himself.It had been a long time.Trey had purposefully trained himself not to need masturbation, not wantingto need anything.Even now he kept himself silent, unable to make the kinds of noises Jonah had so easilyshared earlier, unable to give himself away in that manner.He hardened further under Jonah s ministrations but Jonah asked into Trey s silence,  Is this how youlike it?The uncertainty there caught like a hook in Trey s chest and if he couldn t let himself make noises, hecould say,  It s perfect, you re perfect, and he kissed Jonah to prevent any more questions.He also tookJonah s cock in his own hand, because the responsiveness, the hardness there, had him focused on nothingelse in the world but Jonah and himself and what their bodies could give to each other.Between the kissing and that large, warm hand urging him to give over and let his body release whatneeded to be released, Trey felt heat flush through him.It was a precursor, a warning as if his body wasout of practice when it came to sex.A rumble, low and restrained, his, surprised him.His muscles seizedand then he let go, gave over to the moment, not quite blindness, but no longer alert, in control.Wet heatflowed over his hand.He became disoriented, coming and feeling his come simultaneously, until herealized that Jonah had ejaculated at the same time he had.Jonah was shivering again, whimpering a little,his breathing uneven, and Trey, silent but grateful, pulled him to his chest.Jonah wrapped his arms around Trey and held tight.He turned his face towards Trey and licked alonghis collarbone.Trey couldn t help but laugh. We need to take a break and figure out what to have forsupper or we ll starve.Instead Jonah sucked at Trey s neck, hard enough to leave a mark. I like the taste of you. Hesounded surprised. Yeah, well, it s not going to give you any calories no matter how much you do that. Trey pulledhim away and Jonah lifted himself to mold their mouths together.While Trey meant to let Jonah kiss him,he found himself digging a hand into Jonah s hair and going all out in a deep kiss he couldn t stop himselftaking over.He rose above Jonah on a tide of selfishness, asserting himself and bending Jonah backslightly.Maybe it was selfish not to let Jonah control the kiss, but Trey had reacted before he thought itthrough.In recompense he gently stroked Jonah s neck, feeling the soft noises of need vibrating from hisvoice box.www.samhainpublishing.com 59 Joely SkyeHe gentled the kiss, surprised by his feeling of possessiveness, and slowly extracted himself fromJonah s embrace. Oh my God, I m hard again, said Jonah, sounding at sea, and Trey barked with laughter. Hold on there for half an hour, okay? And then we ll see what we can do to take care of you.Again.First, I need your help in the kitchen.The fire had died down, so they threw on some clothing and Jonah, despite the distraction of his hard-on, found some easy-to-throw-together meal.They ate lentil mush and beef jerky, quickly and efficiently.Then they went to the great-outdoors restroom.At which point Trey said, as he slapped his now-cold armsafter being outside,  Time to warm up, I think.60 www.samhainpublishing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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