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.“I'm not cold Daddy,” Karl said with a cheeky grin on his face.“It is warm water, it is too warm.I need to get out.”“Nice try,” laughed Johanna.“You are not clean yet.Later when Greta took Karl into the bedroom to read him his bedtime story Johanna took Wilhelm aside for a little heart to heart.“Wilhelm you need to do something about Karl.You need to get him out of Slovakia as soon as possible,” she implored him.“I know Johanna.I am working on it,” he replied.“I had a word with your wife today and she knows it will be difficult for you three wherever you go.People are either on Hitler’s side or against him.The way he is acting, the countries that are against him might end up being invaded.I don't think there are any completely safe options for you,” she said resigned.“I know.I am trying to figure out what to do.”“Greta says you are trying to get forged passports for her.I hope you understand that together you are never going to be safe anywhere in his sphere of influence.Even your party membership won't help you,” she said.“The German Sudeten Party is not a Nazi party!” Wilhelm insisted.“Not yet, but where else do you think he will recruit his helpers from? They will all be supporting the Nazis if they know what is good for them but whatever future you have, she will always be a liability,” Johanna said with emphasis.“Don't you think I know that?” he asked.“I have been over the options many times and I am not sure if anywhere but America will do for us.”“Oh my, that is a long way.You won't be coming back from there.We'll never see you again.Why settle there?” she asked.“Because from what I hear, they have had civil rights for the Jews since the founding days and also because it is so far away.If anywhere is safe from Hitler these days it is across the Atlantic,” he replied.“Do they give out visas?”“They do, but that is very difficult and expensive, as would be the journey.I am already spending a lot on the passports.”“Who is arranging those for you?” she asked.“A communist who used to come to the book shop.We know a lot about people by the kind of books they buy.Now that the politics are turning so anti-communist, he has helped to get some of his comrades out of the country.It is expensive though,” he said.“Couldn't her family fork out some money for her passport? They are Jews, they must have more money salted away than they let on,” Johanna said.“I think so, but they will need their money for themselves.They too are refugees in the making.I don't want to involve her family.Jonah and Wilma don't want to be separated from Greta and Karl.They probably will want to go wherever we are going, so they will be the last people on earth I am going to talk about my plans with,” he explained.“Those Jews are a bloody pain in your neck,” Johanna swore.“Listen Wilhelm, wouldn't it be much easier if you just took care of Karl?”“How do you mean?” he asked.“If you left her,” Johanna suggested.“Just leave with Karl for Germany where she can't follow.”“That is absurd!” Wilhelm exclaimed.“How could I take him to Germany when he is half Jewish?”“He is only a boy.There are ways of fixing him up with the right connections.If you can get him to Berlin on a fake passport you can make further arrangements there.I have heard there are ways,” she said knowingly.“What ways?” Wilhelm asked.“There are forgers in Berlin too,” Johanna explained.“New identities can be provided for children.I don't know, declare him the son of a deported communist and then adopt him.There are people who are experts in these things.Your son is not the only half Jew in Germany but he has the advantage of being born outside of Germany so fewer questions will be asked.Nobody would expect you to bring a Jewish child into Germany.You would have to be mad to do so.What is more, he does not deserve to be treated as a Jew.He has done nothing wrong and he looks nothing like them.”“Maybe you are on to something,” Wilhelm admitted.“What would I do about Greta?”“Nothing.Leave her here with us.She should not travel while pregnant anyway.We will look after her.If she knows what is good for her son she will not make any trouble.She is a sensible woman and I will talk sense into her if needed,” Johanna promised.“I would put her in great danger here,” Wilhelm pointed out.“Karl and I would be of leaving because we all mistrust the future in Slovakia.”“We all agree that it is out of the question for her to come to Germany with you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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