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."I thought she'd never go," he said.Chapter Fourteen«^»Alas for Annie's nice smooth candle wick.There was a lot of unseemly haste, I'm afraid, as garments were flung aside with reckless abandon, andmuch of it was from me.I daresay I was behaving like a desperate old slapper, but it had been so long, acaveman quickie would have gone down fine.Still, as it didn't say in the oldGirl Guides' Handbook ,when a man not only has an expert knowledge of erogenous zones and how to operate them, but alsopossesses the equipment and stamina for a really efficient ravishing, a girl should count herself lucky andenjoy it.By the time he thought I'd suffered enough, I don't know how I didn't scream my head off.Instead Ithink I made the kind of noises that used to cause Dorothy to switch to the snooker on BBC2.Rightafterward he followed suit, and all I heard for a bit after that was the mutual thumping of hearts.We were still conjoined, as it were, when he rolled onto his side.I like that.I don't care for promptwithdrawal once business is transacted, as if you were a bloody cash machine.As we lay entwined, stilldrifting back to planet Earth, I gave him an intimate little squeeze.He planted a damp kiss on my forehead."Was that a 'hi' or a wake-up call?""Just a 'hi.' I don't expect miracles."He followed the kiss with another."Give me half an hour."That was a laugh.I could tell from his sleepy murmur that he was drifting off already, not that I minded.Imean, I'm not greedy.I don't expect a repeat performance inside a few hours, especially not aperformance like that.Some cuddle-up talk would have been nice, though.I might even have got 'roundto Nina-confessions, but I'd have ended up talking to myself. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html"Speaking of wake-up calls& " Rousing himself briefly, he reached across to the alarm.He set it forsix-thirty, which made me wince, but twelve o'clock flights meant ten-thirty check-ins and he had to gethome, shower, change, and pack&Sliding back under the covers, he wrapped his arms around me."I'm falling asleep already," hemurmured."Lousy manners, but it's all your fault for knackering me so mercilessly.""It's all right.Go to sleep."Moments later, he had done so.I lay for a while, wondering when I'd last felt so warmly replete, so likethe cat who'd got the cream.There was a lot to be said for abstention if it was like this when you stoppedabstaining.If you'd offered me a lottery jackpot just then, and an empty bed, I'd have told you to stuff it.Millions could never buy this catlike contentment, with the man you fancied most in the universe cuddledup beside you.Certain he was asleep, I ran my fingers down over his chest and stomach.I hadn't had time toappreciate them properly before.I don't know why his mother had said rude things about "a bit of atummy." Perhaps it wasn't quite reinforced concrete, but who wanted to snuggle up to building works?I suppose I drifted off soon afterward.The next thing I knew I was suddenly finding myself awake in thedark.First I wondered where the hell I was, and when I remembered I thought I must be dreaming.ThenI knew why I'd woken up: I needed the loo.For a moment I wondered whether this was still a dream, ofthe hideous childhood kind where you dream you're dying for the loo, dream you're going with avengeance, and then wake up in a swimming pool.However, after running a reassuring hand over hischest, I thought I was safe.He was still sleeping like the dead.Easing myself from his arm, I crept to the bathroom.Annie was right;it was old-fashioned.There was a little dark patch of mold on the wall, too.Suspecting that theold-fashioned flush would make a racket and wake him up, I left it.I crept back to the bedroom; theclock said 4:53.Still starkers, I tiptoed over to the window, drew the curtain aside.There wascondensation on the pane, which didn't surprise me after all the steam we must have made, so I eased thesash half open.The room faced onto the garden.It had stopped snowing [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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