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.Let s take a look at two examples of this.a) 3 Bxf6 is the most natural move 3& exf6 4 e3 g6.This is a solid way to give extraprotection to Black s pawn chain.5 h4 d5 Black relies on this move in order to take firmcontrol of the centre.6 c4 Be6 7 cxd5 Bxd5 8 Nc3 Nc6 9 Nge2 Bf7 10 g3 Bd6 11 Bg2 0-0 12a3 Ne7 13 Nf4 c6 14 Nd3 a5 15 Qc2 Qb6 16 0-0 Bb3 Black has a very pleasant position withno weaknesses.Furthermore, he also has the option to play & c5.We have been followingthe game A.Grischuk vs A.Moiseenko, RUS-chT, Sochi, 2005, 0-1.b) 3 e3 this kind of approach can hardly be dangerous.I.Sokolov vs S.Agdestein, Oslo-45,1996, 0-1, continued 3& e6 4 Bd3 Be7 5 Ne2 0-0 6 0-0 Nd5!? 7 Bxe7 Qxe7 8 a3 Nf6 and Blackhas a very comfortable position.He can either aim to take control of e4 by playing & b6 and& Bb7, or he can consider the standard plan of & d6 followed by & e5.362 363Killer Dutch  The Book | GM Simon Williams3 Bh4Or:a) 3 Bc1!? Another Steven Gordon idea! In this position, 3.d5 looks like a sensible way tocontinue.Black will aim to play & c5 after he has developed on the kingside.b) 3 Bf4 Nf6 4 Nc3 e6 5 e4!?XABCDEFGHY8rsnlwqkvl-tr(7zppzpp+-zp-'6-+-+psn-zp&5+-+-+p+-%4-+-zPPvL-+$3+-sN-+-+-#2PzPP+-zPPzP"1tR-+QmKLsNR!xabcdefghyThe positions that arise from this typical gambit tend to lead to a messy but equal game.Justwhat you want when playing the Dutch!5.fxe4 6 f3 Bb4Black should aim to always have control over e4.7 fxe4 0 0 8 Qd3 d5 9 exd5 exd5 10 0 0 0 with an equal game.3.g5 4 e4Or:White can also play safe with the less aggressive 4 e3XABCDEFGHY8rsnlwqkvlntr(7zppzppzp-+-'6-+-+-+-zp&5+-+-+pzp-%4-+-zP-+-vL$3+-+-zP-+-#2PzPP+-zPPzP"1tRN+QmKLsNR!xabcdefghyBlack should be comfortable as long as he plays against White s dark-squared bishop.Forexample,363 364Killer Dutch  The Book | GM Simon Williams4.Bg7 5 Bg3(5 Qh5+ does not help White s position, for example, after 5.Kf8 White s queen can actuallybecome a target 6 Bg3 Nf6 7 Qf3 d6 8 Bd3 Nc6 9 Nc3 (9 Bxf5 g4 10 Qf4 e5) 9.e5 10 dxe5 dxe511 0 0 0 Qe7)5.d6!XABCDEFGHY8rsnlwqk+ntr(7zppzp-zp-vl-'6-+-zp-+-zp&5+-+-+pzp-%4-+-zP-+-+$3+-+-zP-vL-#2PzPP+-zPPzP"1tRN+QmKLsNR!xabcdefghyBRAINSTORMING POINT!It is important for Black to play.e5! as this move will help to suffocate the White bishop ong3.6 h4 g4 7 Ne2 e5 and after this pawn break, the position is now equal.4.Rh7!? 