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.It will take a while, but the medics are anticipating a full recovery. Did you tuck him at your place? Vohne s inquiring expression had Bleine revealingmore.His brother always knew how to get Bleine to confess everything with little effort. I m optimistic about our relationship now.He says he s willing to give us a try.Bleine couldn t stop the smile stretching his lips.Just saying the words gave him a warmglow.If Sarler hadn t been injured, Bleine would ve wanted to test that new resolve thismorning.Instead he d left his sexy man all alone in his bed. Good.I ve got some news for you.I received a report that Earl was spotted justoutside the city by the old ruins.I think he s trying to hide out until this all blows overand maybe try to either escape off planet or attack again.He doesn t strike me as the typeto give up, so I m guessing he s going to try to get at Sarler.I think we need to hunt himdown and arrest him.We need to send a message that it s not all right to attack anymember of the royal family.The grim set of Vohne s mouth told Bleine his brother had more than one reason forhis statement, but a glance over at Kres, who shook his head warningly, had Bleinekeeping silent.As Vohne rifled around in his desk looking for something, Bleine examined hisbrother.It always jolted him, the little differences that took place during eachtransformation.It had taken Bleine a few days to get used to his brother s new name.Kres, however, was the real surprise.The king-mate had always been a gentler soulbefore.This new Kres with his weapon proficiency and pragmatic approach to thingsthrew him a bit.In previous lives, Kres had been a painter, or a poet.Once he d become ahorse trainer.Never had he returned as a soldier before.This version of his brother-in-law had dangerous edges Bleine doubted any amountof time would ever smooth away.Kres gave him a friendly wave from where he lay onthe couch but continued to casually twirl a knife in his hand. Any new information on your overthrow? Bleine asked cheerfully.He had adifficult time brooding when his mate lay tucked into his bed.Vohne shook his head at Bleine s levity. I m not any closer to figuring out whohelped keep me from connecting with Kres for the last century. Besides the psycho who woke you from cryo, Kres tossed in.Bleine sat in the chair across from Vohne s desk. Who are our suspects? We don t really have any& or rather, we have too many.Most of the people whoparticipated in the Great Purge are candidates, those who resent being bound to humans,humans who resent being bound to Thresls& Many people might want the monarchy, toeither take the spot themselves or to establish a new leadership, Vohne said, frustration evident on his face. What are we going to do? If you want to fight to keep the monarchy, the majority ofpeople are on your side. Bleine couldn t even imagine his brother s despair overreturning to a world that had moved on in his absence.A world that didn t welcome itsking as joyfully as it had in the past. To tell you the truth, I don t care about being king, Vohne confessed. I ve beenthe ruler for centuries.If others want to try a hand at the job, I m more than willing to letthem, as long as they have the best interests of the Thresl in mind. How would we know, though? Bleine asked. When pressure came to do the rightthing, most of them failed us.They either hid with their mates or they joined thedissenters.Few stayed and fought beside me.Bleine still had nightmares of the carnage around him, of the dead humanscollapsing and bringing on the death of their Thresls.Bleine had rushed from couple tocouple, hoping to save people in time.Some he d been able to give shots to and put incryo before they had a complete breakdown, but they d lost so many& thousands they dbeen unable to save.Vohne leaned his head against the back of his chair. I just want to spend time withmy mate.Exhaustion was evident in Vohne s voice even as he smiled over at Kres.Theaffection in his eyes when he watched his mate gave Bleine hope for his ownrelationship.Vohne had ever been a difficult man.A man of strong passions, stubborn,short-tempered and obsessively protective of his mate.Kres previous incarnations hadbalanced Vohne with a softer, gentler demeanour.Now it appeared they d switchedplaces and Vohne was the less aggressive half of the royal pair.Bleine kind of liked this new version.If they were truly in their final resurrection, there would be another war coming.The prophecy clearly stated they were the harbinger of the final battle for the future ofThresl kind. I need to do more research, Bleine said.He d always been the scholarly one of thefamily [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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