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.com 91 Chapter EightOnce more Oliver followed the inspector up the steps to his flat, as excited asa lad going to a country fair, knowing he d have candy floss and a good long rideon a roundabout.What a thrill, and there was no wondering about what wouldhappen between them this time.Although Court hadn t said anything inresponse to Oliver s comment about him being a reward, soon after he d paid thebill and led the way from the pub, clearly as anxious as Oliver to get someplaceprivate.They d walked quickly in the direction of Oliver s place, and he fit the key tothe lock, threw the door open, and they hurried inside.Before Oliver could evenclose the door behind them, Court grabbed him roughly by the arms and drewhim close, seizing his mouth in a hard kiss.Oliver gave a little mmph of surpriseas soft lips mashed against his and a warm tongue insinuated between them.Hegrasped Court s coat and clung to it while the other man s arms slid around himand held him tight.This was what he d been longing for, a powerful embracefrom the solid man.It made him feel safe and grounded in the world, as ifnothing truly awful could happen to him so long as Court was with him.After a few moments of fervent exploration, Court released his mouth andpulled back to gaze into his eyes. This what you wanted? Yes, Oliver gasped. And this? Court unbuttoned Oliver s coat and pushed it off his arms, thenset to work on the rest of Oliver s buttons jacket, waistcoat, shirt.There werefar too many buttons.In a fit of impatience, Court popped off a few in his efforts The Psychic and the Sleuthto get Oliver shirtless.He stripped him of undershirt, trousers, drawers, gartersand socks and shoes.All of it quickly dispensed with until Oliver stoodcompletely nude before him.Court, meanwhile, had not taken off so much as his coat.Oliver trembled with lust and anticipation.There was something extremelyerotic about being absolutely nude and exposed in front of the fully clothedCourt. Turn around and place your hands against the door. The man s voice wasas rough as gravel, and his eyes glittered eerily in the gaslight.Heat flared in Oliver s groin as he obeyed, pressing palms against smoothwood and peeling paint.He leaned forward so his legs were slightly behind him. Spread your legs wider, Court growled.Oliver shuffled his feet farther apart.His buttocks tensed, and his anustightened.The tip of his erect cock brushed against the door before him.Hestood, awaiting the next instruction, but silence followed.He imagined Court seyes examining him, dwelling on his backside.The touch of that gaze was likehot wax drizzling all over his body.He gritted his teeth and waited, listened tothe slow approach of Court s footsteps, then felt a light touch on one inner thigh.His asshole was clenching and opening spasmodically now, yearning forsomething to enter it.Oliver shivered as Court s warm, ungloved fingersbrushed up and down his thighs as light as the touch of a feather.Just that.Nomore.And then the hands moved to touch his back, stroking lightly fromshoulders to hip.Gooseflesh rose on his skin.The muscles of his rear tightenedmore; his cock was rock hard with desire.And still Court teased him.He rested his hands on Oliver s shoulders andsmoothed them down his arms to his wrists while his body pressed close.Oliverglanced at the blunt-fingered hands gripping his wrists, felt the layers of clothingwww.samhainpublishing.com 93 Bonnie Dee and Summer Devontickling his backside and the warmth of the body pressed against him.He heldhis breath and listened to Court breathing near his ear.Did the man seek somesort of response, or was Oliver meant to submit in silence? Do you& Would you like me to suck you& sir? he asked hesitantly,inserting the formal address in an erotic context. If I wanted you to, I d already have you down on your knees, Courtgrowled. Hush and do exactly as I bid you, when I bid you.He shuddered at the rude treatment, wanted more of those controllingwords taking away his power and telling him exactly how to perform.Court rocked gently against him.Even through layers of cloth, Oliver couldfeel his hardness.Then abruptly he stepped away.Oliver shifted, regaining hisbalance after the loss of that weight against him, and he turned his head toglance over his shoulder.An unexpected slap across his buttocks shook him. Did I tell you to move?Face down.Eyes on the floor.Oliver smiled and obeyed.Of course, when he looked down, what he sawwas his raging erection, looking as if it would drill a hole into the door it pressedagainst.With every fiber of his being, he wanted Court to reach around his hipand grasp his cock, but instead the detective resumed lighter touches.This time itwas his lips rather than his fingers that caressed Oliver s back, delicious, soft,warm kisses trailing down his spine [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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