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.(1996),  Treatywith the Russian Federation on Further Reduction and Limitation of StrategicOffensive Arms (The START II Treaty) , Congressional Record (Senate), 26January 1996, p.S476.142 Payne, Testimony of Keith Payne, President, National Institute for Public Policy, 13March 1997, p.9; Habiger, E.E.(1999), Testimony of Gen.Eugene E.Habiger,Former Commander in Chief, U.S.Strategic Command, Hearing before the SenateCommittee on Foreign Relations, 5 May 1999, Government Printing Office, Wash-ington, D.C., p.139.Glaser and Fetter list six Russian concerns about Americanmissile defence plans and long-term confidence in the retaliatory capability of theRussian nuclear arsenal in Fetter, S.and Glaser, C.(2001),  National MissileDefense and the Future of U.S.Nuclear Weapons Policy , International Security,vol.26, no.1, pp.74 75.143 See letter from JCS chairman John Shalikashvili to Senator Sam Nunn in 1996 in,Levin, C.(1996),  Defend America Act Increases Nuclear Threat , CongressionalRecord (Senate), 23 May 1996, p.S5628, a letter from Shalikashvili to Senator CarlLevin in June 1995 in Glenn, J.H.(1995),  National Defense Authorization Act forFiscal Year 1996 , Congressional Record (House of Senate), 6 September 1995, p.S12655 and statement by National Security Advisor Robert Bell in Nunn, S.(1996), Defend America Act of 1996  Motion To Proceed , Congressional Record(Senate), 3 June 1996, p.S5688.144 Nunn, S.(1995),  National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996  Con-ference Report , Congressional Record (Senate), 15 December 1995, p.S18702;Senator Biden, J.(1995),  National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year1996 , Congressional Record (Senate), 6 September 1995, p.S12658; and SenatorLevin, C.(1995),  National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996  Con-ference Report , Congressional Record (Senate), 19 December 1995, p.S18886.145 Inhofe, J.(1996),  Treaty with the Russian Federation on Further Reduction andLimitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (The START II Treaty) , CongressionalRecord (Senate), 26 January 1996, p.S468; Smith, B.(1996),  Treaty with theRussian Federation on Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic OffensiveArms (The START II Treaty) , Congressional Record (Senate), 26 January 1996, p.S473; Kyl, J.(1996),  Defend America Act of 1996  Motion to Proceed , Congres-sional Record (Senate), 4 June 1996, p.S5715.146 Roberts, B.(2001),  The Road Ahead for Arms Control , in Lennon, A.(ed.)Contemporary Nuclear Debates, Cambridge, MA, The MIT Press.147 Helms,  Negotiations with Russia on a Revised U.S. Soviet ABM Treaty , p.S2894; Woolf, A.(2001),  Arms Control after START II: Next Steps on the USRussian Agenda , 22 June 2001, Congressional Research Service, Washington,D.C., pp.9, 19.On Clinton s reluctance see Clinton, W.J.(1999),  The President sNews Conference, 14 October 1999 , Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- Notes 175ments, vol.35, no.41, pp.1991 2064, Government Printing Office, Washington,D.C.148 Clinton, W.J.(2000),  Remarks to the Russian State Duma in Moscow, 5 June2000 , Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, 2000 vol.36, no.23, pp.1271 1329, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.149 Cohen, W.(1998), DOD News Briefing, 30 April 1998, U.S.Department ofDefense, Washington, D.C.Retrieved from http://www.defenselink.mil/tran-scripts/1998/t04301998_t430cohe.html on 5 April 2006; Slocombe, W.(1999),Address by Walter B.Slocombe, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy to theCenter for Strategic and International Studies Statesmen s Forum, 5 November1999, U.S.Department of Defense, Washington, D.C.Retrieved fromhttp://www.defenselink.mil/transcripts/1998/t04301998_t430cohe.html on 5 April2006.150 By mid-1993 Russia and France had announced testing moratoria and Britain wasdependent upon America s Nevada Test Site.151 Clinton, W.J.(1993),  The President s Radio Address, 3 July 1993 , Weekly Com-pilation of Presidential Documents, vol.29, no.27, pp.1229 1296, GovernmentPrinting Office, Washington, D.C.152 Medalia, J.(2004), Nuclear Testing and Comprehensive Test Ban: ChronologyStarting September 1992, Washington, D.C., Congressional Research Service,pp.1 3.153 Smith, R.J.(1993),  White House Studies Nuclear Test Limits , Washington Post,30 April 1993.154 Clinton,  Remarks to the Nixon Center ; 1995 Annual Report of the U.S.ArmsControl and Disarmament Agency, chapter 1 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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