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.He touched her clit as her nipple leapt and trembled in response to the voltage, and her flesh under the electrodes crawled.“Too much,” she gasped.Then gasped again when he pinched her clit tightly.“That? You think that is too much? It is not enough,” he declared, a look of disapproval on his face.“You open your mouth only to complain about nothing.You learn too slowly.” He cruelly twisted her clit.The pleasure spiked, on waves of electricity.Then he released her.He cut the power with the button on the black box, ripped her electrodes off…then grinned as he let her see him grasp the wire to the clamp on her nipple.“Ready? Brace yourself.” She clenched every muscle in her body, but it didn’t help her against the sudden searing pain of Mage yanking the clamp off her nipple.She shouted.It hurt.Craning her neck, she looked down to make sure her nipple hadn’t been ripped off, too.Then looked up into Mage’s bright eyes.The man was obviously in his element as he closed in on her once more.She cringed, but he only massaged the hurt out of her nipple.Then he nodded, his hand sliding up to encircle her throat.He blinked, long and savoring, as his fingers sunk into her flesh.With his other hand, he adjusted a bit of his rope, meticulous.Repairing a diamond shape to make his design more attractive, she knew, and shivered with a fear heavily flavored with lust and adrenaline.What would he do next?She didn’t have long to wait.“Guess where this is going?” Mage held the jelly-covered steel dildo before her.Her eyes widened, and he smiled at her reaction.His hand moved from adjusting the rope, to sliding down her body.He tapped the indentation where her labia met inner thigh.“Not here.” He slid his hand, smooth, relentless, up and over to her other inner thigh.Tapped.“Not here, either.” He stared into her eyes, clearly savoring her fear.She shook her head.Her emotions surged—the fear he enjoyed, but also lust, helplessness, other emotions she couldn’t name—and to her amazement, she felt tears filling her eyes.She wriggled against her bonds.She tried desperately to close her legs.If the electricity did that to her nipple, what would an electrified probe inside her feel like?A wild desire to find out warred with her sensible plan to stop Mage.Now.All she had to do was speak up.“Don’t.Please.” She begged him, knowing her words were sincere even as she knew they only egged him on.He wanted to hear her begging.He liked it.Her tears visibly got him off.So why did her voice tremble, and her body shake with fear, when all she had to do was say “red” and everything would stop? There was something wrong with her, she thought, even as the tears spilled over to trickle down her cheeks.Something had to be wrong with a person who could revel in such treatment.“Are you ready? Here it comes.” Mage moved the probe between her legs.She lunged away, shaking her head in an ecstasy of terror, frustration at her captivity, and a delicious sinking sensation of pleasure.There was no escape.“No!” She wriggled frantically, but only succeeded in making the ropes pinch her.Ignoring her struggles, Mage started to push the wet probe into her.After a moment he exhaled with frustration.“Be still.” Then, “All this flinging about.I will make it that much harder on you.” With a cruel grip, he pinioned one of her legs, then shoved the probe hard up between them.She let out a cry of defeat as she felt the coldness of metal lodged firmly inside.He was still moving something between her legs.More rope? She was already tied so elaborately she could barely move, her arms and legs too open for comfort.When he cinched the knot, she felt the rope tighten and ride up into her slit to nudge the bottom of the probe.She understood, then.He merely secured his toy inside her.Possibly against more expected “flinging about.”The coldness inside seemed to radiate threat.She tried to dislodge it, but failed entirely.In shocking contrast to the cold intrusion, Mage stroked her nipples with warm, clever fingers [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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