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.The sceneof the hills with the mountains behind sprang into his mind, almost as vividas it had under enchantment.Mentally he soared over the terrain andunerringly sped to the one spot that had compelled him before.The giant spirewas there and inside it was a tomb.A tomb to be opened.A wizard to bequestioned.The answer to a riddle for which he could not even formulate the question.He thought of his quest for the queen; but beside this great yearning, it didnot seem to matter.He wrinkled his brow in puzzlement and reached out to stroke Aeriel's arm athis side.How could the spire connect with what he strove for? It must be anenchantment produced by the eye itself, independent of the wielder.Had he notlooked, it would be no more than an idle thought to be consumed by the firesof his ambition.But the compulsion tugged and he knew he must respond.Alodar opened his eyes and thought through what he would say.Waving asideAeriel's restraining arm, he slowly rose to face the sergeant.He swayed for amoment and then drew in a deep breath and was steady."I know that it will take time as well as sweetbalm to mend my body, Grengor,"he said in a slow, deliberate tone."But my mind is clear, clear enough toPage 158 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlknow what we must do.If we continue directly south as we have, we will findonly more of the smaller tribes in our path.But in my vision of far-seeing onthe boat, I looked down on larger camps higher in the interior, larger tribeshunting where the game is more plentiful.It will take us longer to return toProcolon, but we must strike to the west so that we increase our chances offinding greater numbers.""But, as lady Aeriel says," Grengor objected, "it would also mean greater riskof losing control of whatever forces we now command.""I cannot ignore what I have seen under the spell of the eye, Grengor," Alodarsaid."I must go west and seek out the answer.This beckoning I cannotexplain, but the truth of it I do not doubt.If you will trust me as your leader, then I ask you to join me."file:///F|/rah/Lyndon%20Hardy/Hardy,%20Lyndon%20-%20Master%20of%20Five%20Magics,%20The.txt (152 of 207) [6/4/03 9:25:37 PM]file:///F|/rah/Lyndon%20Hardy/Hardy,%20Lyndon%20-%20Master%20of%20Five%20Magics,%20The.txtGrengor looked back at Alodar's face."The other suitors will not be convincedeasily.And if we argue in front of the barbarians, the feeble hold we have onthem may vanish.""I will go alone if I must," Alodar said, looking out over the campfires."Butif you marines and the nomads you command come, then the others will follow.We are the majority.As you say, the suitors will not risk a confrontation.They will reason that a few days detour is far better than proceedingsouthward with a small fraction of our party."Grengor rubbed his chin."The south or west; we do not know for certain theoutcome of our fortunes either way," he mused."You followed me onto the wargalley's deck and into the longboat in a ragingsea,"Grengor was silent for a moment."And into the nomad's camp." He slapped hisside at last."Forgive my hesitation, master.If you command to the west, it is to the westwe will go.Rest lightly while I pass the word.We will strike into theulterior tomorrow."Grengor went off, and Alodar felt Aeriel's touch on his shoulder."There isstill time for rest,"she suggested."Come, make yourself comfortable."They settled to the ground and Alodar looked up into dark eyes that reflectedthe flickering glows of the camp-fires."I still quest for the fair lady," hesaid."I do not know what we will discover in the west, but I hope thatsomehow it will aid hi my cause.""I understand that." Aeriel continued her gentle stroking, "Your charge intothe camp redeemed your loss of face for the miscast sorcery.That is all inthe past now.The queen's favor will shift to the one who can aid her best onthe morrow."For a long while Alodar thought of his thirst for glory, the granite spire,Vendora, and the foggy memory of Aeriel's nursing in the days past.Finally hereached out and grasped her hand in his."But were it not for the quest."Aeriel smiled."And I understand that as well," she said.The huge fire crackled hi the first light of dawn, and Alodar huddled closefor its warmth.He tentatively stretched one of his legs forward and felt thestiffness hi his calf.Idly, he fingered a chip of agate he had found on thetrail and then tossed it among the clippings of herbs, twigs, rocks, and otherthaumaturgical and alchemical gear he had scavenged along the way.He slapped at one of the fleas that he had acquired from the nomadictribesmen."Despite its age, the sweetbalm has done its work well, Alodar," Aeriel saidbeside him."Only twelve days of healing, and already you are nearly well."Page 159 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Yes I think I am ready to try some of the trail on my own feet," Alodarresponded, rubbing his shoulder with his free hand as she leaned against him.And I will need to be far more supple when we finally reach the spire.""It is well that you are so steadfast in your determination," she said."Youknow full well thatDuncan and the others accompany your marines against their will.They seekonly the smallest opportunity to show you still bemused from Kelric's spell.Once even a hint of doubt creeps into your manner, they will try to exploit itto gain control."Alodar nodded and looked down the trail.They were higher now, and the valleywalls closed together.Rather than scattered on a broad floor, their troopsnaked back in almost single file, the row of campfires strung like fierybeads on an invisible string.The trees crowded in close, taking turnseclipsing the sun as it rose into the sky.Long shafts of light filteredthrough the needles, bathing the dusty air in a golden glow.Alodar heardFeston's deep voice and Vendora'sfile:///F|/rah/Lyndon%20Hardy/Hardy,%20Lyndon%20-%20Master%20of%20Five%20Magics,%20The.txt (153 of 207) [6/4/03 9:25:37 PM]file:///F|/rah/Lyndon%20Hardy/Hardy,%20Lyndon%20-%20Master%20of%20Five%20Magics,%20The.txt laugh in reply.He chafed at his self-imposed exile from herpresence but, after his failure with sorcery, thought it best to resolve themystery of the wizard's tower before approaching her again.He looked back atAeriel and saw her staring silently into the flame.After several minutes, Grengor walked into view from up the trail andplayfully slapped his relief guard on the back as he passed."By the spirits,a solemn lot," he cried as he approached Alodar and Aeriel [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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