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.She deserved a man who spent a few hours on her wedding day, treating her asthough she was special.Every bride should have such consideration taken on herbehalf, her needs attended to, her pleasure realized.What the hell kind of husbandtakes a woman to wife, fucks her, and leaves her to grow bitter and cold, thencomplains for forty years because she is as he created? Unfortunately, he knew of toomany marriages just like that.He wouldn't ever be the husband she deserved, for she was far too beautiful forGod to have ever seen fit to award him with her.But they were a part of each other'slives now, till death do they part.He had an obligation to her to see her safe and secure.As she slept, the few candles that still struggled to burn showed her to be like adelicate flower, though he certainly knew better.She was brave and sturdy, someonehe'd be proud to have on his arm.Yet, he knew he'd disappoint her, for even now, histhoughts were veering toward the Sapphire Club and his eternal quest for what?Though early morning, he knew the club would be operating.It always was.Heneeded the attention only Haynes provided.The man was bloody efficient with aflogger, and that's what Phillip needed.Muddled with thoughts to which he had noright, as well as thoughts dark enough to bring about the downfall of the young womanwho lay beside him, he sighed.He didn't deserve the life that Lucien Damrill orPrentice Hyde had with their wives; that obvious bliss they immersed themselves inday in and day out.Their wives shared their sexual cravings, the more perverse side ofthemselves.He could never share that with Felicity, for if he did, she would look at him withdisgust and revulsion.The looks she'd given him this day were as she saw him, not ashe actually was.Indeed, he dreaded the day she learned the truth. Chapter NineAs Phillip stepped into the entrance hall, the club seemed quiet.All assignationshad long ago been arranged and rooms no doubt filled to capacity.The ton loved its sexraw and often, though to hear them talk, one would think their children had been bornby immaculate conception.Hampton took Phillip's great coat and hat."Don't you ever sleep, Hampton?""Yes, I do, Your Grace.""You are always here.""Yes, I am, Your Grace."Concise conversation with no information imparted.Good man, Hampton."Is Haynes about?""I believe he is, Your Grace.""Could you find him and ask him to go to my room?""I will do that, Your Grace."Phillip walked across the entrance hall, the loud clicking of the grandfatherclock's pendulum and his heels striking the floor the only sounds he could hear.Afleeting thought that he might have just asked Hampton to rouse Haynes from his bedcrossed his mind.Then he dismissed it, not particularly caring if that was the case.Hehad need of the young man, and he was the Duke of Thornhill.His usual room was dark, but for enough glow from a single moonbeam to allowhim to light a candle.He'd have Haynes set a fire in the grate, for the room had a chill.While he waited, his mind drifted back to Grosvenor Square and to his wife.Good God, his wife.Never had he thought to have one.Not even now, after a mostsatisfying wedding night, did he particularly care to have a wife.He saw no benefit andgreat detriment, particularly to her, but none of that mattered now.A light tap sounded on the door, and a rather disheveled Haynes entered theroom.He had roused the man from his bed."Good evening, Haynes.I am sorry to have awakened you." "Are you, Phillip?" Haynes yawned and seemed rather brusque.He deserved that.Haynes spoke truthfully, instead of the constant deference totitle and consequence."Not really.Could you set a fire?"Without a word, Haynes knelt before the grate, arranged the wood and set thefire.It all looked so simple to Phillip, yet he'd never done such a thing in all his life.Hefelt a degree of shame wash over him, then dismissed it as foolishness."What can I do for you, Phillip?" Haynes's tone had more than a tinge ofirritation."I got married today.""You woke me to tell me that?""No." His reason for coming here at this hour was rapidly becoming ridiculous.However, he was here and he would get that for which he came.He began to disrobe."I have great need of you, Haynes." Phillip removed his trousers, his erectionleaving no doubt as to his intention."I can see that; however, that will have to wait.I believe there is something elseto attend to first."As Haynes retrieved the strap, Phillip stripped away the rest of his clothing.Inthis room, he felt at home.The dark agonies he'd experienced here drew him back tohimself, like the beckoning fingers of a wraith.The more pain he got the more hewanted.He positioned himself as always, legs spread wide.Haynes fastened therestraints, though for effect only, for Phillip wasn't about to forego what came next.He hoped Haynes was irritated enough that his anger would come out in hislashes.Phillip wanted to feel every strike, every sting.He wanted it to burn for days, forthrough that, he felt alive, reminded constantly of what he was and who he'd never be.No respite between strokes, indeed Haynes laid the lashes on nicely.Phillipgritted his teeth and closed his eyes, relishing the sound of the wide leather strap as itslapped his skin.Even the whistle it made flying through the air held significance.He concentrated, not wanting to spend his seed during the thrashing.He had other plans.The first of the last strikes bit hard, laid over the tender skin of his ass.Thesecond snapped in the air and Haynes placed it precisely over the others.The third wasorgasmic, bringing tears to Phillip's eyes.Then, all too quickly, it was over.He always liked the feeling just after the lashing ended, when the burn was at itspeak.On weak legs he shook, but his soul was salved.Haynes released the bonds and disrobed without saying a word.When Phillipturned around, gathering his strength, he saw Haynes had bent over the edge of thebed.Such a blatant invitation, one that said, "Fuck me and get it over with."If Phillip were a considerate man, he'd allow the man to go seek his bed oncemore.However, he was the Duke of Thornhill, and all of London knew he was not aconsiderate man.Phillip bathed his raging erection in oil and then did the same to the willingman's anus.He slipped two fingers into Haynes's rectum [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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