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.If you work this neatly, it seems, my dear, we have had our sights set too low.”“A mistake I am going to remedy immediately.” Bart listened to her with only half an ear as his gaze swept up her lush body.His mind was slowly shutting down, his lust growing to uncontrollable proportions as the wench worked her magic on him.He should have been immune to her charms after using her for years but his carnal appetite for the delights of her willing flesh took control of him and he was barely able to continue the conversation.“I never leave things unattended, my sweet.I find if you do so, you will be sorry later,” he said.He eyed her with burning lust and flexed his hands as he watched her pose and preen before him.She walked sensually across the distance that separated them, swaying her hips suggestively until she was within his reach.“Is that so?” she asked in a low, hoarse whisper, one hand slithering down his torso, the other finding its way up his thigh to grasp and fondle his thickening cock.With a guttural growl he grabbed a handful of her hair and dragged her to her knees.He thrust the blunt head of his cock against her lips.“Open for me.Now.”Her pink tongue swept out and over her lips, wetting them before she licked the tip of his cock, wrapping her tongue around the swollen head and then taking him deep.She looked up at him but he avoided her gaze and threw his head back with a groan, forcing her to take more of him.She sucked his cock, licking it as she stoked her hands up and down the length of him.When he could stand no more he pulled back, lifted her to her feet and pushed her toward the bed.She landed on her back and he flipped her onto her stomach.He ran his fingers over the tender flesh between her thighs, finding her wet and ready.With a grunt of satisfaction he thrust his cock deep into her welcoming heat and took her hard and fast, temporarily forgetting all his scheming for a few moments of bliss.* * * * *Alexander sat astride Caesar as Augusta, on the small mare he had saddled for her to ride, followed him down the narrow path that led to the seashore.He had decided to give her an outing to cool her temper and his.The incident with his uncle had nearly pushed his anger to its limits when he had sequestered her in their chambers.Only a good two hours of hard training cooled his rage.He had finally returned to his chambers to tell her he had a surprise for her at the stables.He found her sitting miserably at the window, her eyes red from weeping.Without giving her time to say nay he had dragged her down to the stables and presented her to the small mare.When he told her the horse was a gift, she had thrown her arms about his neck and kissed his cheek.“Thank you.” She’d whispered in his ear before she stepped back and turned to run her hands over the neck of the mare.“You lovely thing.Just look at you,” she crooned.”“Her name is Sera.I bought her to breed with Caesar.They will make good stock.”“I hope Caesar is gentle with her.” It was a statement that had barely hidden significance.He knew she wasn’t happy with their handfasting but neither was she opposed to his lovemaking.She welcomed his embraces and kisses with a warmth that left him believing that with time she might even come to care greatly for him.He looked forward to awakening her passions.She was a beautiful, passionate woman and he meant to keep her and wed her.“Oh it is beautiful here.Look! Look! Are those seals out on the rocks?”He smiled at her pleasure in finding the creatures he loved to watch whenever he had time to spend just wandering the length and breadth of the seashore.“Aye, my selkie.Perhaps they come looking for their lost kin,” he teased her.He remembered the wee lass he had once found sunning herself on the rocks with her long dark curls whipping about her in the strong sea breeze.Carefully making their way through the rocks, they finally reached the shore.With a wild yell he kicked Caesar into a hard gallop down the beach.He glanced back to find Gusty following him, her hair flowing wildly over her shoulders as she kicked the mare to keep up.Her scream of delight was lost in the wind as they rode for a distance before pulling up.Alexander dismounted first.He moved to Gusty’s side and she smiled down at him, her cheeks pink with exertion, her lips tempting his greatly.He reached up and grasped her about the waist and lifted her into his arms.With a slow, deliberate motion he let her slide down the length of his body until her feet touched the ground.The feel of her luscious curves under his hands had his body hard and needy instantly.Her gasp let him know she was just as affected by the intimate contact.He lowered his head and his mouth covered hers in a sweet exploration of lips [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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