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.What are we, the auto industry?"Randy looked blank, then went on, "What makes me sick is Armagast.I can't believe he did this.""Well, they get zilch for this package from me, and I'll lean on them to give back what they got from you.Not that we can count on it." Stewart glanced at his watch."Now, I've been thinking we could give better service if we could pick up machines for repair, and bring the finished job back to the customer.One of these multiformat vans might answer our needs.But I'd like your opinion.""What's—""Tell Mort you and I are going out, and we'll be back about four, at the latest.""Is Mort in today?""Should be.I told him to come in."Randy stepped down the hall into the showroom, told Mort, and then stood still a moment, considering that:a) Stewart had not exploded at the purchase of the Armagast program.b) Stewart was going to try to get Randy's money back.c) Stewart had hired Mort for an extra day's work, so Randy could go along to look at the new van.Not once in the past had Stewart treated Randy so much like an equal.And here was Stewart even saying that he would like Randy's opinion.On top of that string of impossibilities, there was what Stewart wanted Randy's opinion on—a "multiformat van." What was a "multiformat van"?Then there had been that about "cracking the gimmick." Apparently Stewart wanted to unlock the tricky antipiracy traps in the Armagast program.When had Stewart ever shown interest or talent for that?In short, something was wrong.If this was reality, Randy didn't recognize it.Of course, it could be just Stewart.Maybe Stewart was coming down with a cold, and this was how it hit him?But then he realized there was a worse inconsistency:Armagast.Even when the big companies drove him to the wall, Armagast had still paid off his creditors and delivered the goods to his customers.That was one reason for the fanatical loyalty the man inspired, for the users groups that stuck with outdated Armagast hardware, for the rejoicing when the Armagast updates began to come through, against all predictions stepping up the power of the Armagast machines.Even the announcement, mailed to former customers:"Armagast Computers is happy to offer our former customers the renewal of all services we formerly provided.Effective immediately, we also renew all Armagast warranties for a period of ninety days from the date of this letter.We offer immediately a series of upgrades to make our computers fully comparable to our competitors.We thank our customers for their loyalty, and we continue to stand by our pledge: 'Solid quality at a fair price.'"Would the individual behind that have put out a program that didn't work?It was at that point that Randy became conscious of a ghostly wind on the back of his neck.No, the Stewart he knew positively would not act as Stewart now was acting.And, no, Armagast flatly would not do as Armagast apparently had done.Therefore—From down the hall Stewart called, "Okay, Randy, let's go."Randy swallowed."Coming."Stewart held the outside door open.Randy stepped outside, to stare at a dirt parking lot where the high wheels of parked vehicles rested in narrow concrete troughs.The troughs curved in pairs, their tops a few inches above the muck, out into a road where they alternated with mud puddles under buzzing swarms of flies."Merciful God," said Randy.Stewart growled, "Which of these heaps do we take?" He pulled open the door, and leaned back into the building."Hey! Mike?"The technician's voice was muffled, "Stew?""Randy and I are going to look at a van.What's the format for Inter-Continental Motors?"There was a click of a door opening."InterCon? Wide and deep.But hey, Stew, wait." Footsteps hammered down the hall, and the technician peered out into the sunlight."The format's about sixty-by-eight, but don't take an adjustable.I've found out InterCon's latest stunt, just by accident—and I do mean accident.""What—?""They've raised the roads under their overpasses."Stewart stared.Mike nodded."I saw one of those adjustable vans that's supposed to fit any format start under the overpass going in on Main Street.The top of the van hit the underpass.There was glass all over the road.""They can't do that!""They can if they make it legal [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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