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.She knew his eyes were on her pussy asshe rubbed herself in a slow, circular motion.Aureliann was so hot after being in the bathtub with him that topress her fingers too hard would make her come.She could not forget the feel of his cock bobbing in the water,seeking entrance to the hot core of her. Aureliann. He said her name tensely.She was pleased he was at the point of no return.It meant she was better at seduction than she thought. Yes, Prince Valdemar? She tossed the towel aside so her naked body was on display.Two days ago shewould never have allowed herself to be this forward with a man. I really need you.And Aureliann could see that.His cock was poking up out of the water like a heat-seeking missile. Comeand get me then, your highness. She turned and walked out.She smiled as she heard the frantic sound ofwater sloshing and Valdemar growling in lust.Excellent.Aureliann headed for the big bed and stretched outit.She looked up at her body in the ceiling mirror. Oh ick, too much information, she muttered.Valdemar was on her before she could move. You look beautiful.Stay put.He looked fantastic in the mirror, all hard muscle and lickable strength. Condom now. She could see inhis eyes that her words excited him. You re very pushy. Valdemar wrapped her in his arms and rolled them several times, over to thebedside drawers. Ooh, great ride.I wanna do that again. She watched as he searched inside a drawer. Hurry up. Woman, you try my patience. Aureliann knew if she was trying anything it was the control he had over his cock. I know what I wantand I want you, darling. When you say things like that I want to kiss you senseless. He found a rubber. And that s why I say them.But condom first then kissing. She subtly rubbed her pelvis against his. Jeez, no pressure. Valdemar sat up from her and quickly worked on covering his erection.There was a lot of pressure going into the thin latex. Having performance anxiety, prince? You re cute when you re mouthy. Once more he lay back on her body and rolled them several timesback to where they had come from.Aureliann ended up on top of him. Roll me again. You got a ticket for another ride, lady? He moved onto his side and watched her. I want to watch your ass while we you know& Valdemar burst out laughing. While we  you know ?Aureliann wriggled to lie beside him. I can t wait all night. She spread her legs in open invitation.Shewas dying for the feel of that first hard thrust.Each time it was so different.So exquisite that she often forgot tobreathe.It took no time for Valdemar to place his body on hers.Aureliann lifted her legs and accepted his firstthrust with a loud sigh.There was no need for further play.She would want him any time, anywhere, anyhow.She smiled as she looked up in the mirror.His ass was so sexy as his butt muscles clenched and released as hepushed in and out of her hot core. Excellent tatt. Aureliann s hands caressed the patterned flesh of his butt. Does my ass look big in the mirror? Valdemar joked. You are perfect. No, we are perfect. He sighed and began thrusting harder. I m not going to be able to hold on long andit s all your fault for seducing me so. I m happy to take the blame and whatever else you ve got, darling. Her eyes locked with his and sheknew what he needed.It was what she craved as well.It made their coming together even hotter. May I? His mouth grazed her neck.He needs me.That Valdemar asked made her feel so loved and so powerful.It made Aureliann happy. Iam yours. She stiffened as his fangs sliced into her vein.That combined with the pure, pounding heat of hisbody made her come screaming.Aureliann held him close, kissing his shoulders and allowing him to takewhatever else he needed from her to make him strong.Chapter Eleven You look chipper, my boy. Thomas had a gleam in his eyes as he surveyed the two lovers.The samethree elves followed behind. I am. Valdemar pulled Aureliann against him and kissed her lightly.She had gone from nothing to everything in a heartbeat and she never wanted it to end.Aureliann noddedto the elves who favored her with a teasing eye roll.She went cross-eyed back at them and stamped her feet.They stamped back.  How s it going, lads? We would rather be drinking at the tavern but we have to look after you because everyone knowsmortals have no sense, Bill the elf told her.The other two nodded sagely. Bummer, Aureliann murmured. Maybe we can go to the tavern as part of your duties. Their eyes litup.Valdemar shook his head in amusement. God knows what trouble you four would get in to. I m pleased to hear everyone is so happy. The older man shook his head in mock despair at the elves.They looked back at him in feigned innocence and shuffled their feet. I am also happy to report we knowwhere Victor is hiding out.Valdemar stiffened. How? One of the mercenaries he brought to Serawych turned on him, Binky the elf responded. Fancy, one unscrupulous bastard turning on another [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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