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.154  An affidavit for a search warrant : The affidavit was submitted inU.S.District Court, State and District of Minnesota, and was signed byKevin Gjertson, special agent with the Criminal Investigative Service.CHAPTER 10.BLACKRWATEYFOR SPECIAL SECURITY161  The manual dedicated just one section : U.S.Army Lieutenant Gen-eral David H.Petraeus and U.S.Marine Corps Lieutenant General JamesF.Amos, Counterinsurgency FM 3-24, Department of the Army, 2006.162  The first suspended all weapons permits : Modification 6 to Multi-National Forces Iraq Frago 05-134:  Clarification of Iraq Weapons Policyand Extension of Expiration Date for Temporary Weapons Cards,March 9, 2007.162  In a letter to a U.S.Army colonel : Letter from Peter to LieutenantColonel John Burk, dated February 21, 2007. 0306817434.qxd 9/22/08 2:09 PM Page 230230 NOTES TO CHAPTER 10163  Petraeus soon issued another sharp frago : Modification 7 to Multi-National Forces Iraq Frago 05-134:  Clarification of Iraq Weapons Policyand Extension of Expiration Date for Temporary Weapons Cards Pend-ing New Card Issue, April 27, 2007.164  In June 2005, a Blackwater team shot an Iraqi : Memorandum fromHouse Committee on Oversight and Government Reform:  AdditionalInformation about Blackwater USA, October 1, 2007.The committee,which was investigating Blackwater, said it had compiled 437  internalBlackwater incident reports and thousands of pages of documents, in-cluding emails, relating to Blackwater and fourteen other security compa-nies.164  In October 2005, a Blackwater convoy traveling : House Committeeon Oversight and Government Reform memorandum, October 1, 2007.164  In November 2005, a Blackwater convoy traveling : Ibid.164  another Hilla accident : Ibid.165  a merc named Andrew J.Moonen staggered drunk : House Commit-tee on Oversight and Government Reform documents, October 1, 2007,and John M.Broder,  Ex-paratrooper Is Suspect in Drunken Killing ofIraqi, New York Times, October 4, 2007.165  He was confronted by a guard, Raheem Khalif  : House Committeeon Oversight and Government Reform memorandum, October 1, 2007.165  Panicked and reeking of alcohol : The committee memorandum citedthe statement of a Triple Canopy guard.165  The Joint Area Support Group the Green Zone police force : Com-mittee on Oversight and Government Reform memorandum.165  Later Christmas day, U.S.ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad : KarenDeYoung,  State Department Struggles to Oversee Private Army, Wash-ington Post, October 21, 2007.165  the U.S.embassy shipped Moonen out of Iraq : The committee mem-orandum stated that Blackwater, after firing Moonen for violating its pol-icy against possessing a weapon while intoxicated, arranged to have himflown out of Iraq.The State Department was informed of the arrange-ments and received a copy of his itinerary, according to the memorandum. 0306817434.qxd 9/22/08 2:09 PM Page 231NOTES TO CHAPTER 10 231166  Once Moonen was gone, State Department officials scrambled : Thecommittee compiled an email record of the response.166  Will you be following in up [sic] Blackwater : Email from U.S.Em-bassy chargé d affaires to U.S.embassy regional security officer, December25, 2006.166  The chargé d affaires first proposed a $250,000 payment : U.S.em-bassy email, December 26, 2006.166  This could result in incidents : Diplomatic Security Service email,December 26, 2006.166  In the past we have paid out $2,500 : Ibid.167  was fined almost exactly the same amount : Email from Blackwaterto Diplomatic Security Service, January 8, 2007.167  An Iraqi television network erroneously : Blackwater internal email,December 27, 2006.167  Thought you might want to see this : Ibid.167  Two months later, Moonen got a job : Richard Lardner,  Congress-man Says Fired Blackwater Guard Found Work with Defense Contractor,Associated Press, October, 6, 2007.168  He came to section 4, paragraph 3 : CPA Order 17.176  When their actions are allowed : U.S.Army Lieutenant GeneralDavid H.Petraeus and U.S.Marine Corps Lieutenant General James F.Amos, Counterinsurgency FM 3-24, Department of the Army, 2006.177  a mile away, Blackwater Chief of Mission (COM) Team 4: From U.S [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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