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.Then, in June, he hired the New York private investigation company Alpha Group to spy on his wife for 11 days and confirm her infidelity.This surveillance would cost Kissel US$25,000.The investigation proved positive.PI Rocco Gatta confirmed that Nancy Kissel was having a fling with a television repairman named Michael del Priore.Younger than Robert, Michael had a good physique and lived at a trailer park near the Kissels’ Vermont home.During two sessions of surveillance, Gatta noted that a blue van was parked discreetly near the Kissels’ multi-million-dollar home.On each occasion, the vehicle would be parked either in a ditch or halfway up the long drive, out of sight of both the main road and the house.The driver of the van would take off in the middle of the night, without turning on the headlights until reaching the main road.The registration number of the van revealed the owner to be Michael del Priore, Nancy’s lover.Intercepted emails from the Romeo, which may be described as ‘love letters’, contained passages such as: ‘I love it when you call my name, it makes me melt.’ Other email exchanges between the lovers included small talk about their daily lives, food preferences and love talk in which they called each other ‘Baby’ and ‘Honey’.In one email Nancy wrote, ‘I think about you so much, Michael…’ At one point Michael writes, ‘I am going crazy… when customers ask me questions, I want to tell them, “Leave me alone, I am busy thinking about Nancy.”’After the all-clear for the SARS outbreak was given, Nancy returned to Hong Kong, but continued her relationship with Michael del Priore over the internet.On 28 July 2003, Robert Kissel contacted Sharon Ser, a senior partner at attorneys Hampton, Winter and Glynn, to enquire about divorce proceedings and custody of his children.By late September, he had twice told Frank Shea, the owner of Alpha Group Investigations, that he feared for his safety and suspected his wife of trying to poison him.Robert discovered on 28 August that Nancy had indeed been searching the internet using keywords such as ‘sleeping pills’, ‘overdose medication causing heart attack’ and ‘drug overdose’.He also told Shea that, when he returned home from work and had his usual glass of Scotch, he felt ‘woozy and disorientated’.The investigator advised him to report to the police with blood and urine samples.Sadly, Robert did not heed the advice because he felt guilty for suspecting his wife.This was a mistake that would cost him his life.On 20 October, Fung Yuet-seung, an assistant in a clinic on Icehouse Street, gave Nancy Kissel a prescription for Stilnox, a short-term treatment for insomnia, and for the antidepressants Amitriptyline and Lorizan, all in tablet form.Three days later, Nancy Kissel visited a doctor, who prescribed her ten tablets of Rohypnol, the so-called ‘date rape’ drug.That night she searched the internet for any contraindicative effects the drug might have.Again, Robert spotted his wife’s internet search and contacted Frank O’Shea, this time also confirming that Nancy had been using another mobile phone to communicate with her lover, and that he was again concerned about his safety.Robert Kissel had told lawyer Roger Egerton that he had informed his wife about his suspicions that she was having an affair.Nancy seemed ‘unfazed’ when he showed her the telephone bills with the details of her television repairman lover in the US, and he explained to Egerton that he was going to discuss the divorce arrangements on the afternoon of 2 November.But Robert was now doomed.It was the countdown for murder.At Nancy Kissel’s trial, the picture painted by the prosecution was one of ice-cold calculation on the defendant’s part for the act of premeditated murder.On Saturday, 1 November, Samantha Kriegel, an accomplished photographer and a member of the same United Jewish Congregation in Robinson Road as the Kissels, was asked to take some photos of the couple’s children in the Parkview garden.‘At this time, everything seemed perfect,’ said Kriegel, ‘and the kids got on very well with me.’The next day, Nancy Kissel went to the synagogue.Robert emailed his brother, Andrew, and one of his friends about his intention to divorce his wife [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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