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.You were not there to ask my opinion or seek myapproval.You were simply following through on aformality so that you could say you talked to me aboutit.  Yes, I knew you would have concerns.If youchose not to have a discussion then, that was yourchoice, and I find it underhanded that you wouldchoose to then bring them up after the fact.Twyla began to speak but stopped with a lookfrom her husband, her face getting redder.Pastor Thomas continued, his voice calm, butstrained. You have been in the leadership position lessthan two weeks, and you are already making decisionsthat will tear this church apart.If you think the churchboard will stand for this, you are vastly mistaken. How can the church board deny a person whois wanting to volunteer with the kids?Pastor Thomas faltered momentarily. Volunteer? Brooke will not be receiving payment?He was not the only one who looked surprised atthis news.Donnie looked over at Pastor Bron withwide eyes. Tyler, that was not what we talked about.Brooke has his degree in youth ministry.He is morethan qualified and should be compensated for his time.My eyes beseeched him, begging him to let it go.  Donnie, it s okay.Tyler and I talked about it.Thismakes the most sense.Tyler directed his comment toward PastorThomas. Brooke will volunteer his time for severalmonths, then we will present the option to the board tobring him on full time in a paid position.I have nointention of spending the church s money and tithewithout their sanction.  For from within, out of the heart of men,proceed the evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders,adulteries, deeds of coveting and wickedness, as wellas deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, andfoolishness.All these evil things proceed from withinand defile the man. Mark seven, twenty-one to twenty-three.The workings of your heart are showing through,Tyler. Pastor Thomas s face was on fire, but hemanaged to keep his voice to an appropriate level. You are working to deceive, appearing to do things insuch a way that people can say you are not hidinganything, yet your intentions are not lost on me.Tyler actually rolled his eyes. I am not getting into a Bible verse-throwing contest with you, PastorThomas.Twyla could not hold her tongue any longer. Because you don t have the Lord or the Bible on yourside.You are as vile as those you would bring in tocorrupt our youth.Jed smacked his fist on the table, and he stoodup. How in the world is Brooke going to corrupt theyouth?I pulled Jed down by the back of his shirt asPastor Thomas replied. We don t need anyonespreading the gay agenda to our kids.Zephyra laughed scornfully. What gay agenda?Are they going to do voodoo to turn all the kids gay?Pastor Thomas looked at her gravely, as if shehad spoken the truth but was too slow to realize it. Voodoo? No.Attempt to steer our children into thehomosexual lifestyle? Yes. That is ridiculous, Pastor Thomas.You cain tmake somebody gay who ain t gay.You ve got kids inthat church that already  re gay and miserable, scared, and alone.They need someone like Brooke who canshow  em that they re okay and that they can live agood life and still be who God made  em. Maudra svoice was filled with passion, but her face looked likeshe knew she was wasting her breath. There are no homosexual children in our youth.The very fact you say such a thing shows your trueintention.I looked at Tyler. This is ridiculous.I knew thatthis would happen if you brought me into the youthgroup.It will only get worse.Let s just forget it. No! Donnie, Mandy, and Zephyra all shoutedat once.Mandy looked at the other two and then spokeup, her eyes already filling with tears. Brooke, youcan t just give up.It s not right.The kids need you.They need to know that they re okay.Don t letpeople s hate keep you from loving these kids! That s what he s gonna do, ya know. Hervoice was quiet enough that it drew everyone sattention to her.Even through her slur, what she said was easy to understand.Seeing that she had the room sattention, she raised her voice to a normal volume. That s what he s going to do.Love them.Not hearing the tone of her voice and notknowing my mother like the rest of us, Mandy noddedearnestly. That s right! That s all he ll do.He will lovethe kids. She turned to Pastor Thomas. How can youkeep someone from showing these children more love,someone who is willing to sacrifice himself for them, toface opposition, just so he can show them they arevaluable, both to us and to God?Pastor Thomas s eyes widened at her, hiseyebrows creased downward, as if questioning if shewas serious, if she really didn t understand what Rosewas saying. Mandy. I looked at her apologetically. Sweetie, you don t get it.Rose is  I don t need you to interpret for me, boy. Rosekept her eyes on Pastor Thomas, but addressedMandy. You re right, my girl.Brooke will love thekids, especially all the little boys.It will be like a smorgasbord for him.A different flavor of little boy forevery night of the week.Mandy gasped, her face glowing, the brimmingtears beginning to fall. That s not what I meant. Herface transitioned from shock to anger in less than asecond [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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