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.The Rules of Engagement were broken.A group of mostly servant-guild rebels has taken sanctuary in Ohio.An anarchist who calls himself the Dragon is fomenting rebellion and attacking wizards of both houses all over the world.Alliances are shifting.If war breaks out between the Houses again, we are all at risk.”He paused, as if expecting a reaction, but Seph said nothing.He’d always found that he learned more if he kept quiet.“To answer your question, I am still nominally affiliated with the White Rose.But it is my hope that through our work here at the Havens we can create a new path, a new order that ends the bloodshed and eliminates the constant warfare between the Houses.Think of what we could accomplish if we were not focused on murdering each other.”That made sense.“Are there students from other guilds here?” Seph asked.“Like warriors and.and sorcerers?”“They hardly need the kind of instruction I can provide.After all, they are bred to a purpose.” Leicester’s expression was faintly disdainful.“No, we focus on wizards.Our graduates become the most powerful users of magic in the world.”“How long have you been doing this?”“We graduated our first class five years ago.”“How do people find out about the Havens? I’ve been looking for help for three years, and I’ve never heard of it.”Leicester smiled thinly.“The nature of wizard politics requires that we be discreet.You may have heard that we closely control communications in and out of here.There is a reason.”“But I don’t understand why.”“When you know more, you’ll understand,” Leicester said sharply.“We can’t risk discovery by those who would destroy our only real hope for peace.There are those who have a strong vested interest in maintaining the status quo.For that reason, it’s important that no whisper of this reach the Roses.”From what he knew of wizards, Seph wasn’t surprised to learn that Leicester had a political agenda.Genevieve had infused into him a deep suspicion of wizard politics, which often seemed to involve bloodying the under-guilds.No doubt the headmaster would try to get him involved sooner or later.But he’d deal with it, if he could get the help he needed.“How does it work? Who does the teaching? How long does it take?”“Shall we assume, then, that you are interested in joining our magical collaborative?” Leicester’s eyes glittered.“Yes.Absolutely.” The precision of the wizard’s language was a warning, but he could not afford to say no.“Good,” Leicester said.“I thought that would be your answer.”“When do we get started?” Seph persisted.“Take a few days to settle in and get caught up with your other classes.Then we’ll talk again.We have techniques that streamline the process.”“Isn’t there something I could be reading in the meantime, some way to prepare?”Leicester studied him a moment.“Perhaps.Do you have a Weirbook?”“I don’t know what that is.” Alicia Middleton had mentioned Weirbooks at the party.“Each member of the Weirguilds has a Weirbook, created at birth.Even those in the servant guilds.It summarizes the member’s magical lineage and family history.Wizard Weirbooks include charms and incantations that have been handed down through families over the centuries.” He paused, raising his eyebrows in inquiry.“I don’t have one,” Seph admitted.“Actually, you do have one,” Dr.Leicester said.“It’s a matter of locating it.What is really key is what I told you earlier: we require total commitment from our wizardry students.Are you capable of that?”“Yes, sir,” Seph replied.“You won’t be disappointed.” He’d lived precariously for years, like someone with a terminal disease, never able to plan more than a few months ahead.Whatever the consequences of this decision, he’d risk it.“Good,” Leicester said.“Oh, and it would be best for you not to discuss any of this with the Anaweir.” At Seph’s blank look, he added, “The ungifted students.It only causes resentment, and we don’t want them spreading rumors once they leave the Havens.In fact, it would be best for you to keep your distance from them outside of class.”Seph thought of Trevor and Harrison and Troy and the others.“I don’t understand.Why do we.”Leicester waved his hand impatiently.“Oh, be polite, of course.But you’ll find you’ll have little in common with them as your training progresses.Once you are properly enrolled, we’ll move you into the Alumni House with the others.”Seph remembered how Trevor and the others had responded when he mentioned the alumni.“The wizard students live in the Alumni House?”Leicester nodded.“All of the alumni are gifted.”Seph glanced at Hays and Barber.“Are they.have they all graduated? I mean.is there anyone else my age? Will I still be in class with the others?” He felt connected to Trevor and the others now that he’d met them.“We’ll get into that once your training is underway.” The wizard stood, signaling that the interview was at an end.“Now, you’d better get on to bed.You’ve had a long day.”And Seph realized he had been dismissed.Chapter FourA Visit to the Alumni HouseAs promised, Seph’s books and class schedule were delivered to his door early Sunday morning.He found the locations of the classroom buildings on the campus map, reviewed the syllabi, and started in on his reading.He’d always been a good student, so he didn’t think he’d have any trouble catching up.He wanted to get as much work as possible out of the way before his classes in wizardry began.By late afternoon, however, he was having trouble concentrating on eighteenth-century European history.He tried it with and without headphones.He moved from his bed to his desk, hoping sitting upright would enforce some discipline.But he found himself punching randomly at his keyboard, wishing he could go online.He was used to spending hours every day online with his friends, a stimulating blend of media, music, IMing, and homework.He thought about Leicester and the alumni.Wondered how long it would take to gain control over his gift, as Leicester called it.How would the lessons work? Would Leicester tutor him one-on-one so he could catch up with the others? Would they recite incantations in class? Practice spell-casting on the soccer field? Would his not having a Weirbook be a handicap? He’d always been popular among the Anaweir.Would he have trouble making friends among the gifted?Leicester had said that Seph had a Weirbook somewhere.If so, he could find the answers to his questions between the covers.Some of them, anyway.Maybe he should try and get to know some of the alumni right away.Organize a study group.Make some allies who could help him along.Preferably someone other than Hays and Barber.He finally gave up and set his textbook aside.Shoving his feet into his shoes, he walked down the hall to Trevor’s room [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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