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.327; see also Zoe Benjamin, The Emotional Problems of Childhood(London, 1948), pp.152, 154.41.Sidonie Gruenberg, The Parent s Guide to Everyday Problems of Boys andGirls (New York, 1958), p.136.42.Spock, Common Sense, p.493.43.Seham and Seham, Tired Child, pp.45 46.44. Hi and Lois, in the Washington Post, July 1, 2001.45.Dennis Orthner and Jay Mancini,  Leisure Impacts on Family Interac-tion and Cohesion, Journal of Leisure Research 22 (1990), pp.125 37.See alsoJohn Watt and Stephen Vodanovich,  Boredom Proneness and Psychosocial De-velopment, Journal of Psychology 133 (1999), pp.303 14.46. Call It  Kid-fluence,  U.S.News and World Report (July 30, 2001), p.32.47.Dorothy Baruch, New Ways in Discipline (New York, 1949), pp.199, 202;Seipt, Your Child s Happiness; see also Robert Sears, Eleanor Maccoby, and HarryLevin, Patterns of Child Rearing (New York, 1957), pp.290 91. 244 NOTES TO CHAPTER 648.Gruenberg, Parent s Guide, p.136 and ch.6.49.Elke Zeijl, Yolanda te Poel, Manuela du Bois-Reymond, Janita Raves-loot, and Jacqueline Meulman,  The Role of Parents and Peers in the Leisure Ac-tivities of Young Adolescents, Journal of Leisure Research 32 (2000), pp.281 302;Dennis Howard and Robert Madrigal,  Who Makes the Decision: The Parent orthe Child? Journal of Leisure Research 22 (1990), pp.244 58.NOTES TO CHAPTER 71.Rudolf Dreikurs, The Challenge of Parenthood (New York, 1958), pp.6 7,13 14.2.Michael Zuckerman,  Dr.Spock: The Confidence Man, in CharlesRosenberg, ed., The Family in History (New York, 1975), p.179.See also Mary JoBane,  A Review of Child Care Books, Harvard Educational Review 43 (1973),pp.669 80.3.Benjamin Spock, Baby and Child Care (New York, 1968); Grace Langdonand Irving Stout, Bringing Up Children (New York, 1959), p.94.4.George Gardner, The Emerging Personality (New York, 1970), p.75.5.Daniel Yankelovich, cited in Helen Winter and Ruth Kolinsky eds., Per-sonality in the Making: The Fact Finding Report of the Mid-Century White HouseConference on Children and Youth (New York, 1952), p.102.6.Alan Hunt,  Anxiety and Social Explanation: Some Anxieties aboutAnxiety, Journal of Social History 32 (1999), pp.509 28.7.Daniel Yankelovich, The Status of the American Family (Washington, DC,1979); Joseph Veroff and Sheila Feld, Marriage and Work in America (New York,1970); Sara McLanahan and Julia Adams,  Parenthood and Psychological Well-being, Annual Review of Sociology (1987), pp.237 57.8.Susan Shaw, Linda Caldwell, and Douglas Kleiber,  Boredom, Stressand Social Control in the Daily Activities of Adolescents, Journal of Leisure Re-search 28 (1996), pp.280 83.9.McLanahan and Adams,  Parenthood, pp.237 57.10.Daniel Yankelovich, New Rules: Searching for Self- Fulfillment in a WorldTurned Upside Down (New York, 1981).11.Sam Wineburg,  Making Historical Sense, in Peter N.Stearns, PeterSeixas, and Sam Wineburg, eds., Knowing, Teaching and Learning History (NewYork, 2000), p.306. IndexAbuse, 58 Babysitting, 48, 134, 156, 213Accidents, 36 38, 53, 149, 202 Bacmeister, Rhoda, 69Actors, 134 Baruch, Dorothy, 77, 144, 204Addams, Jane, 178 Baths, 29Adler, Felix, 18 Beck, Joan, 101Adolescence, 8, 11, 21, 38 39, 144, 147, 220 Bedrooms, 46 47Adoption, 53 54, 101 Behaviorism, 24, 40, 41, 46, 57, 65 69, 70,Adulthood, 15, 49, 54 76, 108, 189, 191, 213Advanced Placement, 104, 116 Bell, Sanford, 94Advice manuals, 1, 12, 13, 18 23, 42, 58, Bellah, Robert, 22460, 100, 136 39, 192, 197, 204 5, 212 13, Benedict, Agnes, 142219, 226 27 Benedict, Ruth, 60African Americans, 3, 7, 33, 98, 103, 113, Benzidrene, 94153 Bettelheim, Bruno, 143AIDS, 43 Birney, Mrs.Theodore, 24Alexandria, VA, 93 Birth control, 48, 50Allowance, 75, 138, 167, 174, 202 Birthdays, 199American Academy of Pediatrics, 148 Birth rate, 15, 18, 21, 45, 48, 50, 70, 132,American Institute of Child Life, 21 22 149, 150, 153, 226, 230Anderson, Sherwood, 133 Bogeymen, 78Anger, 22, 54, 59, 76, 95 Bok, Edward.See Ladies Home JournalAnorexia nervosa, 38, 53, 203 Boredom, 169 75, 196 200, 219 20Anxiety, 11, 61, 62, 72, 95, 104, 215 16, 222 Boys, 21, 23, 42, 83, 125, 140, 152, 154 55Appliances, 36, 149 Bradley, Charles, 94Apprentices, 125 26 Bullying, 51Aptitude, 85 86, 99Attention Deficit Disorder, 15, 52, 71, California, 89, 110, 11796 98, 106, 119 Camps, 207 8Automobiles, 2, 35 36, 39, 43, 52, 160, 202, Car seats, 37220 Century of the Child, 1, 44, 48, 128Challenge Program, 110Baby boom, 9, 10, 45, 103, 108, 115, 132 Character, 91, 102, 118, 135, 139, 147, 156,Baby boom echo, 104 189, 217, 224, 227245 246 INDEXChicago school of sociology, 44 Depression (emotional), 221 22Child care, 13, 149, 226 Desegregation, 113Childishness, 15, 54, 63 Dewey, John, 107Child labor, 2, 125, 141, 164 208 Disability, 92Children s Bureau, 18, 20, 37 Discipline, 14, 57 78, 83, 94, 97, 108,Child-savers, 50 109 10, 111, 130Child Study Association, 60 Disney, 14, 201Child study movement, 40, 89, 106 Divorce, 1, 2, 8, 48, 108, 165, 201, 224,Chores, 127, 135, 141, 164 208 225Christmas, 167, 202, 205 Dodgeball, 38Chuck E.Cheese, 200 Dolls, 166, 167City College of New York, 102 Dorman, Glenn, 101Cleanliness, 28, 29 Dreikurs, Rudolph, 76 77, 143, 193, 212Cleveland, Elizabeth, 168 Drinking, 53, 74Club Med, 14 Driving [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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