5 Qh5+White can also try:a) 5 Be2 Kf7!? crazy but fine! 6 Bg3 f4 7 Bxf4 gxf4 8 e5 White has a slight initiative but ifBlack manages to defend this position, he will have the advantage.b) 5 Bc4 looks logical but it does run into 5.d5! This move wins a piece but the position isstill very complicated.6 Qh5+ Rf7 7 exd5 (7 Bxd5 e6) 7.Nf6 8 Qg6 Qd6 9 Nf3 Ne4 and Blackis clearly better.364 365Killer Dutch  The Book | GM Simon Williams5.Rf7 6 Nf3 Nf6 7 Qg6 Nc6XABCDEFGHY8r+lwqkvl-+(7zppzppzpr+-'6-+n+-snQzp&5+-+-+pzp-%4-+-zPP+-vL$3+-+-+N+-#2PzPP+-zPPzP"1tRN+-mKL+R!xabcdefghyThis is the critical position where White has a number of dangerous options:a) 8 Bc4b) 8 e5c) 8 exf5d) 8 Bxg5?!Let s take a look at these options:a) 8 Bc4XABCDEFGHY8r+lwqkvl-+(7zppzppzpr+-'6-+n+-snQzp&5+-+-+pzp-%4-+LzPP+-vL$3+-+-+N+-#2PzPP+-zPPzP"1tRN+-mK-+R!xabcdefghyThis is certainly dangerous.8.e6 9 Bxg5!9 Ne5 Nxe5 10 dxe5 Nxe5 is good for Black.365 366Killer Dutch  The Book | GM Simon Williams9.hxg5 10 Nxg5 Qe7 11 exf5 Nxd4! 12 fxe6 Nxe6 13 Bxe6 dxe6 14 Nc3 Nd5 15 Nce4e5! 16 0 0 0 Bf5 17 Qxf7+ Qxf7 18 Nxf7 Kxf7 19 Ng5+ Kf6 20 Rxd5 Kxg5With an unclear position but there may well have been improvements along the way forboth sides.b) 8 e5XABCDEFGHY8r+lwqkvl-+(7zppzppzpr+-'6-+n+-snQzp&5+-+-zPpzp-%4-+-zP-+-vL$3+-+-+N+-#2PzPP+-zPPzP"1tRN+-mKL+R!xabcdefghy8.Ne4!? 9 d5 Nb4 10 e6This position is completely bonkers!10.Nxc2+ 11 Kd1 dxe6 12 Kxc2 Qxd5Who knows what is going on?!c) 8 exf5XABCDEFGHY8r+lwqkvl-+(7zppzppzpr+-'6-+n+-snQzp&5+-+-+Pzp-%4-+-zP-+-vL$3+-+-+N+-#2PzPP+-zPPzP"1tRN+-mKL+R!xabcdefghy8.gxh4 9 Bc4 d5 10 Bb5! Nd7 11 Nc3 Bg7 12 Bxc6 bxc6 13 Qxc6 Rb8 14 Nxd5 Kf8 15Nxc7 Kg8 16 Ne6 Qa5+ 17 c3 Qxf5366 367Killer Dutch  The Book | GM Simon WilliamsYet again, the position has become very complicated!d) 8 Bxg5?!We ve already seen how Black achieved a good position against this move in theintroductory game.367 368Killer Dutch  The Book | GM Simon Williams(73) THEORY B: 2 Nc3 d5It is now time to look at Black s best response to 2 Nc3.1 d4 f5 2 Nc3 d52.Nf6 3 Bg5BRAINSTORMING POINT!This move is of course playable but Black should always aim to stop White from playing e4in this type of structure, for example, 3.e6 4 e4! and thanks to the space advantage in thecentre, White has a comfortable position.XABCDEFGHY8rsnlwqkvl-tr(7zppzpp+-zpp'6-+-+psn-+&5+-+-+pvL-%4-+-zPP+-+$3+-sN-+-+-#2PzPP+-zPPzP"1tR-+QmKLsNR!xabcdefghyIn addition, Black s king can also come under attack after an exchange on e4 takes place.This is the type of position that I would aim to avoid.After 3 Bg5, Black should respond with 3& d5.Black s position is now solid and the gamecould continue for quite some time!3 Bg5!This appears to be the most testing move [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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