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.Mâtân, the son of Benyâs, chief of the house.Ad araz, the son of Kîrêm, servant of decorations.Dalakëm, the son of Mâtrêm, chief of the horse-soldiers. Adaryôs, the son of Nêdrôs, chief of the foot-soldiers.53 Kebra Nagast Awstërân, the son of Yôdâd, bearer of the  glory. Astar ayôn, the son of  Asâ, messenger of the palace (?).Îmî, the son of Matâtyâs, commander of the host(?)Mâkrî, the son of  Abîsâ, judge of the palace. Abîs, the son of Kâryôs, assessor of taxes (tithes?).Lîk Wendeyôs, the son of Nêlenteyôs, judge of assembly.Kârmî, the son of ©ad.nëyâs, chief of the royal workmen.Serânyâs, the son of  Akâz êl, administrator of the King s house.These are all those who were given to David, king of Ethiopia, the sonof Solomon, King of Israel.And Solomon also gave him horses, andchariots, and riding-camels, and mules, and wagons for carrying loads, andgold, and silver, and splendid apparel, and byssus, and purple, and gems,and pearls and precious stones; and he gave his son everything that wouldbe wished for in the country of Ethiopia.And then they made ready to set out, and [though] there was great joywith the nobles of the King of Ethiopia, there was sadness with the noblesof the King of Israel, because through the firstborn son of Solomon, King ofIsrael, that is to say, the King of Ethiopia, the firstborn sons of the nobles ofIsrael were given to rule over the country of Ethiopia with the son ofSolomon the King.Then they assembled together and wept, together withtheir fathers, and their mothers, and their relations, and their kinsfolk, andtheir peoples, and their countrymen.And they cursed the King secretly andreviled him because he had seized their sons against their will.But unto theKing they said,  Because of this thou hast done well.Thy wisdom is sogood that the kingdom of Israel, by the Will of God and by thy wisdom,extendeth to the country of Ethiopia.And God will gather together theother kingdoms [of the world] into thy hand, for thou hast a right mindtowards God, and thou wishest that they shall serve the God of Israel, andthat idols may be destroyed out of the world.And they praised him and said unto him,  Now know we that Godspake concerning thee to our father Abraham [when He said],  In thy seedshall all the nations of the earth be blessed.  And they made their faces toappear happy, and they jested before him, and they praised himexceedingly (i.e., fulsomely) because of his wisdom.And when they said54 Kebra Nagastthese things unto him, he understood them in [his] wisdom, and bore withthem patiently; now God beareth with us patiently knowing well all oursins.And the whole earth, and the heavens, and the ends of the world, andthe sea, and the dry land, are the kingdom of God.He judgeth.And Hehath given the earth to the king to be subject unto him, that he may judge(or, rule), as He doth, those who do evil so that he may requite them withevil, and those who do good so that he may reward them with good.Forthe Spirit of God resteth in the heart of the king, and His hands are in hismind, and His knowledge is in his understanding.44.How it is not a Seemly Thing to Revile the KingNow it is not a seemly thing to revile the king, for he is the anointed ofGod.It is neither seemly nor good.If he doeth that which is good he willnot suffer loss in three kingdoms: FIRST, God shall overthrow for him hisenemy, and he shall not be seized by the hand of his enemy.SECONDLY,God shall make him reign with Him and with His righteousness, and shallmake him to sit on His right hand.THIRDLY, God shall make him to reignupon earth with glory and joy, and shall direct his kingdom for him, andshall bring down the nations under his feet.And if he treateth God lightly,and doth not do that which is good, and doth not himself walk in the pathof uprightness, God shall work as He pleaseth against him; on earth Hewill make his days to be few, and in heaven (sic) his place of abode shall bethe habitation of Sheôl with the Devil [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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