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.They were Jacques BarnaudColonel LaRocque s planned storming of the Parliament (Delegate-General for Franco-German Economicat the head of his Croix de Feu (Cross of Fire), seconded Relations), Jérome Carpopino (Education), Sergeby Charles Maurras Action Française, on Feb.6, 1934; Huard (Family and Health), Admiral Platon (Colonies),and finally, a putsch attempt apparently led by the René Belin (Labor), François Lehideux (IndustrialCagoules ( hooded ones, right-wing goon squads), Production), Jean Berthelot (Communications) andwhich was exposed and aborted on Feb.17, 1937.At Paul Charbin (Food Supply).Among the Wormslast, by 1940, the Synarchy s only recourse had been to group should be mentioned further a large number ofinvite the German Reichswehr in, to do what they could somewhat subordinate officials (chiefly secretaries-never do themselves: to sweep away the hated Third general) like Lamirand, Borotra, Ravalland,Bichelonne, Lafond, Million, Deroy, Filipi, Schwartz,__________and Billiet. Although the name Synarchy was invented by1.William L.Langer, Our Vichy Gamble (New York: The NortonLibrary, 1947), p.169.Joseph-Alexandre Saint-Yves, called D Alveydre (1842-18 1909), its occult secret organization, the freemasonic Synarchist Movement of Empire (SME) and its militaryMartinist Order, had existed long before, formed in wing, the Secret Revolutionary Action CommitteeFrance, centered in Lyon, in the 1770s.This exclusive, (SRAC), were founded in 1922, coincident withsecret, magical-mystical Freemasonic order was spon- Mussolini s March on Rome.Writing in La Francesored from Jeremy Bentham s London.London used Intérieure in February-March, 1945, investigator  D.J.it to insure that no version of the American David (Robert Husson) defined the SME as  the greatRevolution and Republic would occur in Europe, French fascist secret society.It is this institution which,specifically in France, which was most ripe for it.ever since its creation, had been recruiting patiently andManipulations of the Martinist Order were largely to prudently, with extreme care, the men destined to takeblame for the fact that the French Revolution became power after the awaited revolution, after this revolutionthe bloody tragedy it did, right through the reign of which was to destroy, no matter what, all republicanNapoleon Bonaparte, and through to that of his nephew, institutions.Napoleon III.He classified the SME as an  intermediary secretNotable 18th-Century Martinists in French politics society, as follows. Inferior secret societies are thoseincluded the Pierre Mesmer whom Franklin and his that everybody knows about.Whoever wants to joinFrench ally Sylvain Bailly exposed as a scientific fraud.them, for personal reasons, can do so.All he has to do isAnother was the mountebank magician and psychic who to submit a request at the address of the secret society,called himself Cagliostro.The blood-drenched Savoyard generally known, or he transmits his request to a knownnobleman Joseph de Maistre pre-planned the personali- member.Such secret societies are very numerous.ty and role of Napoléon Bonaparte, modelling it on the David mentions the Masons, the Cagoulards ( hoodedSpanish Grand Inquisitor Tomás de Torquemada who ones, a right-wing goon squad), the Theosophists andexpelled the Jews in 1492.Although his moral doctrines others, concluding,  in the inferior secret societies, thewere those of a Caligula, and Sir Isaiah Berlin dubbed ideologies put forward, whatever they are, are nothinghim  the first fascist, Maistre is revered by many con- but philosophical, religious, mystical, or political teaserstemporary Catholic integrists.which recruit people who are generally personally disin-Moving to the early 20th Century, the most powerful terested and sincere.known organizations of French Synarchy, the He continues,  The intermediary secret societies haveWhat Is Synarchism? Synarchism is a name adopted during the Twentieth Wall Street Journal, the Mont Pelerin Society, andCentury for an occult freemasonic sect, known as the American Enterprise Institute and Hudson Institute,Martinists, based on worship of the tradition of the and the so-called integrist far right inside the CatholicEmperor Napoleon Bonaparte.During the interval clergy.The underlying authority behind these cults isfrom the early 1920s through 1945, it was officially a contemporary network of private banks of thatclassed by U.S.A.and other nations intelligence ser- medieval Venetian model known as fondi.Thevices under the file name of  Synarchism: Synarchist Banque Worms conspiracy of the wartimeNazi/Communist, so defined because of its deploying 1940s, is merely typical of the role of such bankingsimultaneously both ostensibly opposing pro-commu- interests operating behind sundry fascist governmentsnist and extreme right-wing forces for encirclement of of that period.a targetted government [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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