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.The need, the pressing, insistentneed to always be with Ton.The clawing hungerfor him, his time, his laughter, his body.None of those things meant that he was in love with hismate.They just meant that he'd accepted theirmating, right? It wasn't that he did think he couldlove Ton, he was well aware that he could, but hedidn't think that Ton would ever love him back andhe had made a promise to himself that he wouldn'tbe in love alone ever again.So since he knew thatTon didn't love him, then there was no way that hecould be in love with the other man, could he? Henodded his head mentally.He wasn't in love withhim.was he?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hours later everyone had left.Vet had set upguard duty with the members of the pack that livedand worked on the ranch and had sent some packmembers out into the town to see if anyone hadnoticed a stranger lurking around, or if a strangerhad been asking any questions.Someone had tohave told Adam where Tommy was living at.TheTate Ranch was on the edge of town, on a verylarge parcel of land that was not easily noticeablefrom the road.Vet's ancestors had done that onpurpose, in order to protect the pack from pryinghuman eyes, so even if Adam had driven up anddown the street he wouldn't have been able to find the ranch unless someone had told him exactlywhere to look.Ton was grateful to his pack and hisalpha for doing what they could to protect hismate, but he knew that in the end, the demise ofAdam Quinn was going to be his alone.He sighed as he walked back into the masterbedroom, his mind formulating and discardingplans for finding Adam and ending his life of terrorand fear in his mate's life.His thoughts jumbledand then cut off completely when he walked intothe bedroom fully.Tommy was bent over at thewaist, his long black hair falling to the side, hispale skin gleaming, the globes of his ass thrustupwards as he took off his heels and then his jeans. Ton heard his harsh breathing in his own ears andhe knew then that no one was going to take hismate from him, because he'd never had such avisceral reaction to anyone before.Without anotherthought or a word to Tommy, he walked quickly tothe smaller man and knelt behind him, his largetanned hands contrasting seductively with the palewhite skin of Tommy's ass as he pulled the cheeksapart and first ran his nose up the crease of hismate's ass from the skin behind his balls up to thebase of his spine.He growled at the slightly musky smell of hismate.He could still smell himself on the other manand it made his wolf want to howl in triumph and pride that his mate wore his scent and had he notwanted his mate so much, he would done just that,instead he stuck out his tongue and drew it downhis mate's crease in the opposite direction that hisnose had just taken."Oh.Gods," he heard Tommy's shaking voiceas his body flushed a beautiful light pink color asarousal rushed through his system.Ton growledlow again and with the tip of his tongue tasted theoutside of his mate's puckered entrance.Lickingfrom one side of the clenching hole to the fleshymeat of one ass cheek, Ton bit down on his mate'sass lightly.He grinned wolfishly as Tommy's bodyjerked in pleasure and he squeaked like a mouse before moaning in delight.Tracing his tongue over his mate's entire cheek,he then licked and nibbled his way back to the holethat seemed to be clenching and releasing as if itwere trying to speak and beg for something.Deciding to give it what it was so desperatelyasking for, Ton stuck the tip of his tongue gentlyinside of the clenching hole, twin groans ofpleasure coming from both him and Tommy.Tonfelt the ring of Tommy's ass squeeze his tongue asif trying to pull the intruding muscle deep withinitself and never let go.Wiggling his tongue, heslowly pulled it out before tracing to the other sideof Tommy's ass and repeating the process.He returned his tongue back to his mate's hot, velvetchannel and began to simulate with his tonguewhat his large, aching cock was going to be doingsoon.With one hand holding onto Tommy's hip, hemoved the other hand up over the smaller man'sballs, squeezing them gently, tracing over themwith the tip of his fingernail.He distantly heard thesound of Tommy's panting cry for more, for him todo something, for Ton to stop teasing him and fuckhim already.If Tommy could still talk then hewasn't doing something right.Pulling his tongue out of Tommy's ass andgiving it one last lick, the taste of his mateembedded on his tongue, one of the best things he'd ever tasted, he turned Tommy to face him.Without a word to Tommy, without looking up, heopened his mouth and swallowed down Tommy'sleaking erection.He wanted to grin when he heardTommy's own distinctly human howl and felt hislong, slim fingers clutching the back of his head.Reaching out with both hands, he held on toTommy's torso and lifted him as he stood, thesmaller man's cock still in his mouth."OH GOD TON!! WHAT THE HELL AREYOU-NNNGGGHH!" Tommy yelled and thenmoaned as he felt himself hoisted in the air.Tonshifted his mate's legs over his shoulders andcontinued to suck his cock.He felt Tommy grab the back of his head frantically, his hips trying tomove desperately, wanting to fuck his mouth andfelt the other man's balls begin to draw up towardshis body.As much as he wanted the taste of hismate's seed to coat his tongue he wanted to feelhim come around his cock.Taking a few steps tothe wall next to the tallboy dresser, he pressedTommy against the wall and released his cock.Heheard the smaller man whine and plead for him tomake him come and he ignored him as he stuck outhis right hand to the top of the dresser to grab thelube that they'd placed there.Looking back at hismate, his eyes dark with passion, a dazed look ofarousal stamped on his face, he felt his own whine come up out of his chest.He wish that he couldpound into the man without any preparation, but heknew that wasn't possible.Pressing his head against Tommy's stomach,licking the abs that were displayed prominentlythere, he opened the bottle of lube and pouredsome over his fingers.Rubbing the cool liquidbetween his fingers to warm it up, he placed onefinger at the entrance to his mate's channel andtapped the clenching hole for a moment, listeningto the other man moan, feeling him shift.Withoutanother thought he sucked in Tommy's cock as herubbed one finger around the other man's holebefore pushing it in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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