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.He went back and forth betweeneach breast until they were both red and her nipples engorged andswollen.Leaning down he took one nipple in his mouth and sucked.Theresa arched her back and moaned, wanting, needing more.Shedidn t know how she could be enjoying this, but she was.She wantedmore, she wanted Alan to use the whip on her clit and she wanted tosee what else he could do with it.She didn t know anything could feelthis good. Oh God, that feels so good, Sir, please. She couldn t helpherself.She wanted and need more, bucking her hips and trying to gethim to touch where she needed touched. Shh, I said no talking, he said as he reached down and pinchedher clit, hard. Aahhh, she screamed, feeling her orgasm start. I m coming, Ican t help it.Reaching down, he manipulated her clit until she was hanginglimp and spent.He quickly unfastened her and flipping her over hisshoulder moved her to the bed.Laying her down, legs still attached tothe spreader bar, he walked to the wall and grabbed a medium-sizedpaddle.Laying the paddle on the side of the bed beside the small whip, helay down beside her and pulled her into his arms.Kissing the top of 88 Rose Nickolher head, he held her and rubbed her back, soothing her down fromher orgasm.Talking quietly, he told her what a bad girl she had been bytalking and coming without permission and all the things he hadplanned for her.He couldn t believe how perfect she was.So far shehad taken everything he had dished out and wanted more.He hadnever seen a woman who would let go the way Theresa did.She wasperfect for him.He was never going to let her go. Club de Fleurs 3: Theresa 89Chapter EighteenOnce Theresa had come down from the intense orgasm Alan hadgiven her, he attached her hands to the top of the bed and fastened thespreader to the foot.Then taking the small whip he gently tapped her mound.Usingone hand he spread her folds and tapped her clit with the whip, notapplying too much pressure until he saw how she responded.Gradually increasing the pressure, he brought her to orgasm again andagain.Eventually, she was worn out and no longer responded.Alanknew he had pushed her enough for one session and, removing hispants, lay down beside her to let her rest before they continued.He held her in his arms and let her rest, soothing his hands overand over her body.He couldn t seem to stop touching her.After she had slept for about an hour, he woke her, unable to holdhis lust back any longer.Crawling over her, he slowly insertedhimself into her welcoming warmth, not waiting until she was fullyawake.Holding himself back, he slowly pushed in.He took hermouth and slipping his tongue between her lips, explored her mouth,thrusting with his hips in the same rhythm.Theresa became awake as she felt Alan crawl over her and workhimself between her legs.Her arms were still attached to the head ofthe bed and her legs were still attached to the spreader bar.All shecould do was kiss him back and take what he gave her.He moved slowly between her legs, and her brain screamed moreand faster.With his mouth covering hers, all she could do was acceptwhat he was doing, hoping he could read her body and understand shewanted more.Thrusting her pelvis toward him, she accepted him in. 90 Rose NickolAlan felt Theresa s response and thrust harder and faster.Reaching one hand between her legs, he rubbed her clit and broughther to orgasm again, and again before he came himself.Collapsing on top of her, he lay panting for a few minutes, beforemoving to the side.Catching his breath, he went to the bathroom andcleaned himself, then took a warm cloth and cleaned Theresa.Heremoved the spreader and released her hands.Pulling her on top ofhim, they once again slept.The paddling could wait.Waking several hours later, Alan decided to take Theresa home.He still owed her a punishment, but it could wait.He just wanted totake her home and cuddle her for the remainder of the night.The next morning Alan woke before Theresa, he had a messagefrom his lawyer on his phone.The news was not good.Apparently,Theresa had used the same lawyer Joe s father had used.The man wasa fool.He had drafted deeds for the house in Theresa s name and inJoe s and was trying to get money out of both of them.HopefullyTheresa had copies of the wills showing that the house was left to her,if not there was going to be a big battle.Even with copies of the wills,there would be a court battle. Club de Fleurs 3: Theresa 91Chapter NineteenAlan didn t really want to tell Theresa the news, but couldn t keepit from her.He woke her and after she had showered and dressed, hetook her out for breakfast. How do you feel about taking a drive, you don t have to worktoday, is there anything else you need to do? he asked her, thinkinghe would take a drive and talk to her then.He drove them to Echo Lake and they got out to walk around andenjoy the scenery.Holding her hand, he led her to a picnic table nearthe lake and sat her down. Tell me what you know about your lawyer, he said. I don t know him that well, but he took care of everything forVic and then Mom, before she passed.He was responsible for filingeverything and seems to be competent. She was wondering why hewas asking. Is something wrong? Maybe, do you have copies of everything? Yes, Mom insisted I keep a copy of everything.I have a lock boxat the bank with copies of everything from my grandparents willgiving the house to my mom and dad clear up to Mom s will.Why? There may be a problem.It appears the lawyer you are usingdrafted a deed in Joe s name also, but if you have copies of all thewills and all the other paper work we will be able to fight it.We willhave to go to court with Joe, but Kevin is confident that with theproper paper trail he can win. Oh, God.I can t lose the house, it s all I have [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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