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.With her hands shovedinto the front pockets of her jeans, she waited onthe small stoop as the late model police sedan andtwo very new and shiny, black Sports UtilityVehicle s came to a stop.She wasn t sure what she d expected, but shecertainly didn t think Castleview could affordsuch modern vehicles to process a crime scene.The driver s door of the patrol car opened.Thehinges creaked and popped, whether from misuseor stiff from non-use she didn t know.Even the SUV s looked as though they justcame off the assembly line.Snow covered theground, the roads were heavy with salt, and yet,not one bit of dirt or slush covered their paintjob.117 Bonnie Rose LeighWhat in the hell? Something is not right.Not right atall.Come on, Jordan.Think, dammit.Rather than keep her fear to herself, she did theone thing she didn t think she d ever do.Shecalled out for help.Ryan? Od father?Yes?Yes?A wave of relief washed through her when sheheard both their voices answer her immediately.She could get used to this.Jordan choked off hergasp, unwilling to even let her mind wander inthat direction when so much in her life was souncertain.Something s wrong about this whole situation.Before she could say anymore, the officer got outof his car and started to walk toward her.His hair was black as pitch, his uniform pantswere two inches too short for his legs, and hisarms looked like they were about to bust out ofthe seams of his sleeves.His eyes were hiddenbehind shades, even though the morning sun hadyet to rise.His face, though almost too perfectlysymmetrical, held no expression.He wasn t aboutto give anything away.He continued to walk upthe drive and she quickly turned her attention tothe other vehicles.No one moved.The doorsremained closed.Still.Silent.Oh, God.Her entirebody began to tremble.118 Loving JordanDaughter, what s wrong?Jordan, baby? What is it?These vehicles look brand new, and the deputy thatjust stepped out of his car is giving me the willies.IsitUnable to voice her fears, she kept her eyeslocked on the cop as he made his way toward her.What were you going to ask, Daughter?Before she could answer the cop stepped on thestoop, stopping less than a foot away from her.With exaggerated slowness, he pulled his shadesoff his eyes, and tucked them in his shirt pocket.When his gaze met hers, the shock pierced her.Shock and panic.Jesus.What is this guy?I m on my way, Jordan.I ll be right there, baby.Hurry, Ryan.The cop s eyes glowed red.She could literallysee red and orange sparks flickering in the whitesof his eyes.This time, she couldn t contain hergasp, a gasp of pure terror.Her legs trembled.Her heart pounded.Her hands shook. Ma am.I need you to come with me. Hisvoice rumbled low in his throat, almost ananimalistic growl.Her stomach pitched,somersaulting and she thought she might throwup the coffee she d managed to choke down whilewaiting for him to show up.Jordan took a step back, smashing her back into119 Bonnie Rose Leighthe kitchen door.She reached back, fumbling forthe doorknob. I don t think so.Before she could get her hand around thedoorknob, the cop or whatever he really wasgrabbed her hand, yanking her away from thedoor and against his chest.She pushed against his chest and nothinghappened.With her one free hand, she reached upand yanked on his hair, pulling out a hunk and hedidn t so much as flinch.Oh shit.Dad, I need help here.There s no way Ryan can gethere in tiThe ground beneath her feet heaved andbuckled.Rolling waves of earth ran over theground, aiming straight for her house, for her.Small fissures began to open in the slushy yard,and steam began to fill the air.Unable to retain his balance and hold on to hersquirming body, he tossed her to the ground, andbacked off the stoop.His lips curved into a sneer.After lifting his hand in a salute, he lifted bothhands into the sky, threw back his head, andlaughed.As the ground churned beneath his feet,knocking small plants over, and shaking the tree-lined drive, he yelled into the heavens,  You havenot won, Alfadir.We shall defeat you.Of this, youhave our word!In a flash of light, all three vehicles and thething that attacked her, disappeared.Before she120 Loving Jordancould scramble to her feet, the ground tremorsstopped.The kitchen door smashed open,bouncing against the wall of the house.Ryan?She could hear the confusion, the fear in hervoice and she didn t care.She didn t care if hethought she were weak, or girly.In fact, it was arelief to be herself with this man, to let her see thewoman beneath the federal agent badge shecarried. Jordan, are you all right baby.I couldn t getthrough the door.I couldn t do anything to helpyou.Dammit, he cursed, gently lifting her to herfeet from where she still laid sprawled on the backstoop. Where did they go, Ryan? Where did thatthing go and what the fuck was he? I don t know, baby.I don t know.But, I thinkyour father has some more explaining to do. Heran his hands down her arms, her legs. What are you doing, Ry? Where is mymother?He winced, kept his eyes downcast. I m making sure you haven t broken anything [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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