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. Oh, my! she laughed with the excitement of it.Later that night, as Sarah was drifting off to sleep after a full day of sensual delights,she realized Lance had been true to his word, every bit of it.He held her tightly in hisarms and she fell asleep with a heart overflowing with love for this kind, strong man. Chapter FiveSarah leaned back against Lance s strong chest.It was a heavenly place to be.Hehad his long arms wrapped securely around her.She could stay like this forever. You are killing me here. There was a gravelly chuckle in his chest. Sarah, are youlistening to me? Yes, I am, she sighed, with longing.One thing was for sure, now that Lance hadshown her how sweet partaking of physical pleasure could be, she wanted more of theexperiences.He grunted. You will have to use both hands.The gun is heavy and your armsaren t steady enough.You need a good grip.It is very important.Keep your finger off ofthe trigger.Sarah brought up her other hand and grasped the gun handle tightly.She was happythat Lance was teaching her how to shoot, just as he said he would.He was a man of hisword. No, not like that.Grasp your wrist.It will help steady your arm.She would like to grasp something and it wouldn t be her wrist.She was thinking hehad a body part that would fit nice and snuggly in her hand. Good, that s it.Now take aim like I showed you. He released her and steppedback. When you are ready, squeeze the trigger smoothly.Try not to jerk.She already missed the warmth of his big body against her back.How could sheconcentrate on learning how to shoot this blasted gun when all she could think about wasmaking love with him? She had become a wanton woman overnight.Sarah smiled at thethought.She wasn t really, but she liked to think she could be if she wanted to.She squinted her eye and took aim. Don t close your eye, Sarah.Keep them both open.You have to learn to shootwithout taking the time to squint.Look past the mark at the end of the barrel after youline it up with your target and then don t take your eyes off of what you are aiming at.Sarah concentrated real hard, then she squeezed the trigger.The gun jerked in herhand, and the small piece of wood Lance set on the fence post for her jumped up in theair when the bullet hit it. I did it! she exclaimed excitedly, turning towards him. Whoa. He pushed the arm that still held the gun down and away from him. Always keep it pointed down and away from others when you aren t planning onshooting something.It needs to be reloaded but it is still something you always have to beconscious of. Sorry. She sure would hate to accidentally shoot Lance in her excitement. You did good. He gathered her in his embrace once more and gave her a sizzlingkiss on the lips as her reward. Now, I am going to sit on the porch.You keep practicingand I will watch.He limped to the porch and up the few steps to sit in the chair she had there.Sheknew his leg was probably bothering him, but he was getting around pretty fair.He hadeven stopped using the cane.It was a full minute later of staring at him as he sat on her porch before she turned around to load her gun and face her targets again.It felt good to have a man around andhe looked at home on her porch.It felt right.She turned back around to ask him if he was going to be around for a while.Itwouldn t bother her if he were here for the rest of eternity.She d already given him herheart such as it was. Lance?He seemed to know what she was thinking, because he preempted her with the huskystatement,  I am not leaving you, Sarah. He leaned back in the chair and lifted his feet toprop them on the rail.The softly spoken words made her eyes fill with tears.He meant them.She dashedaway the tears and took aim at her next target trying to remember everything Lance hadtold her.He wanted her to learn for her own safety.She wanted to learn to be an excellentshot to please him.* * * *Lance heard the wagon coming long before Sarah did.She was currently makingbread in the large cooking area.He moved to the door so he could see who was comingup the long dirt road.It only took one glance to note the size of the man driving thewagon to know who was coming.They were back sooner than expected.He would haveto take care of Prichard later.First making love to Sarah had distracted him, and now this. Is that a wagon? Sarah asked, barely taking her hands from the work she wasdoing.She looked wholesome and sweet with the hint of red flushing her cheeks frombending over the table and kneading the bread dough.She had on a lightweight greendress with a high collar and short, puffed sleeves.Her pretty black hair was confined insome kind of feminine arrangement that just made Lance itch to let it down again. It is.Lance turned to her. Sarah?She looked up at him curiously. Who is it? Do you know? It is my sister and your brother.Her hands stopped moving on the dough. I thought they wouldn t be back forweeks. Obviously, we all thought wrong. Oh, my God.Am I ready for this?Lance smiled, his heart was full of happiness for once.He was happy for Sarah thatshe would be reunited with her brother. You will be as soon as you wipe that flour offthe side of your nose. Hell, he d been happy so much lately he felt like an entirelydifferent man.Being with Sarah brought him happiness. What? Her blue eyes widened. Oh, no. She grabbed a rag to wipe her hands onand went running into the bedroom they were sharing.Lance stepped out on the porch just as the wagon rolled to a stop out front.He triedto make it down the steps to help his sister down from the wagon but she beat him to it.Anna jumped down on her own power.She had always been impetuous like that.Lukescowled because she didn t wait for anyone to lift her down. Lance! She ran to him and threw her arms around his neck. We heard in Ophiryou d been shot.Are you okay now? I can t believe this happened. I am fine, Susannah.Can t you see that?Her brown eyes scanned over him lightly. Where? Where were you shot? She demanded. Leg, shoulder, he told her simply. I am fine now.She turned to Luke who had climbed down from the wagon. It is your fault he gotshot, she scolded.Her brown eyes flashed indignant fire at her very tall husband.LukeCampbell was every bit of six foot seven. No, it isn t. Luke argued with a half smile on his face. It isn t my fault he is anidiot and let someone try and fill him full of holes.You should have waited and let mehelp you down out of the wagon, Missy, he scolded Anna right back.Any other time and Lance would have taken offense at Luke s words just as Lukeintended he should, but not today.This day was Sarah s, and he wouldn t spoil it for her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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