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.He felt so good.Like home.He was the only thing in this hot mess that made perfect sense.Reid moved closer, before she could open her mouth to speak, he bent down and pressed his lips to hers.A hungry kiss, like she’d never been kissed before.Or maybe had, she couldn’t remember.She matched the heat his tongue and lips created when they met with hers.Their mouths moved together in what seemed to be a never ending dance.Her heart threatened to pound out of her chest when she felt his solid need pressed against her softness.A need that surely matched her own puddling desire.Feeling starved for the man, she pulled off her shirt and went for his zipper with no shame.Her lacey bra strap slipped from her shoulder.If she didn’t have him now, she would combust.He grabbed her hand to stop her.The pained look in his eyes worried her that he wasn’t going to give her what she needed.“Not like this.I want you so much it hurts, but I want you to want me because you remember that you love me.Not just because you’re upset and want to forget.”Anger ripped through her.How dare him get her all scorching, then pull away? Couldn’t he see how much she needed this? She glared at him before grabbing her shirt from the floor and storming to the bathroom, breathing so heavy the inhale and exhale of air was loud even to her own ears.***Reid turned and punched the wall.Shit! He should have just kept his heart and brain out of it.It’s obvious she wasn’t interested in either of those parts of him anyway.He shook his hand.It wasn’t broken, but it was red and aching.He sighed and sat down on the bed.The woman really didn’t comprehend how much of a hold she had on him.Julianna walked out of the bathroom still glaring.“I’m leaving.I’m going to find Boss.I want out of all this.”Reid shook his head.“It’s not as easy as turning in a resignation.You belong to ETE 7.We both do.You need me to survive.” He should have known the deal was too sweet when he’d joined.Boss had lured him in by making him out to be some sort of hero.Told him that he’d be able to take justice into his own hands in one swift action, something mere law enforcement couldn’t accomplish.He’d always struggled to be a good man, do what was right.That was his chance and he’d taken it.She crossed her arms.“Fine.How do we unbelong?”He dragged his fingers through his hair.“We make the other members our next assignment.We have to eliminate them all.That’s the only way we’ll be free.”She nodded, not meeting his eyes.He reached out and grabbed her hand.It warmed him from the inside out.Fighting the aching need to pull her close and finish what they’d started, he let go of her.“We need to talk about what just happened.”Her face was blank.“You mean what almost happened.There’s nothing to talk about.Emotions get in the way of the job.”She was right.They were breaking rules not meant to be broken.At least not until they figured out what was going on.Chapter 5Julianna reached across the table and handed Reid a fortune cookie.He crushed the yellowish-orange shell, then read the strip of white paper aloud.If you want it… get it.Reid shrugged and smiled.He walked around the table and grabbed Julianna by her legs, lifting her up over his shoulder.Her hair hung a curtain over her face.Dizzy with laughter, the blood rushed to her head.Julianna bolted upright in bed and rubbed her eyes.Had the dream been just a dream or was it a memory? Her life was like a yard sale puzzle missing most of its pieces.Reid sat on the edge of the mattress.“Hey, sleeping beauty.You were laughing in your sleep.”She felt her face heat up.“I was?”He touched the tip of her nose as if nothing had happened between them.“Yeah, it was kind of cute.”Julianna forced herself to roll her eyes instead of smile.She wouldn’t tell him about her silly dream which is probably all it was.“Great, why were you watching me sleep?”“I wasn’t, but I did come over here when you started laughing.It was quite entertaining.”She tossed the covers aside and got up.“I’m so glad I could amuse you.” Exasperated, but also captivated with the man, she stomped into the bathroom to take a shower.As she took off her clothes she closed her eyes.She ached to feel the way she had in her dream.She wanted Reid.God help her she wanted him bad.***Reid pulled the car up to 535 Union Ave, the address they’d found inside the file from the warehouse.High-power official types lived in the area.The magnificent brick home was nestled on a lush green lawn.The back was surrounded by a six-foot iron security fence.He turned the car around and parked down the street, a dozen houses down, just to be safe.The last thing they wanted was for Boss to spot them before they could get to him.Julianna narrowed her eyes.“You really think Boss is inside?”Reid gripped the steering wheel.“Let’s go find out.” He opened the car door.Julianna’s blood pressure had to be sky high.Never did she think she would confront Boss with anything.Now that the time had come she remembered that the man was scary.And he was an expert at erasing people [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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