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.Geoffrey sighed again, his body going lax as he fell asleep.Geoffrey's trust in him was obviouslycomplete.Nathan kissed the smooth forehead, tongue flicking out for the quickest taste.Salty.Male.His.He knew now.Bitten - 47 Chapter NineThey rode until they were both soaked to the skin, heading west now, flying over the highway.Greg kept his cheek against Anton's shoulder, arms wrapped around his lover.They had traveledpast Toronto before they stopped, pulling into a motel in a small town just west of the big city."We can stay here tonight.""Okay." He was shivering, teeth rattling some, but he was happy to be moving, out under thesky.Anton went in and registered them, coming back out a few minutes later with a room key."We'reon the ground floor.This place backs out onto a field." He was given a wolfish smile."I." He didn't know how to deal with that, in public.How would they lock the door behindthem? What if they got lost? What if he forgot how to change back?"Come on." Anton grabbed his arm and tugged him toward a room at the far end of the motel."Pushy." He followed, boots slipping on the slick concrete."Yep." Anton gave him a look that sizzled all the way to his boots."I am.""And completely unrepentant, too.""It's a great quality in an alpha; why should I repent it?" Anton unlocked the door and pulled himinside.Greg looked around, realizing that they weren't in Andrea's place, that they were free.The placewas small but clean, even if it did smell unused, closed up.There was a double bed, and twochairs at a tiny table, a dresser with an old television bolted to it.Bitten - 48 Greg headed to the bathroom, looking for towels.He was soaked.Anton was right behind him."Hot shower.Together.""Sounds good." He stripped his shirt off, draping it over the towel rack.Anton made a purring noise, eyes on his chest, fingers reaching to trace his tattoos."You needmy mark on you.""Do I?" He arched into the touch.He'd worn a number of Anton's marks."Yes." Reaching up, Anton stroked the hickey on his throat."A permanent mark.""And here I was thinking you were going to pop my ass again." He'd wear Anton's ink.Absolutely."Well, it's not like there's a tattoo shop anywhere near here, so I think that's an excellent idea.""I was joking." Mostly."I'm not." Anton pulled him in close, fingers digging into his jeans."Anton." He stepped closer, cock jerking."You still remember my name." Anton winked, growling softly, working his jeans open."I'm good that way." Times like this, he was lucky he remembered his own.Anton nuzzled into his neck, breathing him in as he fought with the wet jeans, trying to get themdown."I hate wet denim." It clung, so much."That's why we're getting you out of it." Anton bit at his throat."Ow.Be good, now." Or don't.That would work for him, too."I am being good." Anton nipped again."Very good.""Not." He kicked out of his jeans, trying to get to the shower."I am!" Anton grabbed him and pulled him up against the strong, wet-clothes-covered body."Dude! Cold! Wet!" He started laughing, trying to pull away.Bitten - 49 "Then you should do something about it." Anton squeezed his ass.He grinned and tugged Anton, fully-dressed, into the shower, and turned the hot water on."Greg!""What?" God, this was fun."You! I! Clothes!""Wow.And also, yes." He was going to get his butt blistered.Anton growled, pulling at his clothes."Just you wait.""You're busy." He rinsed off, the water warm, good against his skin."I won't be for long." The buttons on Anton's shirt gave way, popping against the tiles."You don't have another to change into." He was so screwed.Anton fixed him in place with a growl and started working on his jeans.Greg wanted to move.He did.But his fucking body wouldn't.And then it was too late.Anton was out of his jeans, utterly naked and advancing on him."What did you do to me?" he asked, one foot sliding back.Anton caught him and pulled him up tight against the solid body."I haven't done anything.Yet.""Yet." His cock was so hard he hurt.Anton grabbed his arms and pushed him up against the tile, mouth slamming down on his.Hemoaned, cock throbbing, balls aching with need.Then the kiss was over and Anton turned off thewater, dragging him out of the shower."Where are we going?" He had been rooting for shower sex."I'm going to put you over my knee and spank you."He groaned, hand tugging his balls.Anton barely took the time to give him a short, rough toweling.Anton was just as rough with hiscock and balls, making him grunt.Whimper.Bitten - 50 "Come on." Anton moved them into the bedroom and tossed him onto the mattress on hisstomach.His hips bucked up, his cock pushing him up off the mattress."Look how you want it." Anton landed beside him, one hand coming down onto his ass."No." Except yes.So much.Harder, Anton [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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