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.And she knew, as he narrowed his eyes,that they were the color of glacier ice."You know," he said, "there's still a connection between us.I can feel it,sort of like a cord between our minds.It pulls.You can't deny it, Jez.It'sthere whether you like it or not.And-" He considered, as if thinking of thebest way to put this."It tells me things.Things about you."Oh, hell, Jez thought.It's over.I'm just going to have to protect Hugh andClaire myself.From him and whoever's got us.Part of her was scared, but part was just furious, the familiar fury ofneeding to bash Morgead over the head.He was so certain of himself, so.smug."So what's it telling you now?" she said sarcastically before she could stopherself."That you're not telling the truth.That there's something you're keepingfrom me, something you've been keeping from me.And that it has to do withhim." He nodded toward Hugh.He knew.The jerk knew and he was just playing with her.Jez could feelself-control slipping away."Something to do with why you want the Wild Power," Morgead went on, astrange smile playing on his lips."And with where you've been for the pastyear, and with why you suddenly want to protect humans.And why you say'Goddess' when you're surprised.No vampire says that.It's a witch thing."Goddess, I'm going to kill him, Jez thought, clenching her teeth."Anythingelse?" she said evenly."And with why you're scared of me reading your thoughts." He smirked."Toldyou I was observant."Jez lost it."Yeah, Morgead, you're brilliant.So are you smart enough tofigure out what it all means? Or just to get suspicious?""It means-" He looked uncertain suddenly, as if he hadn't exactly figured outwhere all this was leading.He frowned."It means.that you're." Helooked at her."With Circle Daybreak."It came out as a statement, but a weak one.Almost a question.And he wasstaring at her with an I-don't-believe-it look."Very good," Jez said nastily."Two points.No, one; it took you longenough."Morgead stared at her.Then he suddenly erupted out of his side of the van.Jez jumped forward, too, in a crouch that would let her move fluidly andprotect Hugh and Claire.Page 98 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlBut Morgead didn't attack.He just tried to grab her shoulders and shake her."You little idiot!" he yelled.Jez was startled."What?""You're a Daybreaker?""I thought you had it all figured out." What was wrong with him? Instead oflooking betrayed and bloodthirsty he looked scared and angry.Like a motherwhose kid has just run in front of a bus."I did-I guess-but I still can't believe it.Jez, why? Don't you know howstupid that is? Don't you realize what's going to happen to them?""Look, Morgead-""They're going to lose, Jez.It's not just going to be the Council againstthem now.Everybody in the Night World is going to be gunning for them.They're going to get wiped out, and anybody who sides with them will be wipedout, too."His face was two inches from hers.Jez glared at him, refusing to giveground."I'm not just siding with them," she hissed."I am one of them.I'm adamned Daybreaker.""You're a dead Daybreaker.I can't believe this.How am I supposed to protectyou from the whole Night World?"She stared at him."What?"He settled back, glaring, but not at her.He was looking around the van,avoiding her eyes."You heard me.I don't care who your friends are, Jez.Idon't even care that you came back to use me.I'm just glad you came back.We're soulmates, and nothing can change that." Then he shook his headfuriously."Even if you won't admit it.""Morgead." Suddenly the ache in Jez's chest was too much to stay inside.It was closing off her throat, making her eyes sting, trying to make her cry.She had misjudged Morgead, too.She'd been so sure that he would hate her,that he could never forgive.But of course, he didn't know the whole truth yet.He probably thought that her being a Daybreaker was something she would growout of.That it was just a matter of getting her to see the light and changesides again, and she would become the old Jez Redfern.He didn't realize thatthe old Jez Red-fern had been an illusion.Tm sorry," she said abruptly, helplessly."For all of this, Morgead-I'msorry.It really wasn't fair to you for me to come back."He looked irritated."I told you; I'm glad you did.We can work things out-ifyou'll just stop being so stubborn.We'll get out of this-""Even if we do get out of it, nothing's going to change." She looked up athim.She wasn't frightened of what he might do anymore.The only thing she wasfrightened of was seeing disgust in his eyes-but she still had to tell him."IPage 99 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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