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.She hadn t had time to make him an entiresuit and he wasn t in the fashion show so he d paired her shirt with a black pin-striped suit.The thin silver stripes in the coat helped relieve the unrelenting black, butthe color definitely suited him. You look great.Are you sure you want to cometonight? Wouldn t miss it, babe. He kissed her, but she sensed him watching Jesse over hershoulder.Always the cop, he was carefully cataloguing the other man s reaction, and ofcourse, reaffirming his claim on her in this room.His mouth wasn t demanding or hard, so she couldn t tell if he was jealous or not to see Jesse here with her, no matter howinnocently. I just hope the job cooperates long enough for me to stay the entire night. It s the thought that counts.Making the appearance with me. Her lips wobbled,so she simply skipped ahead to,  Thank you.Watching Vicki come into her own made Elias so proud that his chest ached.Cameras flashed in all directions.A glitzy crowd clamored and pressed closer, sendinghis blood pressure rising higher.This kind of event was a cop s nightmare.He scannedthe crushing crowd constantly, watching for anyone acting strangely, who seemedfixated on Vicki or any of the other guests.He gripped her elbow and kept her close, but she didn t seem to mind.In fact,every time she turned her face up to him she beamed.Her eyes glowed like starburstshad exploded in those dark depths and her cheeks were flushed.She s never looked more beautiful.He had a sudden vision of her walking down a church aisle toward him.Would sheglow as much? Could she possibly look more beautiful in a white wedding dress? Onlyif you have the balls to ask her.Surely part of that warm glow was due to the handsome young man on her otherarm.Jesse cleaned up real good, too good, Elias admitted.The kid looked like a covermodel for a fashion magazine.Women s heads were turning left and right as Jessewalked by, but he had eyes only for Vicki.Hell, Elias couldn t even blame him, becausehe was having a hard time looking anywhere but her direction too.This was her night,a dream come true.So by God, he was going to smile until his face broke, clap until hishands hurt, and cheer until he lost his voice as her designs came down the runway.And then his phone buzzed.Cursing silently, he pulled the phone out of his inside jacket pocket.Shit.He mether gaze and that glorious smile faltered.It damned near broke his heart. Ducking his head, he backed away a few steps to answer the call. Somebody dbetter be dead. Several, in fact, Colby replied. Looks like we re on the verge of a cartel war.Elias sighed, but he couldn t bring himself to look at her yet.He couldn t bear to seethe disappointment on her face.Someday, she s going to hate me.That s why I should havedone the noble thing and left her to enjoy Jesse.Wincing, he rubbed his chest absently. Pick me up  Already outside, Colby broke in. I gave you as long as possible. Thanks, man.I ll be out in a few.Elias stared down at the phone, trying to think of an easy way to break the news.Either she d be pissed as hell or so hurt she might cry, and if the latter, then he wasgoing to ask his partner to shoot him.If she were only pissed, then he d have toremember to order flowers.Lots of flowers.And he d better be nicer to the kid.Hell, who was he kidding? He d already bent over backward for them.He dwatched them together and not committed murder.It was a start, right?Grow some stones, he growled at himself.Whirling around, he put on his best badasscop face, but immediately felt that mask slip off because Vicki stood just a foot away.Bythe resignation in her eyes, she knew he was leaving.Guilt tightened around his throatlike a noose, but at least she wasn t crying, thank God. We ve got trouble.I ve got to go.Smoothing the lapels of his jacket, she gave him a tiny nod. I know.Do what youdo best, Detective Reyes. Babe& She smiled and he could only picture her as a kid giving a brave little smile to herrough and tumble older brothers. It s okay, Elias.I know you have to go and Iunderstand.It means the world to me that you came tonight.Still, he hesitated.He felt like crap for leaving, like it was his last, only chance toprove how much he cared for her.Jesse wasn t leaving her big event.A dozen drugdealers wouldn t be able to pry the former druggie away from her side.  I m not mad. She gave him a firmer tug on his lapels, her eyes sparking with thatfamiliar Vicki flare he loved so much. Disappointed, yes.Pissed, no.I understand.Go.Save people.And remember  she leaned up on her tip-toes and brushed her mouthagainst his,   that I love you.It was surreal to walk down a runway.Just a few weeks ago, Jesse had beenwalking down the street with every precious scrap of possessions he owned on hisback.Now he wore brand-new clothes he had no hope of ever affording, camerasflashed, and people applauded.None of it was real except the light in Vicki s eyes.God, she was so gorgeous.She glowed with happiness.Her designs were on hisback, so it was easy to saunter with pride down the runway.She made him forget thehopelessness and years of hunger and suffering.She made him forget everything.Afterward, they stood together drinking champagne that probably cost more than ayear at his cheap shack of an apartment.Countless people came up to them, smiling,shaking hands, like he was somebody.They looked him in the eye instead of duckingtheir heads and quickening their steps, hoping he wouldn t beg. Is this who I think it is?At the woman s snotty voice, he stiffened.All the shame and desperation of a lifeon the streets came roaring back.Filth, stench, shame, he d never be able to wash it off,no matter how many showers Vicki let him take. Yes, it is. She tightened her grip on his arm and leaned against him.Her touchgave him the courage to lift his head and meet the other woman s incredulous stare. Susan, this is Jesse.Jesse, this is Susan Tolbert.Are you still an attorney for Leeman &Wagner? Yes, partner now. The woman looked Jesse up and down, as though she justcouldn t believe her eyes. This is your artist we teased you about? He sure is. Vicki looked up at him and smiled.It was like a cloudy sky suddenlyopened up and a powerful bolt of pure sunshine beamed down on him, washing away all those bad days on the streets. And he s mine, all mine.I always knew he wasspecial.It was all he could do not to fall at her feet and throw his arms around her legs.Take me now.Please, please, make me yours.On the way back to her home, he kept a firm grip on his emotions [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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