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.12.That was not the impression of Professor Albert Burgstahler.The University of Kansaschemist was a member of the official review committee that examined Mullenix'sproposal for NIH funding for further studies.He is also the author of several scientificpapers and books on the injurious health effects of small amounts of fluoride and is a pastpresident of the International Society for Fluoride Research.Dr.Burgstahler blamed fearof a "loss of face" at the Public Health Service and among other scientists on the reviewcommittee for rejecting her research request.In a letter, July 11, 1996, Burgstahler wroteto Dr.Antonio Noronha of the NIH, "You are well aware of the enormous amount ofcontroversy and sensitivity to loss of face that surrounds the issue of the Mullenixproposal and the very upsetting character of the work she has published on the 5othanniversary of the start of fluoridation in the United States and Canada." He asked, "Ifany member of the Special Review Committee were to have given a more favorablerating to the proposal, and their names became known to those in funding-decision levelsof the USPHS.might they not risk jeopardizing further funding from the USPHS forhaving supported a proposal for research that has already revealed serious errors inUSPHS thinking and policy regarding the health hazards of current levels of fluorideexposure in the general population?" 253NOTES To CHAPTER 3 / PP.23-3113.M.Hertsgaard and P.Frazer, "Are We Brushing Aside Fluoride's Dangers?"Salon.com, February 17, 1999, http://www.salon.com/news/1999/o2/17news.html.14.Tony Volpe and Sal Mazzanobile, who had attended the fluoride toxicity meetingin Jack Hein's office, were installed as Overseers.Forsyth Dental Center brochure,undated, p.10.15.Hodge's boss, Manhattan Project Captain John L.Ferry, is the memo's author.Colonel Warren approved the request the same day and allocated a budget of $7,500.Md 3, Md 700, General Essays, Lectures, Medical Report, Box 34, Manhattan EngineerDistrict Accession #4nn 326-85-005, Atlanta FRC, RG 326.(Hodge's two-part researchproposal, however, listed as an enclosure " Outline proposed researchproject nervous effects of T and F products," is missing from the files.)At Rochester during the cold war, "The toxicology studies were very comprehensive.They were looking for toxic effects on the bone, the blood, and the nervous system.Without the Manhattan Project and the atomic bomb, we wouldn't know anywhere nearas much as we do about the physiological effects of fluoride." Interview with BobWoffinden and Mark Watts, Channel Four (UK) Transcript, 1997.Chapter 31.Family data from Danish newspaper clippings in Roholm family scrapbook, read intranslation by Roholm's daughter-in-law, Karin Roholm.Personal meeting in New York,May 2001.2.Brun was then ninety-five years old.He published a paper with Roholm on fluorideexcretion in workers' urine.Nordisk Medicin, vol.9 (1941), pp.810. 814.Also foundat: George C.Brun, H.Buchwald, and Kaj Roholm, "Die Fluorausscheidung im Harn beichronischer Fluorvergiftung von Kryoli-tharbeitern," Acta Medico Scandinavica, vol.CVI, fasc.III (1941).Citation, photocopy of paper, and several Roholm biographicaldetails provided by Donald Jerne of the Danish Library of Medicine.3.J.H.Simons, ed., Fluorine Chemistry, vol.IV (New York and London: AcademicPress, 1965), p.vii.4.Fluorine Chemistry, vol.IV, p.viii.Roholm's memberships included The Society forHealth Care, The Younger Doctors' Committee for Continuation Courses in SocializedMedicine, The Danish Association for the Prevention of Venereal Disease, aCommittee to Organize a Permanent Hygiene Exhibition, and the PharmacopeialRevision Committee.Letter to author on January 31, 2002, from Donald Jerne, medicaladviser, The Danish National Library of Science and Medicine.5.Letter from Frank J.McClure (U.S.National Institute of Dental Research) to 6.LisaBroe Christiansen (Roholm's daughter) on September 19, 1956.(Let-ter provided toauthor by daughter-in-law Karin Roholm.) 7.For history of cryolite exploitation, see K.E.Roholm, Fluorine Intoxication: A Clinical-Hygienic Study, with a Review of theLiterature and Some 254 NOTES TO CHAPTER 3 / PP.Experimental Investigation (London: H.K.Lewis and Co.Ltd., 1937) and R.K.Leavitt,"Prologue to Tomorrow: A History of the First Hundred Years in the Life of thePennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company" (The Pennsylvania Salt Company, 1950).The Danish state owned the Greenland cryolite.There were only two buyers, theOresund Chemical Works of Copenhagen and the Pennsylvania Salt Company ofPhiladelphia, who held a valuable monopoly for Danish cryolite in the United States andCanada.7.P.F.Moller and Sk.V.Gudjonsson, "Massive Fluorosis of Bones and Liga-ments," Acta radio, vol.13 (1932), p.269.8.Kaj Roholm, Fluorine Intoxication, pp.192 and 205.9.Ibid., pp.150, 202, 143, and fig 26.to.Ibid., pp.142-143, and 178.The U.S.nuclear worker Joe Harding, who suffered fromfluoride poisoning, might have recognized this kind of skeletal poisoning; bonyoutgrowths covered Harding's palms and feet.No American doctor diagnosed these bonyoutgrowths as a symptom of fluorine intoxication, despite Harding's work in the fluoridegaseous diffusion plant.See chapter 18.See also Joe Harding interview:In 1970, I also began noticing and developing something else that was veryunusual and new.I had always had perfectly normal and good fingernails andtoenails and never any trouble with them.But, along during the summer and fallof 1970, I got some sore places on the balls of my thumb tips and fingertips,where your fingerprints are, that felt like I had maybe stuck a thorn or a splinterreal down deep into them.When I would rub my other finger over it, I could feelit way down in there, but yet I couldn't see anything.These kept getting a littlemore sore, and finally, when the soreness got up near enough to the surface, Ikind of dug in.I found something kind of like a piece of fingernail stickingthrough there.This was very, very painful.I would trim it off back just about asdeep as I could reach.It would come back again.It really didn't dawn on me forsure just what this might be at first.But, it didn't take too long till I began torealize that from over on the other side, near the base of my regular fingernails, Iwas growing fingernails straight through my fingers and coming out on thewrong side.This was pretty painful.I had these on my thumbs and three or fourof my fingers [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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