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."She hesitated.Were they asking her to betray her people?"I would like to help, but I cannot be a traitor.""We understand that.But you know that many men will die before this war is over.""Yes.""We want to bring it to an end as quickly as possible.That will save lives.""Yes, I see.""If we know this man's identity, then it may help us in getting him to talk to us.So far he refuses to speak."Simona nodded.The arrogance of the men of Shasht was boundless.If all they wanted was to talk to this man, then that she could do."I will help.I would do anything to stop this senseless fighting."She followed them through the corridors and staircases that filled the building.They paused outside a door two floors up.Utnapishtim pulled something out of a pocket in his robe."The battle has not been decided, but we were fortunate in capturing this man.He had this plume on his helmet."At the sight of the crushed red plume Simona shivered."It is from either a colonel or a general, but I'm not sure which.""Would you come in with us and take a look at this man? Do not fear, he will not be able to see you."For some reason her heart pounded at this thought.To see a man of her own people, after these weeks among the mots and brilbies?"Yes," she heard herself say, but fear left her trembling."Come, my dear, wear this raiment.Cover your head and hair.He will not know you."Utnapishtim handed her a cloak made of fine wool, very soft and light.The hood came over her head and she wound a flap across her face."It will only be for a moment," said Melidofulo."Do not fear.He is restrained."Utnapishtim surveyed her before opening the door."You will appear as no more than a strangely dressed mot."General Uisbank's head jerked up as the door was opened.His guards stepped forward a moment and stepped back when they saw it was the Assenzi.Uisbank was sitting on a stool with his hands bound behind his back and his ankles tied to the legs of the stool.A lantern hung directly over him, bathing him in light.Uisbank saw that the demons were back.They spoke Shashti with a lack of accent, but they spoke Shashti.He didn't know how—unless some prisoner had talked.But that was close to unimaginable.Any man taken would have preferred to die in the grace of the Great God than teach these demons Shashti.The usual pair of demons were there, accompanied by a third figure, covered head to toe in brown.God damn! The fucking monkeys wore nothing but brown wool.They were so goddamn primitive they hadn't got around to putting a little color into their clothes.Uisbank looked down at the wide beams of the polished wooden floor.Why didn't the God-damned, fornicating monkeys just kill him and get it over with!Then his head jerked up again.There was something odd about the figure in the brown robe's movement, something that spoke to him on a level below conscious thought.And a moment later he knew."Traitor!" he screamed.He tried to leap to his feet and attack, and the stool rocked violently in place.The guards moved to hold him down."Filthy, fucking traitor, the priests will have you! They will flay you alive.You will die screaming for the mercy of the Great God."Despite the priests, Uisbank was rocking the stool up and down, it fell with a crash, and he rolled back into the wall.The guards bent over him.Simona turned and stumbled out of the room, barely able to see, shaking with terror.He had seen her.He was a man of Shasht; he would always know a woman of Shasht.The priests would have her! There was no mercy in their world.His name was Uisbank, she was sure.Of the Gofft clan, and recently promoted to command of the landing army.Filek had told her that he was a complete dolt, promoted because he was completely trustworthy.She had seen him on the women's deck of the Anvil.Outside, in the hall passage, she leaned against a wall and shivered."He sensed you in some way that we do not understand," said Melidofulo stroking his tiny chin."He is a man, I am woman.That is all it took," she said bitterly."Ah," said Utnapishtim."Sexuality is an area in which we are weak.Being nonsexed ourselves it is a thing we can only guess at.However, he still does not know your identity, and he is still our prisoner and so he will remain."She felt a tiny flash of sympathy for poor Uisbank.No harder fate could she imagine for a leading warrior of Shasht.How he must long for death!CHAPTER FORTY-SEVEN"Go!" said Thru and, with little more than whispers down the line of command, they did.Once more the Assenzi had laid a spell over the scene [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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